







汉语拼音:zài cǎo






  1. 谓妇女分娩;临盆,临产。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·政事》:“﹝ 陈仲弓 ﹞道闻民有在草不起子者,回车往治之。” 南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·义解·于法开》:“﹝ 于法开 ﹞妙通医法,尝乞食投主人家,值妇人在草危急,众治不验…… 开 令先取少肉为羹,进竟,因气针之,须臾,羊膜裹儿而出。”



  1. Then one of them ran and cut him down with a sword, and he tumbled on the grass, half strangled , and unable to speak for the time.


  2. "You can't drown in grass" the goat boy said. "If we were free" said Penny "we could find the queen. Or go search for her at least. "


  3. his sack. He saw some funny little brown tips of ears sticking up through the lawn mowings. He stared at them for some time.


  4. In addition, if the ball is floating on the grass surface, do not use this method.


  5. Given the glyphosate sinks in the body, this detoxification process is not very effective for glyphosate.


  6. Wildflowers grow among the grasses and butterflies flutter against the boom of distant artillery fire.


  7. It was so good to finally get it that I spread my legs as wide as I could and lifted one knee onto the bale so he could really thrust deep.


  8. As the vole eats grass, it sometimes gets mouthfuls of a fungus called Neotyphodium, which lives inside the stems.


  9. At this point I on the grassland, the shadow in the grass on the cusp of fuzzy curve.


  1. 在草上爬。

    Moving on the grass.

  2. 雪又落在草上。

    The snow is on the grass again.

  3. 他在草上躺下。

    He threw himself down on the grass.

  4. 雨点沥沥落在草上。

    The rain patters on the grass.

  5. 这老虎蹲伏在草中。

    The tiger crouched in the grass.

  6. 在草教育测量, 第3版。

    In Linn Educational Measurement, 3rd Edition.

  7. 在草上的风的运动中。

    In movement of the wind over grass.

  8. 松鼠在草中藏着坚果。

    Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

  9. 他躺在草最厚的地方。

    He lay where the grass was thickest.

  10. 清晨的露珠在草上闪闪发光。

    Early morning dew were glistening on the grass

  11. 严霜象盐一样复盖在草上。

    The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass.

  12. 裹在草的芽根外层的保护鞘

    a protective sheath enclosing the embryonic root of grasses

  13. 他坐在草垫子上呆望着墙壁。

    He sits on his straw tick, staring at the wall.

  14. 一场雷雨迫使他躲在草屋里。

    A thunderstorm forced him to take refuge at a hut.

  15. 在草地图层的上面, 新建一个图层。

    Create a new layer above the grass layer.

  16. 天空在草面前是屏息低眉的。

    Above grass, the sky holds its breath and lowers its eyes.

  17. 胚根鞘裹在草的芽根外层的保护鞘

    A protective sheath enclosing the embryonic root of grasses.

  18. 雨点沥沥落在草上。雨点敲击着窗玻璃。

    The rain patters on the grass. The rain drummed upon the windowpane.

  19. 柑树弯向草地, 把花朵掉在草上。

    The orange tree leaned to the field, dropping its flowers in the grass.

  20. 裹在草的芽尖和胚芽外层的保护鞘

    a protective sheath enclosing the shoot tip and embryonic leaves of grasses

  21. 航天育种研究进展及其在草上的应用

    Research Progress of Induced Breeding on Space Flight and the Prospect on its Application in Grass Breeding

  22. 胚芽鞘裹在草的芽尖和胚芽外层的保护鞘。

    A protective sheath enclosing the shoot tip and embryonic leaves of grasses.

  23. 他们要发生在草中,像溪水旁的柳树。

    They will spring up like grass in meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.

  24. 他们要发生在草中, 象溪水旁的柳树。

    They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.

  25. 小孩儿也在草上放风筝, 清脆的笑声多么悦耳!

    Grass is also a child fly a kite, how sweet clear laughter!

  26. 多媒体技术在草产品加工学课堂教学中的应用

    The Application of Multimedia in Classroom Teaching of Forage Products Processing

  27. 这在多态草, 在草引进栽培种子或在很多温带国家内。

    This is a polymorphic grass, introduced in grass seed or adventive in many temperate countries.

  28. 鲈鱼脱了钩, 在草上跳着, 往河里溜。扑通一声, 下水了!

    The perch got the hook, flopped the grass toward and splashed into the water.

  29. 草在开花。

    The grass is in flower.

  30. 草在风中摇曳。

    The grass is swaying in the wind.