




1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:fàng xíng







  1. 即放夜。

    宋 范成大 《上元纪吴中节物俳谐体三十二韵》:“末俗难訶止,佳辰且放行。”参见“ 放夜 ”。

  2. 准许通过。

    《西游记》第五四回:“请投馆驛注名上簿,待下官执名奏驾,验引放行。” 清 朱克敬 《瞑庵杂识》卷二:“凡过卡货物,核算清楚,收明釐金,立即填票放行,毫无阻滞。”

  3. 批准执行。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·谨佥押》:“凡六房每日应行事件,先日具稿,并原案送宅斟酌放行。”



  1. Employees, that want to take out of their things, should have out-going item of private baggage, or not to be out.


  2. In the performance of my duties I shall never approve the operation of a flight which in my considered opinion is hazardous.


  3. Seemingly dismissing a bid for Chelsea full-back Bridge, Benitez also refuted suggestions that Sami Hyypia could be on his way to Fulham.


  4. All the pirates have to do is take a ship, steer it to harbour, then ask for a few million dollars for its return.


  5. If they desire to leave Chelsea so much then I will have to let them go if the conditions are good for Chelsea.


  6. The company says if it gets a green light from regulators, it will start selling the corn within two years.


  7. Vehicles of the saving service under the Bank of China in the company should be permitted to entry by the guard.


  8. Another section of this chapter presents methods used for product characterization, release, and stability testing.


  9. The Brazil international had been keen on a move to Stamford Bridge, however, the clubs failed to agree a fee for his services.


  1. 进口单独放行

    each phase for entrance

  2. 海关中止放行

    Suspension of Release by Customs Authorities

  3. 外交信袋放行

    passing of diplomatic mailbag

  4. 中止放行的通知

    Notice of Suspension

  5. 中止放行的时限

    Duration of Suspension

  6. 首样评估及放行。

    Initial samples evaluate, approve.

  7. 评估和放行新物料。

    Evaluation and release new material.

  8. 放行有效期不超过25分。

    Clearance no longer valid after 25.

  9. 我们得放行保险行吗

    Is our travel insurance all right

  10. 我们的放行保险行吗

    Is our travel insurance all right

  11. 你的一切我都会放行!

    Everything I put you through!

  12. 预计离港起飞放行时间

    EDCT Estimated Departure Clearance Time

  13. 批量生产前首样放行。

    Assist on initial sample releasing for mass production.

  14. 产品批量放行和型号测试

    Batch release and type test

  15. 是放行, 还是需报关缴税?

    Is released, or the declaration required any taxes ?

  16. 提前报关, 实货放行。

    Customs declaration is submitted and completed prior to the arrival of imported cargoes, upon which they can be picked up immediately.

  17. 最终灭菌无菌制剂参数放行

    Parametric Release of Axenic Preparation

  18. 浅析无菌药品的参数放行

    Brief comments on parametric release of axenic drug products

  19. 那个被门卫放行的女孩。

    The one the guard let pass.

  20. 负责采购产品放行的批准。

    Responsible for approval of purchased product acceptance.

  21. 明确权力主体,外放行政权力。

    Clarify the power entity.

  22. 负责生产设备的批准和放行。

    Responsible to approve and release equipment for production.

  23. 实施部件修理操作和最终放行。

    Perform unit repair operation and final release.

  24. 准备并签发签派放行单。

    She prepares and signs the dispatch release which is the legal document providing authorization for a flight to depart.

  25. 广州海关, 检验检疫申报, 查验放行。

    Customs clearance on a temporary basis.

  26. 在付完罚款后海关放行货物。

    The custom released the goods against payment of a fine.

  27. 建立接收,取样,测试与放行程序。

    Receiving, sampling, testing, release procedures have been established to fulfill this Subpart.

  28. 警察检查了这些车辆后才放行。

    The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go ahead.

  29. 运用二次放行提高航班运输效益

    Improving Transport Efficiency with Second Dispatch

  30. 点击要阻止或放行得聊天伙伴。0。

    Tap on the chat member you would like to block or unblock..


  1. 问:放行拼音怎么拼?放行的读音是什么?放行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放行的读音是fàngxíng,放行翻译成英文是 to let pass

  2. 问:放行提单拼音怎么拼?放行提单的读音是什么?放行提单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放行提单的读音是fàng xíng tí dān,放行提单翻译成英文是 released bill of lading

