














  1. The women had bathed without perfumed products and wore the pads for at least eight hours.


  2. For hygiene purposes, please do not spit in the gymnasium.


  3. Poor: Most bulk ingredients stored in tanks or vessels of poor design which are difficult to maintain in a sanitary condition.


  4. To maintain health, from one of us used to do.


  5. Keep your home clean, because food waste disposer can prevent bacteria inthe kitchen from coming into being.


  6. After the work, remember to shut off the brake and remain neatness.


  7. Keep cookers and refrigerating appliances clean and sterilize them to ensure pollution-free food.


  8. People would also need to wear special slippers provided in the toilets to maintain hygiene, Takiyuddin was quoted as saying by Bernama.


  9. Practice hygiene during cooking to prevent food contamination, food poisoning and transmission of disease.


  1. 在工作场所保持卫生正成为时尚。

    Hygiene at work is in.

  2. 保持卫生,请勿在健身中心内吐痰。

    For hygiene purposes, please do not spit in the gymnasium.

  3. 请保持卫生,勿直接触摸或接触直饮水龙头出水嘴部位。

    Please keep mouth away from Faucet, Do not touch directly.

  4. 如何保持牙齿卫生

    How to maintain dental sanitation

  5. 保持环境卫生,不乱扔乱贴。

    Preserve environmental sanitation, not to leave around and paste.

  6. 每天坚持用洗液冲洗,才能保持下体卫生。

    Persist in using the lotion day washing, in order to maintain lower body health.

  7. 交通工具上的宿舱、车厢必须保持清洁卫生,通风良好。

    The berths and carriages must be kept clean and tidy and well ventilated.

  8. 因此,有妇科病的患者比一般人更要注意保持口腔卫生。

    Therefore, has gynopathy's patient to pay attention compared to the average person maintains the oral hygiene.

  9. 因此, 保持个人卫生和勤洗手时预防猪流感最有效的方法。

    Hence, personal hygiene and cleaning our handswill bethe most effective ways of combating this disease.

  10. 请保持办公室的卫生。

    Please try to keep our office clean.

  11. 请协助我们, 保持地铁清洁卫生。

    Help us to keep the tube litter free.

  12. 请协助我们, 保持火车清洁卫生。

    Help us to keep the train litter free.

  13. 使用现成的家庭清洗剂保持环境清洁卫生。

    Keep the environment clean with readily available household cleaning agents.

  14. 锯屑曾被用来铺在地上保持地面清洁卫生。

    Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.

  15. 结论注意保持口腔清洁卫生预防颌下腺结石的关键。

    Conclusion To pay attention to oral hygiene is the key to the prevention of submandibular gland stones.

  16. 微生物室安全和卫生的保持。

    The hygiene maintenance of microbiology lab.

  17. 卫生组织保持警惕是极为重要的。

    It is important that health organizations remain watchful.

  18. 预防手足癣,应严格注重个人卫生,保持手足清洁干燥。

    Prevent brothers tinea, answer to notice the individual is wholesome strictly, maintain brothers cleanness dry.

  19. 另外,注意经期卫生,保持外阴清洁干燥,切忌搔抓。

    In addition, pay attention to health, maintain vulvae menstrual clean and dry, avoid by all means is scratching.

  20. 食品人员应保持严格的个人卫生。

    Food handlers have to maintain strict personal hygiene.

  21. 在哺乳期要严格保持乳头的清洁卫生。

    Strict adherence to nipple hygiene is essential during breast feeding.

  22. 保持共产党员先进性树立卫生为民新形象

    Maintaining the Advancement of Commie to Establish a New Image of Health for People

  23. 更衣室内禁止吸烟,并请保持更衣箱清洁卫生。

    Please keep the room clean and tidy, smoking is not allowed.

  24. 为了保持利润率,常置卫生和安全规章于不顾。

    In order to maintain profit margins health and safety regulations are often put to one side.

  25. 理毛次数多,时间较长,以保持其身体得卫生。

    Gayal tided up its skin and hair more frequently to keep the body clean.

  26. 理毛次数多,时间较长,以保持其身体的卫生。

    Gayal tided up its skin and hair more frequently to keep the body clean.

  27. 要预防肺炎球菌疾病,就要保持良好的个人卫生习惯。

    Must prevent the pneumococcus disease, must maintain the good personal hygiene custom.

  28. 保持良好的个人卫生习惯, 打喷嚏或咳嗽时应掩口鼻。

    Keep good personal hygienic habit and cover the mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing.

  29. 如何处理家里的小虫,并保持居家环境的清洁卫生?

    How do we take care of bugs and insects in order to keep our houses clean and hygienic?

  30. 要注意食物卫生, 用具要保持乾净。

    Pay attention to food hygiene and keep all utensils clean.