


1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……





汉语拼音:lǜ dào






  1. 爽直。

    《南史·何点传》:“ 点 虽不入城府,性率到,好狎人物。”



  1. So the only way of really getting world population growth to stop is to continue to improve child survival to 90 percent .


  2. Government officials have said unemployment in Australia is likely to exceed seven percent, later this year.


  3. There are I guess worries if it increases past certain points, it could affect the stability.


  4. The paper describes various reservoir applications of horizontal wells from primary recovery to EOR applications.


  5. Conduct risk assessments on workshop to achieve the organisational aim of reducing accidents to zero tolerance.


  6. We are looking for an experienced web designer with very high ratings to mockup a design for our new website home page.


  7. We are working our way back up to that 10 percent.


  8. Nigeria's new president, Umaru Yar'Adua, hasapparently told the intelligence agency to help bring crime rates down byDecember.


  9. The Reserve Bank of India has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5%, well above its target of 3%.


  1. 有效地抑制低频率到高频率的噪声。

    Effectively suppresses low to high frequency noises.

  2. 使用几乎从任何报纸上查到的现行兑换率。

    Use the current exchange rate which you obtain in almost any newspaper.

  3. 我国的谋杀率还不到世界平均谋杀率的一半。

    Our murder rate is less than half the world average.

  4. 但是,失败者累积如果交换率行动相反,意想不到的方向。

    However, losers accrue if exchange rates move in the opposite, unexpected direction.

  5. 检索词的选择恰当与否直接影响到检索的查全率与查准率。

    The choice of the search words has direct influence on the recall factor and pertinence ratio.

  6. 你可以看到总转换和转换率对于您的每个目标在您的报告。

    You can see total conversions and conversion rates for each of your goals in your reports.

  7. 船舶到数率

    Rate of Vessel without Cargo Shortage.

  8. 钢管锭到材成材率

    yield of Ingot to steel tube

  9. 同步率特性影响不到,

    Synchronize had no effect on

  10. 真率走到院子里玩耍。

    Jin Sohr goes out to play.

  11. 感染率达到百分之一到二

    They reached one to two percent.

  12. 我们开到储蓄率在提高

    What we're seeing is an uptake in the savings rate.

  13. 该队平均打击率滑落到0。217。

    The team batting average plummets to.217.

  14. 他的上垒率从。313升到。364。

    His onbase percentage rose from.313 to.364.

  15. 如果转换到中等的储蓄率

    And slowly, slowly we're bringing it up to a moderate savings rate.

  16. 杠杆率高到了疯狂的地步。

    We are levering up like crazy.

  17. 杠杆率高到了疯狂得地步。

    We are levering up like crazy.

  18. 我能拿到什么样的折扣率?

    How much of a discount can I get?

  19. 他的平均打击率从。228爬到。272。

    His average climbed from.228 to.272.

  20. 失业率猛然上升到新的水平。

    Unemployment levels have rocketed to new heights.

  21. 我们看到女生入学率的变化。

    We see a transformation in attendance by girls.

  22. 昨天,外汇兑换率下降到低点。

    The international exchange rate dipped to a low point yesterday.

  23. 如此高频率的声波是无法听到的。

    You can't hear waves of such a high frequency.

  24. 政府的支持率跌到了最低点。

    The Government's popularity is at its lowest ebb.

  25. 高校成教新生报到率偏低现象分析

    Analysis of Low Rate of Student Registering in Higher Adult Universities

  26. 你知道到武汉的航空费率是 多少

    Do you happen to know the airmail rate to Wuhan

  27. 当我看到支持率开始下降的时候

    You know, when the poll numbers started to drop.

  28. 这种土壤可使导热率提高到3倍以上。

    Such soil can improve conductivity over threefold.

  29. 在成年人中心率平均为每分钟70到80跳。

    In the adult the heart rate averages 70 to 80 beats a minute.

  30. 须将执行率提高到可以接受的水平。

    The rate of implementation must be increased to an acceptable level.