


和顺,(说话)曲折含蓄:~顺。~转(zhuǎn )(亦作“宛转”)。委~。~辞。美好,柔美:~丽。~约。……


1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……



汉语拼音:wǎn yuē








  1. 和顺谦恭。

    《国语·吴语》:“夫固知君王之盖威以好胜也,故婉约其辞,以从逸王志。” 韦昭 注:“婉,顺也;约,卑也。”《三国志·魏志·公孙瓒传》“ 绍 遣将攻之,连年不能拔” 裴松之 注引 晋 习凿齿 《汉晋春秋》:“后比得足下书,辞意婉约,有改往脩来之言。” 刘义庆 《世说新语·言语》“ 南郡 庞士元 闻 司马德操 在 潁川 ” 刘孝标 注引《司马徽别传》:“其妇諫曰:‘人质所疑,君宜辨论,而一皆言佳,岂人所以咨君之意乎?’ 徽 曰:‘如君所言,亦復佳。’其婉约逊遁如此。”

  2. 委婉含蓄。

    南朝 梁 王筠 《昭明太子哀册文》:“属词婉约,缘情綺靡。”《明史·文苑传三·高叔嗣》:“其为诗,清新婉约,虽为 梦阳 所知,不宗其説。” 清 戴名世 《<巢青阁集>序》:“而其词则豪情艷趣,婉约缠绵,不涉淫哇之习。” 刘大杰 《中国文学发展史》第三二章:“ 纳兰性德 虽以婉约的小令为主,但偶有长调,亦见工力。”

  3. 指文辞的柔美简约。

    晋 陆机 《文赋》:“或清虚以婉约,每除烦而去滥。”

  4. 柔美。

    汉 王粲 《神女赋》:“扬娥微眄,悬藐流离。婉约綺媚,举动多宜。” 唐 康骈 《剧谈录·玉蕊院真人降》:“峩髻双鬟,无簪珥之饰,容色婉约,迴出於众。” 后蜀 毛熙震 《临江仙》词:“纤腰婉约步金莲。” 阿英 《<察哈尔窗花>叙记》:“至于 江 南一带,则具有明媚婉约、纤丽生动的特点。”

  5. 悠扬婉转。

    晋 成公绥 《啸赋》:“徐婉约而优游,纷繁騖而激扬。”



  1. The whole race seems to be wearing make-up and smooth as a sex, while retaining its animal vivacity and its restrained violence.


  2. During the concert, her soul-stirring voice echoed from near and far, creating a dream as of the rising of a blue lotus flower.


  3. Early autumn, like a graceful women indifferent, so beautiful, so naturally. In late autumn, is a pure woman entry, so bearing, so the dust.


  4. Memory exhaustion, graceful in late winter, the time break, I did not notice.


  5. Liu Jichun that the translation of the principles of foreign instruments: fixed format, style stately, graceful wording, wording rigorous.


  6. the pursuit of the ideal of a deep and graceful, often self-reflection and analysis.


  7. And the singing of her youngest son is soft, graceful and restrained.


  8. If the mountain usually looks like a young boy growing that today's mountain mist in the dress that was under the Subtle like a girl and a .


  9. In reality, LI Yu's poem is free from restrain and uninhibited, is part of the heroic dispatch in the Gracious School.


  1. 玲珑配饰的婉约风情

    The Grace and Charm of Fashionable Accouterments

  2. 试论婉约词的评价问题

    On the Evaluation of Euphemistic Poetry

  3. 宋词豪放派、婉约派之否定论

    The Denial Theory about Song Ci Poems Bold Faction and Grace Faction

  4. 婉约词在南宋的艺术新突破

    Artistic Break through of Tactful Ci in Southern Song Dynasty

  5. 词分豪放与婉约的诗学意义

    The Poetic Meaning of CIF in the Division of Unconstraint and Gracefulness

  6. 风格多样,兼具豪放和婉约之美。

    Its style is varied, concurrently has bold and unconstrained beauty.

  7. 吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。

    Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies, wet sky graceful.

  8. 论豪放与婉约风格的不同话语方式

    On the Different Mode of the Discourse between the Powerful and Free School and the Subtle and Concise School

  9. 婉约词意象的多样性与意境特点分析

    The Multiplicity and Conformity of Composed Word's Images

  10. 一个美丽的女人是一颗钻石, 一个婉约的女人是一个宝库!

    A beautiful woman is a diamond a woman of virtue is a treasury.

  11. 要是多少还有点婉约, 那就更靠谱了。

    Slightly demure would be ideal.Dont be too young, Dont be too complicated.

  12. 婉约派的词通篇透出一股阴柔之美。

    The ci composed by the graceful and restrained group members has the beauty of blandness in all the text.

  13. 婉约派的词通篇透出一股阴柔之美。

    The ci composed by the graceful and restrained group members has the beauty of blandness in all the text.

  14. 记忆枯竭,在冬末婉约,时间停歇,我没有察觉。

    Memory exhaustion, graceful in late winter, the time break, I did not notice.

  15. 上海戏剧学院的美女多是南派气质,婉约可人。

    Shanghai Theater Academy is full of southern graceful and pleasant girls.

  16. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems.

  17. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems.

  18. 李清照得词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词得代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems.

  19. 小儿子歌声温柔婉约,她一下就知道是孜力巴亚。

    And the singing of her youngest son is soft, graceful and restrained.

  20. 我依然在这个街头婉约风中的港口,心在痛,泪在流。

    I still in the streets of the heart, the graceful port in pain, tears in the stream.

  21. 婉约的悲伤连同华美的词章交织成一幅绚丽多彩的图画。

    Graceful and restrained grief, together with China and the United States chapter of words woven into a colorful picture.

  22. 豪放与婉约,是文学风格审美表现形态中最基本的两种。

    The powerful and free school and the subtle and the concise school are two basic styles in the literary aesthetic expression.

  23. 不知不觉有悠扬的琴声袭耳, 婉约动听, 顿感心境逸然。

    There are unwittingly melodious sound of the passage of the ears, Subtle sounds, Ran Yi state of mind.

  24. 谢秋娘一身素净, 作者对她的比喻也成了成熟婉约的秋海棠。

    Xieqiuninag and neat all over, so the author compared her to a mature and mild begonia.

  25. 楚弦燕曲,婉约中,谁又寻得见你碧落花丛的羞怨?

    Chu Xianyan song, graceful, who find me your blue sky Flowers her resentment ?

  26. 仿佛诗经里娴静婉约的唯美佳人,在水一方,揽镜自照。

    If the demure graceful beauty in aesthetic, in the water side, gazing at itself in a mirror.




又指柔美。如汉 王粲 《神女赋》:“扬娥微眄,悬藐流离。婉约绮媚,举动多宜。”