




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……












  1. At the age of seven I changed forever, like the faithful who see Christ on the side of a barn or peering up from a corn tortilla.


  2. This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts.


  3. In May, Mr. Negroponte appeared on CBS's '60 Minutes' and blasted Intel, suggesting it was trying to drive his nonprofit out of business.


  4. It's too early yet to gauge the reaction, although several of her corps friends came to a recent book fair in Shanghai to help her.


  5. It is possible to interpret Mr Roos's presence in Hiroshima in this vein, as an attempt to look history more squarely in the eye.


  6. They show up in lakes and ponds and postholes with no visible connection to the sea, leaving the inquisitive shaking their heads.


  7. He shows up in foreign countries in odd dress, with odd make-up and hair-gel preferences, once having pinned a photograph to his chest.


  8. An early version is now making the rounds of trade shows, and later, more-accurate versions will eventually show up in your living room.


  9. "Dustin gives a true sense of Ace's inwardness just by his presence, " he said.


  1. 当将来现身

    When it finally reveals itself.

  2. 西蒙爵士现身

    Sir Simon meets the Otis family.

  3. 挖拉, 蝙蝠丹现身!

    Here comes Batman Adandan, aka BatDan !

  4. 挖拉,蝙蝠丹现身!

    Here comes Batman Adandan, aka BatDan !

  5. 她携新欢一同现身。

    She appeared with her new beau.

  6. 国际奇幻大师现身变法

    International Magic Masters Miracle Fantasy

  7. 披头士首次现身邮票

    Beatles to make debut on stamps

  8. 有只急于现身的蟑螂。

    Oh,look,a highly motivated cockroach.

  9. 自魔戒现身上映以来,

    Ever since the release of The Fellowship of the Ring

  10. 紧凑的原子内核现身了。

    The compact core of the atom begins to appear.

  11. 他声称他可以使鬼魂现身。

    He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize.

  12. 我妹妹突然自墙后现身。

    My sister popped up from behind the wall.

  13. 可以说是为了让你现身吧

    To lure you out of the cold, as it were.

  14. 聚氨酯翻新轮胎现身青岛

    Polyurethane renewed tire this present existence Qingdao

  15. 温厚新客厅, 以怀旧版现身

    New Living Room Show A Reminiscent Mood

  16. 两位领导现身接受记者拍照。

    The two leaders emerged for a photo session.

  17. 他现身于本周的听证会。

    He appeared at this week's hearings.

  18. 伴随一声嘶嚎, 暗影现身。

    With a howl the dark thing sprang into the open.

  19. 旅游花车大巡游下月现身广州。

    Travel float patrol to show up in GZ in Nov.

  20. 如果你是条好汉,就现身吧!

    If you're a brave man, come out now!

  21. 公爵夫人估计会现身参加仪式。

    The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony.

  22. 一位著名的DJ将在商场现身。

    A famous disc jockey was going to make an appearance at the mall.

  23. 我现身于康诺大街的地面上。

    I emerge above ground at canal street.

  24. 耶和华在每一场战役中都现身。

    Yahweh was present at every battle.

  25. 你约她约会,然后我也跟着现身。

    Man just ask her to met up with you and Im gonna show up too.

  26. 他即将现身的确切时间仍未公布。

    The exact time of his appearance has not been announced.

  27. 现身所有比赛现场的袖珍惹火女郎

    Pocketsized hotties that go to all the games.

  28. 这是阎罗第一次以真面貌现身。

    This is first time Yan Lo has shown up in person.

  29. 我得到线报,他在这附近现身了。

    He was seen nearby, according to the report I got.

  30. 而你,可怕的衰退先生,从瓦砾中现身。

    You, the dreaded recession, appeared from the rubble.


  1. 问:现身说法拼音怎么拼?现身说法的读音是什么?现身说法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现身说法的读音是xiànshēnshuōfǎ,现身说法翻译成英文是 cite one’s own experience