


1. 溅 [jiàn]2. 溅 [jiān]溅 [jiàn]液体受冲击向四外飞射:水花飞~。溅 [jiān]见“浅2”。……





汉语拼音:jiàn shuǐ








  1. For almost an hour, I watched enthralled while four young males and two older females splashed around like kids in a backyard swimming pool.


  2. This machine can not be placed where there is water or dripping, splashing water, do not place objects containing liquids on the body.


  3. Tall grass, seaweed adrift in tubs, ripe papaya, the splash of a fish jumping.


  4. Performers splash water during the opening ceremony celebrations of the inaugural Youth Olympic Games Saturday Aug. 14, 2010 in Singapore.


  5. As soon as it begins to get cold in the fall you can hear a bustle and rustle in the trees and honking and splashing in lakes.


  6. They sat upright and began slapping the water with their front legs and splashing themselves.


  7. We muffled the oars to stop them splashing noisily.


  8. Spores are formed inside fruiting bodies, and come out at opening and spread by wind, insects, water splash.


  9. The little boys were splashing in the puddles.


  1. 泄洪溅水雾化

    discharge splashing atomization.

  2. 溅水盘式喷头

    deflector type sprinkler

  3. 使飞溅使四处飞溅溅水

    To spatter about splash.

  4. 这个水龙头会溅水。

    This tap splashes.

  5. 用手在水里溅水

    splashed their hands in the water.

  6. 随机溅水数值模型

    stochastic splash numerical model

  7. 婴儿喜欢在浴缸中溅水。

    The baby likes to splash in the bath.

  8. 我不得不在雨中溅水而过。

    I had to slop through the rain.

  9. 一只鸟儿正在喷泉中溅水。

    A bird is splashing in the fountain.

  10. 看那只在河里溅水得河马。

    Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.

  11. 看那只在河里溅水的河马。

    Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.

  12. 她和旅行者一起到河里去溅水, 玩耍。

    She and Traveler went to the river to splash and play together.

  13. 为什么有些小孩喜爱在泥坑里溅水玩呢

    Why do some children love slopping around in puddles

  14. 把水溅出了水池

    to splash the water out of the pool

  15. 狗把水溅到四周。

    The dog splashed water about.

  16. 花瓶突然堕落下来,水溅到了桌子上。

    The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table.

  17. 溅着水通过

    splash through.

  18. 一个浪头打来, 把水溅到小船上。

    The wave showered the boat with spray.

  19. 我溅着水穿过街道。

    I splashed my way through the streets.

  20. 我溅着水穿过街道。

    I splashed my way through the streets.

  21. 在水坑中溅着水来回游荡

    slosh about in a puddle

  22. 他们在大暴雨中溅着水通过公园。

    They splashed the way across the park during the heavy rainstorm.

  23. 他们在大暴雨中溅着水通过公园。

    They splashed the way across the park during the heavy rainstorm.

  24. 在浴缸里快活地溅着水玩的孩子。

    children happily splashing about in the bath

  25. 我溅了一身水。

    I spattered with water.

  26. 她擦去溅出的水。

    She wipeed up the spilt water.

  27. 这猫浑身溅满了水。

    The cat is splashed with water.

  28. 沿船舷上缘挡住两边溅起的水的板子。

    A broad plank along a gunwale to keep water from splashing over the side.

  29. 挡住溅起的水或泥等的一种防护板。

    A panel to protect people from splashing water or mud etc..

  30. 水正溅到甲板上。

    The water was splashing over the deck.


  1. 问:溅水拼音怎么拼?溅水的读音是什么?溅水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水的读音是jiànshuǐ,溅水翻译成英文是 splashing

  2. 问:溅水声拼音怎么拼?溅水声的读音是什么?溅水声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水声的读音是jiàn shuǐ shēng,溅水声翻译成英文是 splash

  3. 问:溅水填料拼音怎么拼?溅水填料的读音是什么?溅水填料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水填料的读音是jiàn shuǐ tián liào,溅水填料翻译成英文是 splash packing

  4. 问:溅水灯鱼拼音怎么拼?溅水灯鱼的读音是什么?溅水灯鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水灯鱼的读音是jiànshuǐdēngyú,溅水灯鱼翻译成英文是 Splashing Tetra; Copella arnoldi

  5. 问:溅水盘式喷头拼音怎么拼?溅水盘式喷头的读音是什么?溅水盘式喷头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水盘式喷头的读音是jiàn shuǐ pán shì pēn tóu,溅水盘式喷头翻译成英文是 deflector type sprinkler

  6. 问:溅水膜式填料拼音怎么拼?溅水膜式填料的读音是什么?溅水膜式填料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溅水膜式填料的读音是jiàn shuǐ mó shì tián liào,溅水膜式填料翻译成英文是 splash film packing



溅水 jiànshuǐ [paddle]相互浇水或轻轻玩水 看孩子们在雨水坑里溅水嬉戏