




1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……



汉语拼音:sī yǐn






  1. 犹隐私。

    王西彦 《古屋》第二部三:“我觉得自己是一个探险的人,如今闯入一个奇异的地方,探察着每一颗心灵的私隐。”



  1. He said a preliminary report should be ready by Saturday, his last day as privacy commissioner before stepping down.


  2. in many cultures , it ' s also impolite to ask strangers personal questions about their marital status or salary.


  3. This service is compatible with Windows and Macintosh operating systems, and its state-of-the-art encryption technology ensures privacy.


  4. Hates Any attempt to probe his private being or expose his motives . In short , any attempt to lift his feathers to look underneath .


  5. it would also weigh against the party concerned in any case under investigation by the privacy commissioner , " the spokesperson added" .


  6. There is a screen at the access of every unit to keep customers' privacy, but the noise is difficult to completely cut off.


  7. We shall see that the Supreme Court's decisions on sexual privacy are not only poorly reasoned but poorly informed.


  8. From these quiet windows the figures of passing travellers looked too remote and dim to disturb the sense of privacy.


  9. The SSL handshake protocol was developed by Netscape Communications Corporation to provide security and privacy over the Internet.


  1. 个人资料私隐专员办事处

    Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

  2. 本局个人资料私隐政策

    ERB Personal Data Privacy Policy

  3. 保护私隐及资料保安政策

    Data Privacy and Security Policy

  4. 私隐政策声明及实务大纲

    Statement of Privacy Policy and Practices

  5. 此问卷不记名,不涉及私隐问题。

    This questionnaire is anonymous and not involve privacy issues.

  6. 私隐政策及个人资料收集声明

    Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement

  7. 条例由个人资料私隐专员执行。

    The ordinance is administered by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.

  8. 本私隐政策声明只适用于本网页。

    This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to this website.

  9. 更换时, 要同时洗乾净私隐部位

    When changing, wash the private parts as well

  10. 第一名私隐专员于1996年8月1日任命。

    The first Privacy Commissioner was appointed on1 August1996.

  11. 不过,她是一个很守私隐的人。

    But, then, she was a very private person.

  12. 我们特别关注保护儿童私隐的重要性。

    Protecting the privacy of children is our primary concern.

  13. 我们将随时更新本贴,修订私隐政策。

    We may change this privacy policy from time to time by updating this posting.

  14. 会否考虑修订条例, 以加强保障私隐?

    Whether they will consider amending the Ordinance to enhance privacy protection?

  15. 个人资料私隐专员公署现时共有39名职员。

    The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data now has39 staff.

  16. 法改会发表的侵犯私隐的民事责任报告书

    Lrc s report on civil liability for invasion of privacy

  17. 你认为报纸侵犯个人私隐的情况严重吗?

    How serious is the newspaper violating the people's privacy?

  18. 请按此浏览加拿大中文电台私隐政策详情。

    Click here for Fairchild Radio's Privacy Policy.

  19. 我们更建议你仔细阅读我们的私隐政策声明。

    We also strongly advise you to see our full privacy policy statement.

  20. 在互联网时代, 公民对个人私隐的意识提高。

    In the Internet era, the civic awareness raising of personal privacy.

  21. 个人识别资料须受本公司私隐政策规管。

    Personally identifiable information is subject to our Privacy Policy.

  22. 如阁下对资料私隐有疑问, 请阅读我们的

    If you have any concerns about the use of this information, please feel free to read about our

  23. 想了解我们如何使用你的资料,请参考我们的私隐政策。

    to disparageto look down onto set no count on.

  24. 雇员再培训局对保障个人资料私隐至为重视。

    Employees Retraining Board takes a prime concern about the protection of privacy in relation to personal data.

  25. 有更多私隐是其中之一,但这是祝福也是咒诅。

    Having more privacy is another, but that is both a blessing and a curse.

  26. 她不是公仆, 只是公众人物, 公众人物的私隐, 是应受保护的

    Anita Mui is different form Elsie Leung. She is sick that does affect the public, it is only the public is nosy.

  27. 广告公司收集资料时,必须遵照该公司的私隐政策进行。

    Information collected by our advertising company will be governed by that companys privacy policy.

  28. 私隐专员发表视察医院管理局个人资料系统得报告。

    The Commissioner published report of the inspection of the Hospital Authority's personal data system.

  29. 私隐专员发表视察医院管理局个人资料系统的报告。

    The Commissioner published report of the inspection of the Hospital Authority's personal data system.

  30. 最后,脸谱或类似网站上没有什么东西是真正私隐的。

    Finally, nothing on Facebook or similar sites is really private.