


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……





汉语拼音:fēn mén bié lèi








  • 【解释】:分、别:分辨、区别;门:一般事物的分类;类:许多相似或相同事物的综合。把一些事物按照特性和特征分别归入各种门类。
  • 【出自】:清·梁章钜《浪迹丛谈·叶天士遗事》:“生平不事著述,今惟存《临证指南医案》十卷,亦其门人取其方药治验,分门别类,集为一书。”
  • 【示例】:我只要现在的时务书,~的便好。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、状语;指按事物性质分类


  1. It's easy to grasp the meaning of a vocabulary, if you study the classified vocabularies with the pictures.


  2. Ultimately, Mr Galgut's South Africa is no simple, fresh Eden, but a country as layered and complex as any of its inhabitants.


  3. It disaggregated so that the characters in an orderly space, a growing number of colors and styles into a bathroom visual points.


  4. For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it.


  5. WebOS, with its intuitive gestures and card-stacking organizational system, seems perfectly suited to a tablet.


  6. But we're not trying to squeeze individuals into categories.


  7. You should also be patient with your husband when he's performing tasks that require sorting through details.


  8. He is always learning things, understanding already that his mind must work on many levels.


  9. He had been curious to know things, and whatever he acquired he had filed away in separate memory compartments in his brain.


  1. 分门别类经营

    to departmentize the business.

  2. 把事物分门别类

    to distinguish things into classes

  3. 把邮票分门别类

    to distinguish stamps into classes

  4. 被分门别类的一群事物。

    the grouping of things by classes or categories.

  5. 我们很难把乳酪分门别类。

    Cheese is hard to classify.

  6. 我很喜欢将牌子分门别类。

    I love to categorize the brands.

  7. 我们可以把细胞分门别类成两种。

    We can group the cells into two sorts.

  8. 请把这些书分门别类地进行整理。

    Place these books in categories, please.

  9. 分门别类的划分到阶级或类别中的

    Arranged in classes or categories.

  10. 图书馆和书店的书是分门别类摆放的。

    Books are placed in categories in libraries and bookstores.

  11. 这些文件在本周末前需要进行分门别类。

    The files have to be sorted out at the end of this week.

  12. 这些文件在本周末前需要进行分门别类。

    The files have to be sorted out at the end of this week.

  13. 档案室的文卷是分门别类放置的,方便查找。

    The reference files in the archives are all well classified to make it eaiser to look things up.

  14. 档案室的文卷是分门别类放置的,方便查找。

    The reference files in the archives are all well classified to make it eaiser to look things up.

  15. 现在,它们根据其生化特性而被分门别类。

    They are now classified on the basis of biochemical characteristics.

  16. 现在,它们根据其生化特性而被分门别类。

    They are now classified on the basis of biochemical characteristics.

  17. 分门别类的总结了痰病的病因和发病机制。

    The cause and pathogenesis of phlegm disease are summarized and classified.

  18. 对于其他领域,我们无分门别类的数据。

    We do not have disaggregated data for the other areas.

  19. 这些书将会被分门别类的放到不同的区域。

    The books will be digested and placed in relevant sections.

  20. 他们把保险箱内的东西分门别类,开始一一过目。

    They divided the materials from the box and began looking through them.

  21. 适用于生产线上零配件分门别类存放,一目了解。

    Spare parts for different categories stored on the production line, a project to understand.

  22. 每周,我把它们分门别类整理到这个分类盒子里。

    Every week, I sort them into this sorter.

  23. 但是教育的责任不仅在于把头脑分门别类武装起来

    but there is more to education than the segmental equipping of the mind.

  24. 出口种质的程序因此也应当详细精确地分门别类。

    The procedure of exporting germplasm should, therefore, be specific to the species.

  25. 将最常用词汇, 分门别类, 看图识字, 更容易掌握词义。

    Its easy to grasp the meaning of a vocabulary, if you study the classified vocabularies with the pictures.

  26. 该寺各殿壁画, 分门别类, 绚丽多彩, 有较高得艺术价值。

    Monastery of the Temple mural division, colorful and high artistic value.

  27. 有些动物与别不同, 确实别具一格, 而且很难给他们分门别类。

    Some animals really stand out from the rest and are hard to classify.

  28. 第四点给我留下深刻印象得是游戏中分门别类得教练。

    The fourth element to impress me within the game are specific coaches.

  29. 第四点给我留下深刻印象的是游戏中分门别类的教练。

    The fourth element to impress me within the game are specific coaches.

  30. 这对那些 急于把自己分门别类的人来说并不是改革

    This is not a movement for those people that are going to sort themselves out anyway.


  1. 问:分门别类拼音怎么拼?分门别类的读音是什么?分门别类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分门别类的读音是fēnménbiélèi,分门别类翻译成英文是 categorize


