







汉语拼音:bīng fǎ







  1. 用兵作战的策略和方法。

    《战国策·秦策一》:“以大王之贤,士民之众,车骑之用,兵法之教,可以并诸侯,吞天下,称帝而治。”《孙子·形》:“兵法:一曰度,二曰量,三曰数,四曰称,五曰胜。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第七章一:“这是我们的传统兵法--‘水淹六军’。”

  2. 兵书。

    《汉书·艺文志》:“ 汉 兴, 张良 、 韩信 序次兵法,凡百八十二家,删取要用,定著三十五家。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·诗文一·山农刺时》:“﹝ 王冕 ﹞少明经不偶,即焚书读古兵法。”特指《孙子》。 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪三》:“军正 閎 、长史 安 曰:‘不然。《兵法》:“小敌之坚,大敌擒也。” 建 以数千当单于数万,力战百餘,士尽死,无二心。自归而斩之,是示后人无返意也。’”



  1. Along with a crane-feather fan, he carries with him a copy of China's most famous military strategy text, Sun Tzu's "Art of War. "


  2. However, it was propagated to Europe and the United States much later. There was not an English version until the early 20th century.


  3. One of them, Qin Qiong, lives on not just as a door god but as a patron saint of Chinese military strategy.


  4. Thename of their executioner is one you might have heard - Sun Tzu, warrior, philosopher and creator of the art of war.


  5. I agree with me a students'speaking strategy, but do I have to read the art of war ", reading of the three kingdoms" , lyrics.


  6. In fact, in the "Art of War" often have to "run counter to" the classic application of the simplest "of city" is an opposite case.


  7. If Chairman Mao hasn't read the strategy of was, would he be able to lead the Red Army to break through numerous of dangers?


  8. He was erudite and good at schemes and art of war. He used to command such famous battles in history as the "Battle of Chibi" .


  9. The philosophical idea in Military Science of Sun Tzu is of great referential significance for talent superintendence .


  1. 兵法巧妙。

    Military tactics are skillful.

  2. 抽彩征兵法

    military draft lottery.

  3. 精于兵法的将军

    a general of great tactical skill

  4. 孙子兵法中的太极思想

    Sun Tzu The Art Of War and Taiji Philosophy

  5. 企业经营中的兵法思维

    Thinking of the Art of War in enterprises managing

  6. 孙子兵法的博弈论分析

    Analysis of the Game Theory of Military Science of Sun Tzu

  7. 看来你还挺懂兵法的嘛。

    You seem to quite understand warfare.

  8. 我想他是在引用孙子兵法。

    I think he was quoting sun tzu.

  9. 我知道孙武写了孙子兵法。

    I know Sun Wu wrote the Art of War.

  10. 我敬佩那位精通兵法的将军。

    I admired the general who was a master of strategy.

  11. 孙子兵法的哲理性及其应用价值

    Philosophy in Military Science of Sun Tzu and Its Value in Practice

  12. 把这称作他的德里兵法吧。

    Call it his Delhi gambit.

  13. 孙子于6世纪将孙子兵法编写在竹简上。

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu was composed on a bamboo slip in the 6th century.

  14. 孙子兵法的核心思想强调以谋略取胜。

    The Art of War emphasizes the importance of strategy to win a war.

  15. 孙子兵法与企业经营管理研究30年巡礼

    Military Science of Sun Tzu and Thirty Year Research on Enterprise Operation and Management

  16. 它与孙子兵法可称为军事理论的双璧。

    It, as well as Military Science of Sun Tzu, is regarded as the great one in military theory.

  17. 长孙晟不仅熟悉兵法,还擅长骑马,射箭。

    He was not only versed in the art of war but was also good at riding horses and shooting arrows.

  18. 从古代兵法探讨武术技击的若干问题

    Discussion on some questions about the attacking skill in Wushu from the ancient military strategy and tactics

  19. 孙子兵法是孙武的一部重要军事著作。

    The Art of War is an important military affairs work by Sun Wu.

  20. 治学严谨的兵法专家们一直在研究未来战争。

    Serious students of the art of war have been studying the future wars.

  21. 孙子兵法是一部饮誉世界的兵学圣典。

    Shi, is a drink praise tsu of the world.

  22. 孙子兵法与战争论军事思想体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Ideology between Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  23. 那就是游戏中的破坏家 我们也读孙子兵法

    The saboteur is there, and we also read from Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

  24. 甚至连她妹妹也开始引用孙子兵法中的句子。

    Even his sister begins quoting the ancient general.

  25. 孙膑因此名扬天下,世人皆传习他的兵法。

    Therefore, the bin kn Sue his art is.

  26. 它甚至让我想起孙子兵法和战争的艺术。

    It goes back to Sun Tzu and The Art of War.

  27. 孙子兵法在经济领域中应用的历史性跨越

    Historical Leap in the Application of Military Science of Sun Tzu in Economic Field

  28. 第一部分,介绍孙武及孙子兵法的成书过程。

    In the first part, the author Sun Wu and the formation of this book are introduced.

  29. 孙子兵法高超的结构艺术与其思想内容相得益彰。

    The superb structural art and thought content of The Art of War bring out the best in each other.

  30. 孙子兵法不愧为齐文化王冠上的一颗明珠。

    Military Science of Sun Tzu is indeed a pearl in the crown of culture.


  1. 问:兵法拼音怎么拼?兵法的读音是什么?兵法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兵法的读音是bīngfǎ,兵法翻译成英文是 military tactics


