


1. 著 [zhù]2. 著 [zhuó]3. 著 [zhe]著 [zhù]显明,显出:~名。~称。显~。昭~。卓~。写文章,写书:~述。编~。~书立说。写作出来的书或文章:名~。巨~。遗~。译~。~作。古同“贮”,居积。著 [zhuó]附……


1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:zhù chēng







  1. As a midfield player he is famous for his accuracy when taking penalty kicks, and for his brilliant passing of the ball.


  2. Even Hillary Clinton, not usually known for her reticence, was said to have been quiet on human rights, Taiwan and Tibet.


  3. But while widely known as indefatigable, Mr Cayne is something of a rarity in the world of Wall Street workaholics.


  4. The cuisine here has always been rich: plenty of butter and cheese, often with a helping of french fries on the side.


  5. StarCraft has almost always been known for its easy to understand gameplay and mechanics.


  6. It has always been known as a fishing port and a commercial town.


  7. Staveley may be celebrated in the British media for her dealmaking prowess but I've heard more critical talk back in her adopted hometown.


  8. Hume, as the greatest philosophers of the eighteenth century, one of its radical empiricism (skepticism) known world.


  9. Unfortunately, his words did not seem to percolate through their bureaucracy with customary efficiency.


  1. 以勤劳著称

    distinguished for diligence.

  2. 以勇敢著称

    Be remarkaBle for ones Bravery.

  3. 她以善心著称。

    She is noted for her charity.

  4. 他以坦率著称。

    He is known for his frankness.

  5. 他以机智著称。

    He is remarkable for his wits.

  6. 以极其安全著称

    famous for extraordinary safety

  7. 他以神枪手著称。

    He is noted as a marksman.

  8. 以风景优美著称

    be celebrated for its scenic beauty

  9. 罗马以喷泉著称。

    Rome is famous for its fountains.

  10. 以温泉胜地著称。

    Celebrated as a hot spring resort.

  11. 川菜以麻辣著称。

    Sichuan Food is famous for being hot and spicy.

  12. 因某事而著称

    to be notable for something

  13. 埃及以金字塔著称。

    Egypt is famous for its pyramids.

  14. 埃及以金字塔著称。

    Egypt is famous for its pyramids.

  15. 哈尔滨以冰灯著称。

    Harbin has a name for ice lantern.

  16. 她以美丽而著称。

    She is known for her beauty.

  17. 他以坦率而著称。

    He was known for his frankness.

  18. 她以新观点著称。

    She is known for her unconventional views.

  19. 它是以涮羊肉著称。

    It's famous for Shuan Yang rou.

  20. 哈尔滨以冰城著称。

    Harbin is known as an Ice City.

  21. 他以勇猛著称。

    He has an excellent character for bravery.

  22. 这公园以池塘著称。

    The park is famed for its ponds.

  23. 他以演技精湛著称。

    He is famous for his fine acting.

  24. 四川烹饪以辣著称。

    Sichuan cooking is noted for its hot food.

  25. 他以治学严谨著称。

    He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

  26. 他以其幽默感著称。

    He is distinguished for his sense of humor.

  27. 那个学校以棒球著称。

    That school is prominent in baseball.

  28. 他以行军神出鬼没著称。

    He was famous for the swiftness of his movements.

  29. 他以言词简洁著称。

    He is famous for the brevity of his speeches.

  30. 以技巧著称的钢琴家

    a pianist famous for his virtuosity


  1. 问:著称拼音怎么拼?著称的读音是什么?著称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:著称的读音是zhùchēng,著称翻译成英文是 be famous




【读音】zhù chēng


【出处】《后汉书·窦武传》:“ 武少以经行著称,常教授於大泽中,不交时事,名显关西。”《新唐书·王璠传》:“仪宇峻整,著称于时。”

【示例】清·俞樾《茶香室续钞·麻沙》:“然则宋时麻沙版之著称,特以其多耳,非为精美也。”清 田兰芳《云南楚雄府通判袁公墓志铭》:“公(袁可立孙袁赋诚)生于华膴,酣习富贵者久,疑当娇侈脆惰,不任淡泊劳瘁。乃服官所至,皆以清约勤敏著称。” 毛泽东《中国革命和中国共产党》第一章第一节:“中华民族不但以刻苦耐劳著称于世,同时又是酷爱自由、富于革命传统的民族。”