如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……
汉语拼音:chōng jì
Conclusion: The method has a simple manufacture, good reproducibility, can be used to control the quality of these drugs.
结论:本法操作简单,重现性好,可用于玉液消渴冲剂质量控制。Herbal teas, or infusions, are best used for herbs whose ingredients are water-soluble or where precise dosage is relatively unimportant.
草本茶叶,或冲剂,因为他的成分是水溶性,而且精确的使用剂量对其并不是那么重要,所以用作草药是最适合的。Girlfriend caught a cold, wouldn't take the medicine, I only bought medicine granules for her.
女朋友小感冒,不愿意吃药,我只能帮她买点冲剂了。In low dose group of Majie Granule also membrana pituitosa congested slightly, and a few inflammatory cells were infiltrating.
麻芥冲剂低剂量组鼻黏膜轻度充血,有少量炎细胞浸润;lakeview comprises a farm , agricultural research centre , concentrate production facility and powder - drink manufacturing complex.
湖景镇内设有农田、农业研究中心、浓缩素生产线及饮品冲剂生产厂房,同时备有科研及农务专家。It can protect the mice from the EHF virus infection. The results showed that this drug have anti EHF virus activity.
结果显示,锦荔枝清解冲剂能抑制病毒在动物体内生长,对感染病毒的幼鼠有保护作用。Particle producing in pharmaceutical industry: Particles for tablets, instant soluble medicine and capsules.
制药工业中的造粒:片剂颗粒、冲剂颗粒、胶囊剂颗粒。Clinical Observation of Intrauterine Growth Retardation of Fetus Treated Mainly by "Granule for pregnancy Hypertension"
“妊高冲剂”为主治疗胎儿宫内生长迟缓疗效观察This pianist and avid Rollerblader has advertised heavily during the recession to keep sales of macaroni and cheese and Kool-Aid flowing.