


1. 些 [xiē]2. 些 [suò]些 [xiē]表示不定的数量:一~。某~。~微。~许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻~了。些 [suò]《楚词》中的句末助词。……





汉语拼音:xiē shí






  1. 片刻,一会儿。

    宋 毛滂 《蝶恋花·送茶》词:“醉色轻鬆留不可,清风停待些时过。” 明 冯梦龙 《山歌·比》附《劝郎歌》:“奴愿团圞到白头,不作些时别。” 清 纳兰性德 《一斛珠·元夜月蚀》词:“天公毕竟风流絶,教看蛾眉,特放些时缺。”



  1. The other day she had pineapple between her teeth and held her mouth open so I could floss it out with a stick.


  2. But these days America seems to be listening, if only to hear what Russia wants.


  3. The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which will air later this year, will show the children learning card tricks, Latin spells and illusions.


  4. Late in 1981 Wolfram then set out on an ambitious new direction in science aimed at understanding the origins of complexity in nature.


  5. The first two lines of the second poem also happened to match what the second disciple told me a while back. Wow!


  6. As the child becomes apre-teen, talk about values and waiting to have sex.


  7. Some of these were created by the player, others by other players, automatically sent over here.


  8. In cases where you struggle to find something nice to say, think twice before saying something you may regret later.


  9. My dad was a grumpy guy, but occasionally he would cheer me up with jokes.


  1. 过些时他才恢复知觉。

    It was some time before he came to consciousness.

  2. 过些时她得偿还这笔钱。

    She'd have to repay that money some time.

  3. 肚子痛得好些时,恐惧就袭心。

    When it grew better, panic took hold of him.

  4. 过些时,我们会送帐单给您。

    We will bill you later.

  5. 如果她不在,我迟些时再来。

    LF she's not in I'll call back later.

  6. 目击者驳斥了早些时提出的证词。

    The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.

  7. 你心情好些时我们再讨论这件事。

    We'll discuss this when you're in a better frame of mind.

  8. 当风刮得猛些时, 池溏里起了涟漪。

    There were ripples on the pool as the wind grew stronger.

  9. 前些时的感情已使她变得十分虚弱。

    She was quite broken with the past emotions.

  10. 孩子稍微大些时, 谈些价值观和对性的准备。

    As the child becomes apreteen, talk about values and waiting to have sex.

  11. 当地人开始后悔他们早些时的豪爽大方了。

    The locals started to regret their earlier expansiveness.

  12. 其建议将在本月晚些时完成并上交总统。

    Recommendations will be finalized and forwarded to the President later this month.

  13. 像我说的那样,周期的问题将在晚些时讨论。

    As I said, the question of the cycle is going to be discussed later.

  14. 我长大了些时,便试图去拉苏姗姗的小提琴。

    When my arms grew long enough, I tried to play Suzame's violin.

  15. 太阳再升高些时,一部分水份就要蒸发掉了。

    When the sun rises higher, some of the water will be burned away.

  16. 太阳再升高些时,一部分水份就要蒸发掉了。

    When the sun rises higher, some of the water will be burned away.

  17. 当我靠得更近些时, 刺猬蜷成了一个球。

    As I got closer, the hedgehog rolled itself up into a ball.

  18. 当他走近些时, 我看出他是个已逾中年的人。

    When he came nearer, I perceived him an elderly man.

  19. 那病弱者虽在海边住了些时,可一点益处也没有。

    The invalid was in no degree benefited by his stay at the seaside.

  20. 玛丽亚要觉得愉快些时她就唱那首歌记得吗。

    When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel better she used to sing that song.

  21. 我们期待着本周晚些时举行的至关重要的非盟会议。

    We look forward to the crucial AU meeting to be held later this week.

  22. 老妈住了些时,太太看了你先生甚么都好,她也就不管了。

    Ne, ne! Homo sen edzino ne estas krimulo, kial ne rajtas lui domon ?

  23. 有机会去补偿前些时犯得错, 心头大石亦可放下了。

    You will be much happier if you are given a chance to correct your blunder.

  24. 你该更守时些。

    You should be more punctual.

  25. 那好,我们要问些约会时的问题。

    Ok, we need some date questions.

  26. 所以我决定做些喝茶时吃的糕饼。

    So I decided to make some tarts for tea.

  27. 当她发现我干了些什么时,简直暴跳如雷。

    She hit the roof when she saw what I'd done.

  28. 每当蒂娜要想买些东西时,她总是能说服她父亲。

    Tina can always get round her father when she wants something.

  29. 当公爵想做些什么时, 尼莉莎, 一个打扮成律师助手的女孩。

    As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk.

  30. 我决定做些吃茶点时吃的果馅饼。

    I decided to make some tarts for tea.