


一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……


地层中的自然物质,开采出来有用:~藏(cáng )。~产。~苗。~泉。~层。~床。~源。油~。金~。开采矿物的场所:~井。~坑。下~。……



汉语拼音:yín kuàng







  1. 亦作“ 银鑛 ”。含银的矿石;采银的矿山。

    《魏书·食货志》:“有司奏 长安 驪山 有银鑛,二石得银七两。”《宋史·食货志下七》:“有司言, 定州 诸山多银矿。”《元史·文宗纪四》:“夏四月丙午朔, 全寧 民 王脱欢 献银鑛。”



  1. However, Silver Mine Bay continued to experience occasional problems on a smaller scale for some years.


  2. The western desert state of Nevada is called the Silver State. It was once home to many silver mines and towns that grew up around them.


  3. They lived near a silver boomtown where hard work and sudden luck were transforming the occasional poor man into a wealthy one.


  4. The partition of silver in ores is controlled by mineralization intensity, grain size and embedded form Of silver. . .


  5. while in that service he had discovered a silver mine in the mountains of thessaly , but he had been careful to conceal it from every one.


  6. From moment to moment, a wise man removes his own impurities, as a smith removes the dross of silver.


  7. In June some 55 bodies were discovered in a silver mine close to Taxco, a tourist-friendly town in Guerrero.


  8. The Dege- Xi-fangcheng deep fracture zone and Panzhihua - Xichang rift zone are of importance to searching for Ag mineral resources.


  9. A small dwarf outpost has discovered a thin vein of mithras , but they lack the strength to protect it from the inevitable looters .


  1. 玉西银矿床

    Yuxi silver deposit.

  2. 皇城山银矿床

    the Huangchengshan silver deposit

  3. 白石坡银矿床

    Baishipo Ag deposit.

  4. 高家堡子银矿床

    Gaojiapuzi silver deposit

  5. 银矿化积数

    silver mineralization accrual

  6. 那银矿已不再开采了。

    The silver mines are no longer worked.

  7. 单一银矿石全泥氰化试验

    An experiment on the single silver ore and complete cyanide leaching

  8. 山门银矿为大型独立银矿床。

    The Shanmen silver deposit is a large, independent one.

  9. 银矿的固定刷点在那有?

    Fixed brush silver point that there is?

  10. 银矿得固定刷点在那有?

    Fixed brush silver point that there is?

  11. 这些应该够你撑到银矿了。

    This should last you to the silver mines.

  12. 在亚利桑那州发现了银矿。

    Silver is discovered in arizona.

  13. 今晚医院要挖个银矿来了。

    The hospital should make a mint of money tonight.

  14. 冀北西部银矿成矿地质条件

    Matallo Gelolgical Conditions of Silver Deposits in the Northwestern Part of Hebei Province

  15. 桐柏银矿冶炼厂技术改造生产实践

    Practice of technical reform in the smeltery of Tongbai Silve Mine

  16. 他靠开采银矿积累了一笔财富。

    He amassed a fortune from silver mining.

  17. 银矿湾泳滩发现疑似红潮

    Suspected red tide sighted at Silver Mine Bay Beach

  18. 沿着山脉的边上, 有丰富的银矿脉。

    Along the edge of the mountain there is a rich vein of silver.

  19. 主要含银矿物是自然银、辉银矿、角银矿。

    Main silver minerals were nature silver, argentite and chaorargyrite.

  20. 她的追随者正前往潘吉因的银矿。

    Her followers are headed towards the silver mines at Pangeon.

  21. 奥术水晶是否只有富瑟银矿能出?

    Arcane Crystal is only a fuse can be out of silver ?

  22. 内蒙古官地银矿床银的赋存状态

    Occurrence state of silver in the Guandi silver deposit, Inner Mongolia

  23. 这个开采银矿的企业增加资本,扩大生产。

    The enterprise of mining for silver was set forward by the increase of capital.

  24. 我们这个地方蕴藏着十分丰富的银矿资源。

    Our district is rich in silver mines.

  25. 你可以在古老的潘吉因银矿找到他。

    You will find him in the old silver mines of Pangeon.

  26. 广西某难选冶银矿提银工艺研究

    Study on Silver Extraction from the Refractory Silver Concentrate of a Certain Silver Mine, Guangxi

  27. 库特纳霍拉的发展是银矿开采的结果。

    Kutna Hora developed as a result of the exploitation of the silver mines.

  28. 提高丰宁银矿选银回收率的试验研究

    Experimental study on improving silver recovery rate in Fengning Silver Mine

  29. 不同大地构造环境控制了不同类型的银矿床。

    Different type of silver deposits is under the control of different geotectonic environments.

  30. 对单一银矿石进行了全泥氰化试验研究。

    The experiment on single silver ore and complete cyanide Leaching is studied.


  1. 问:银矿拼音怎么拼?银矿的读音是什么?银矿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银矿的读音是yínkuàng,银矿翻译成英文是 An ore containing silver; a mine of silver....

  2. 问:银矿石拼音怎么拼?银矿石的读音是什么?银矿石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银矿石的读音是yínkuàngshí,银矿石翻译成英文是 silver ores