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1. 似 [sì]2. 似 [shì]似 [sì]相类,像:相(xiāng )~。类~。~是而非。好像,表示不确定:~乎。~应如此。表示比较,有超过的意思:一个高~一个。似 [shì]〔~的〕跟某种情况或事物相似,如“他乐得什么~~”。亦作……
汉语拼音:yě sì
宋 陆游 《次韵周辅道中》:“日淡风斜江上路,芦花也似柳花轻。”《水浒传》第七三回:“ 李逵 性起,砍将入去,泥神也似都推倒了。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第五章:“这口剑虽不能说削铁如泥,也似花马剑一般锋利。”
When he looked up, he saw his son running for his life, a few steps ahead of the attacking grizzly, and both of them coming his way.
他向上望去,就看到儿子飞也似地逃命。而一只大灰熊离他只有几步远。他们都朝着他而来。He flung himself through the front door and leaped like an Olympic jumper from the front porch.
他飞也似地穿过前门,像奥林匹克的跳高运动员一样跃过门廊。She and Arthur were whirling round in a waltz in the midst of a great deal of queer, but exceedingly joyful company.
她和亚瑟夹在那五光十色,狂欢不已的人群中,随着华尔兹的乐声,飞也似地盘旋着。Those who work in the financial system are assumed to be the best and the brightest. Even the government seems to be in their thrall.
金融系统的从业人员被认为是最优秀,聪明的,甚至政府也似在其役使之下。In a large basin in front of the altar, several dozen chunks of charcoal, piled up like a mountain, glowed hotly with a bright red flame.
供桌前面放了一个火盆架子,火盆里燃着熊熊的火。几十个“炭圆”山也似地堆得高高的,烧成了鲜红的圆球。A man's life spans only a few decades. Fame and wealth are as transitory as the morning drew or floating clouds.
个人的生命不过几十个春秋,名与利也似朝露浮云,然而在生与死的间隙中,隐约一脉相承。As the world's and Chinese information industry develop rapidly, medium and small-sized IT enterprises are also springing up in China.
随着世界及中国信息产业突飞猛进的发展,中国的中小型IT企业也似雨后春笋般的发展起来。Suddenly, he saw a rabbit dash into a tree trunk. The rabbit broke his neck and died instantly. . .
忽然,他看见一只兔子飞也似地跑过来,一头碰在树干上,折断了脖子,当场咽了气。Day, several small partners dashed messenger came: "trees, quick look, your mother back, back to your crazy Mother. "
She came flying into the office.
A scouting party of Cossacks trotted away down the hillside.
He turned his horse's head and galloped away.
Old gentleman begins to run then, fly also like flee for one's life.
The small boat shot out from the reeds.
Like a puff of wholesome, blustery wind the doctor was off.
我们每度一次假, 钱就飞也似地没了。
Every time we go on a holiday, our money seems to take to itself wings.
As the car drove up to the door. he flew out to meet his son.
I saw Shanta Bajai storming off to go to office this morning.
我一让这孩子走, 他便飞也似地跑了, 消失在街角处。
As soon as I let the child go, he shot away and disappeared round a corner.
Then five or six little boys began chasing after us, shouting like maniacs.
Better humble security than gilded danger.
Sweet is the death that taketh end by love.
The lecturer continued giving lessons as if nothing had happened.
The photos aren't very clear though and are likely to come from a video.
Politics does not seem to interest him at all.
阳光似乎也已不似曾经, 我将离去, 当它再没有温度的时刻。
Morning dew a sign for flying away, now it's time to go to find your way.
但在寻找熊的途中, 他却奇迹似地也变成了一头熊。
While he is searching for the bear, he is magically changed into one.
我希望你也一样, 赤诚似火, 坚贞如冰。
I want you so, true like ice, true like fire.
This was echoed by the rest and their words began ringing in my ears.
灵魂不只在一条道上走, 也不是芦草似地生长。
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
稍有点不如意, 就会使我极度烦躁, 脑袋也像要裂开似得。
The slightest irritation made my jangle and my head want to explode.
有人说爱似浮云, 也有人说爱如钢铁般坚毅。
Oh, love to some is like a cloud, To some as strong as steel.
Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.
Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.
Deep, deep within me I feel a similar softening.
Old beams began to crack mysteriously.
It may also be desirable to recognize that voting may take place using electronic means.
我也不太清楚, 似是大钟包伍的回应。
I'm sure I don't know, Says the great bell at Bow.
Similar approaches may be appropriate for the breach of other obligations.