







汉语拼音:cí qī






  1. 涂料的一种,用树脂、颜料等制成,涂在器物的表面可以增加光泽,防止腐朽。



  1. These systems must be reliable, environmentally friendly, require low maintenance, low operating cost and produce high quality finishes.


  2. A resinous copal or a fossilized resin of these trees, used in varnishes and enamels.


  3. and I WOULD add, you're a bigger fool than you look, only THAT'S absolutely impossible.


  4. Researchers tested new household enamel paints from twelve countries in Africa, Asia and South America.


  5. The Nissen Low Chloride Feltip Paint Marker utilizes a valve action to dispense a fast-drying, high gloss enamel paint.


  6. Experiments with enamel paint.


  7. To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.


  8. We want to buy Wax, Wood, Repair, Lacquer, Furniture Wax and Wax Products.


  9. An enamelled copperware artist at work in Esfahan.


  1. 挥发性瓷漆

    lacquer enamel.

  2. 绿瓷漆窗纱

    green enamelled wire netting.

  3. 绿瓷漆铁丝窗纱

    green enamelled iron wire netting

  4. 用瓷漆做了一次试验。

    Experiments with enamel paint.

  5. 没打开的一小罐红色瓷漆。

    A small unopened can of red enamel.

  6. 一排上过瓷漆的蓝色三角旗。

    A line of enamelled blue pennants.

  7. 伊斯法罕的艺术家在制作瓷漆铜制品。

    An enamelled copperware artist at work in Esfahan.

  8. 他利用半透明瓷漆绘制出鲜艳生动的图画。

    He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.

  9. 室温固化有机硅改性醇酸瓷漆的研究

    Study of Room Temperature Curing Alkyd Resin Coatings Modified by Silicone Resin

  10. 煤焦油瓷漆管体防腐外缠绕带及补口带浸漆设备的研制

    Research and Manufacture of the Dipping Equipment for Coal Tar Enamel External Wrapping Tape and Joint Coating Tape of Pipeline

  11. 煤焦油瓷漆逸散物的致突变性研究

    Study on Mutagenicity of Coal Tar Enamel Volatiles

  12. 用来制作持久的、有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆。

    A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish.

  13. 亮漆,假漆用来制作持久的,有光泽的罩面漆的瓷漆或油漆

    A black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable glossy finish.

  14. 用于硼硅酸盐玻璃瓷漆得印墨所含得铅及镉。

    Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass.

  15. 这套骨瓷茶具,杯边有象征富饶的羊角装饰,有镀金的谷物点缀,还刷了一层红瓷漆。

    This bone china tea set is decorated with bands of cornucopias with corn in them in gilt with some red enamel.

  16. 热瓷漆涂层

    hot enamel coating.

  17. 精选的内部丙烯酸瓷漆

    Signature Select Interior Acrylic Gloss Enamel

  18. 用瓷漆覆盖、镶嵌或装饰。

    To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.

  19. 买清瓷漆可去五金店询问。

    Ask in a hardware shop for clear enamel paint.

  20. 煤焦油瓷漆加热搅拌釜的热力计算

    Thermodynamic Calculations for the Heating and Mixing Pot of Coal Tar Enamel

  21. 煤焦油瓷漆防腐层的施工及设备

    The manufacturing technique and its facilities for coal tar corrosion prevention coating

  22. 上珐琅,上釉用瓷漆覆盖,镶嵌或装饰

    To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.

  23. 煤焦油瓷漆防腐涂敷工艺的烟气净化

    Smoke Purification in Anticorrosive Spraying Process of Coal Tar Enamel

  24. 石油沥青与煤焦油瓷漆的烟气净化处理

    Cleaning Theatment of Smoking Gas from Oil Bitumen and Coal Tar Enamel

  25. 对海底管道煤焦油瓷漆涂敷工艺的见识

    On Application Procedures of Coal Tar Enamel on Submarine Pipelines

  26. 瓷漆, 以聚酯为基料, 分散或溶于非水介质

    Enamel, based on polyesters, dispersed or dissolved in a nonaqueous medium

  27. 埋地钢质管道煤焦油瓷漆外覆盖层涂装工艺

    The external coating technique of coal tar enamel for buried steel pipelines

  28. 用于硼硅酸盐玻璃瓷漆的印墨所含的铅及镉。

    Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass.

  29. 丙烯酸,光泽和瓷漆在木制面板上,和一个3厘米深的钻洞。

    Acrylic and gloss and enamel paint on wooden panel with a 1 cm drilled hole.

  30. 用瓷釉作末道漆使新的黄铜器看似自然地失去了光泽。

    The enamel gives new brass an authentically tarnished finish.


  1. 问:瓷漆拼音怎么拼?瓷漆的读音是什么?瓷漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瓷漆的读音是,瓷漆翻译成英文是 lacker

  2. 问:瓷漆板刷拼音怎么拼?瓷漆板刷的读音是什么?瓷漆板刷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瓷漆板刷的读音是cí qī bǎn shuā,瓷漆板刷翻译成英文是 flat enamel brush