







汉语拼音:bá qǔ








  1. 谓拔毛取血。

    《国语·楚语下》:“是以先王之祀也……毛以示物,血以告杀,接诚拔取以献具,为齐敬也。” 韦昭 注:“拔毛取血,献其备物也。”

  2. 选取,选拔。

    《儒林外史》第七回:“ 周司业 知道是 广东 拔取的,如今中了,来京会试,便叫快请进来。”《儿女英雄传》第三五回:“方今朝廷正在整飭文风,自然要向清真雅正一路拔取人才。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“比如你今番跟他去看卷子,只要能放出眼光,拔取几个真才。”



  1. Flexo business card printing and membership card making machine generally use the roller ink, ink control sensitive, easy to operate.


  2. In General, the use of a video camera installed in a bar mechanically, and travel to and from moving around with a set of strobe unit.


  3. The other plate manufacturers present sales target seems to be just sales leaflets plate, no joint plate is used rubber as a solution.


  4. In a production at the time of the packing of retort also need to select a heat-resistant materials and retort of two-component adhesive.


  5. On some surface strength poor Board, although a variety of ways, however, are still unable to clear off the paper powder and blistering.


  6. Use the Sun's rays to recognize the hand heating, can also be used for detection of common ultraviolet lamp.


  7. Of course, the business card printing number is not a people's choice to live while making the only consideration.


  8. Early adoption of this approach are very few operators pass has been used.


  9. The Panel, select RGB channels selected color tool selection you think best predominant color, note the R, g, b values.


  1. 拔取皮带轮

    pulling drum.

  2. 块根拔取机

    root puller.

  3. 甜菜拔取器

    sugar beet puller.

  4. 最坏拔取气垫橡皮布。

    Best cushion rubber blanket.

  5. 电气把持拔取总线通信把持方法。

    Electrical control using bus communication control mode.

  6. 首先, 底纹色彩的拔取给公道。

    First of all, the shading color that you want to add up.

  7. 首先,底纹色彩得拔取给公道。

    First of all, the shading color that you want to add up.

  8. 所以给只管即便拔取矮硬度得压辊。

    So we must try to choose high hardness of press roll.

  9. 所以给只管即便拔取矮硬度的压辊。

    So we must try to choose high hardness of press roll.

  10. 洗擦时给拔取回旋扭转办法刷拭。

    When you want to turn to scrub the gyration grooming.

  11. 其次, 拔取晾纸的办法裁撤纸弛静电。

    Second, the adoption of measures for the removal of the paper hanging paper static electricity.

  12. 晒版给夺目光强和曝光工夫的拔取。

    Print, bearing in mind that light intensity and exposure time.

  13. 晒版给夺目光强和曝光工夫得拔取。

    Print, bearing in mind that light intensity and exposure time.

  14. 使用专用工具撞销和拔取工具附件拆卸密封圈。

    Remove sealing ring with special tool striker and extraction tool attachment.

  15. 因此用户首先不该怠工好不朱水的拔取。

    So that your users should first do a good selection of ink.

  16. 泵及其驱动编制的安排拔取了同步互换电机。

    The pump and drive system with a synchronous AC motors.

  17. 泵及其驱动编制得安排拔取了同步互换电机。

    The pump and drive system with a synchronous AC motors.

  18. 使用拉锤和拔取工具从变速器中拆卸密封圈。

    Remove sealing ring from transmission using striker and extraction tool.

  19. 夺目拔取好不合的制卡和会员卡制息版材。

    Note that selecting the right business card printing and membership card making plate.

  20. 根据纸张暗不天本能机能公道拔取烫印箔。

    According to the paper surface properties of rational choice hot stamping foil.

  21. 拔取字体时必给夺目搁置照排机已安设功的字体。

    Select fonts use imagesetter to consider when you have installed a font.

  22. 拔取字体时必给夺目搁置照排机已安设功得字体。

    Select fonts use imagesetter to consider when you have installed a font.

  23. 同色异谱油墨的鉴别可拔取两栽办法。

    Metamerism ink distinguished two methods may be used.

  24. 因此, 好多制卡厂果断拔取汽油怠工为冲洗剂。

    That is why many business card printing factory simply using gasoline a cleaning agent.

  25. 差轴脚,轴孔磨损引起间隙,答拔取拆除步调。

    Wear on the shaft, or hole, causing the gap measures to be taken to repair.

  26. 在为橡皮布滚筒拔取包衬时答采取洋性包衬。

    In the select the blanket cylinder lining the selection should be neutral lining.

  27. 安设印版时拔取厚度为4。05毫米的不塑性垫材。

    When you install plate thickness 4.05 mm elastic gasket materials.

  28. 拔取不差别色相得平变油墨可得回不差别得查察成果。

    Using different hue optical variable ink to get different observation.

  29. 这类商品是季节性的,长期的,宜拔取店边码。

    These commodities are seasonal and term, shop neima should be adopted.

  30. 键出一个分色文件的名称, 拔取留存该文件的文件夹。

    Type a color name for the file, select the folder in which to save the file.


  1. 问:拔取拼音怎么拼?拔取的读音是什么?拔取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拔取的读音是báqǔ,拔取翻译成英文是 To select and pick.

  2. 问:拔取的人拼音怎么拼?拔取的人的读音是什么?拔取的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拔取的人的读音是,拔取的人翻译成英文是 extractor

