







汉语拼音:liáng jiǔ








  1. 很久。

    《战国策·燕策三》:“左右既前斩 荆軻 , 秦王 目眩良久。” 唐 方干 《题龙泉寺绝顶》诗:“未明先见海底日,良久远鸡方报晨。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八七回:“少奶奶良久收了眼泪,仍是默默无言。” 郑振铎 《山中杂记·蝉和纺织娘》:“良久,清梦醒来时,却又是满耳的蝉声。”



  1. I understand how disappointed you were when you heard that the gift cannot be completed. Especially after the long - run preparing time.

  2. When he had gazed long enough he knew that it would be a profitable day.

  3. He will cover me in his lips hand ripped, funny looked me up and down for a long time before said: " continued to make? "

  4. Sometimes I lie still a long time, looking at the dog as earnestly as the dog looks at me -- I always leave the light going.

  5. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by IT noises.

  6. When the leveling instrument came, he set up the tripod skillfully and looked around through the meter for a long time.

  7. "The trouble with living so long, " he said, after the longest pause yet, "is that all your contemporaries die first. "

  8. well balanced variety with a good structure and sweet tannins. It has an optimum persistence. It tastes like green pepper.

  9. Meanwhile, if you've not managed to stare at a stranger long enough to clinch a date by Valentine's Day, don't despair.


  1. 我在那里伫立良久。

    I was standing there for a long time.

  2. 沉思良久,他放弃了。

    At last, he thought for a while,gave it up.

  3. 劝说良久, 终无效果。

    My long persuasion failed to yield any result.

  4. 劝说良久,终无效果。

    My long persuasion failed to yield any result.

  5. 厄塔森缄默良久。

    Utterson ruminated a while.

  6. 她就这个问题深思良久。

    She pondered long and deeply over the matter.

  7. 风平浪静地在那里独居良久。

    Of those calm solitudes is there.

  8. 约翰对玛丽的争辩沉思良久。

    John reflected long over Mary's argument.

  9. 他拿着这件古董,谛视良久。

    He held this antique in hand and gazed at it for a long time.

  10. 他拿着这件古董,谛视良久。

    He held this antique in hand and gazed at it for a long time.

  11. 思考良久之后, 他决定当理发师。

    After thinking for a long time, he decided to become a barber.

  12. 他的照片无不令我们凝眸良久。

    His photographs keep us looking.

  13. 约翰对玛丽的争辩沈思良久。

    John reflected long over Marys argument.

  14. 我苦思良久想记起他得名字。

    I searched my memory for his name.

  15. 我苦思良久想记起他的名字。

    I searched my memory for his name.

  16. 他们二人对视良久,一言不发。

    The two gazed at each other for a long time, without saying a word.

  17. 他们二人对视良久,一言不发。

    The two gazed at each other for a long time, without saying a word.

  18. 而他无任何保护措施却坚持良久。

    He did that a few times without any protection.

  19. 沉思良久之后,他忽然文思泉涌,奋笔疾书。

    After thinking for a long time, he was suddenly inspired and wrote smoothly.

  20. 沉思良久之后,他忽然文思泉涌,奋笔疾书。

    After thinking for a long time, he was suddenly inspired and wrote smoothly.

  21. 丈夫大量妻子良久, 也开始写了起来。

    The husband took a long the wife and he too started to write.

  22. 他驻足良久,微笑地看着这一幕。

    He halted to watch these for a while with a smile on his face.

  23. 过了良久我才见到这些漫笔的作者。

    It was a long time before I met the author of the notes.

  24. 我苦思良久, 仍然记不起那人的名字。

    I've searched my memory, but can't remember that man's name.

  25. 我苦思良久,仍然记不起那人得名字。

    I've searched my memory, but can't remember that man's name.

  26. 犹豫良久后我选了第一排靠边的座位。

    After much hesitation I chose a seat in the first row and to the side.

  27. 看着点单, 犹豫良久, 还是放弃了憧憬中的。

    Scanning at the menu, hesitated on and on, I gave up my dreaming.

  28. 凝视良久之后, 他知道今天将会很有收获。

    When he had gazed long enough he knew that it would be a profitable day.

  29. 我苦思良久,但仍旧记不起那个人的名字。

    I have searched my memory but can't remember that man's name.

  30. 我苦思良久,但仍旧记不起那个人得名字。

    I have searched my memory but can't remember that man's name.


  1. 问:良久拼音怎么拼?良久的读音是什么?良久翻译成英文是什么?

    答:良久的读音是liángjiǔ,良久翻译成英文是 a long time


