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1. 省 [shěng]2. 省 [xǐng]省 [shěng]地方行政区域:~份。~会。节约,不费:~钱。~事。~吃俭用。简易,减免:~略。~称。~写。中国古官署名:中书~(a.魏晋开始设置,总管国家政务,历代有所沿革,唐初设“中书、尚书……
1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……
汉语拼音:shěng huì
宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗一》:“ 李公 既为丞郎, 永兴 魏相 为给事,因省会, 魏公 曰:‘昔求府解侍郎为试官送一百二人,独小生不蒙一解,今日还忝金章,厕诸公之列。’坐上皆惊。” 元 汤式 《望远行·四景题情·冬》曲:“他若是来时节,那一场省会,玉纤手忙将这俏冤家耳腮上鎚。”
《元典章·礼部五·医学》:“近按临 衡州路 省会本路医学保举到后进医生名数升习科业,已督所属依例训诲外,今准前因看详。”《前汉书平话》卷上:“ 陈豨 号令省会诸军,无得与 王陵 打话,牢守城门。”《三国志平话》卷上:“若我要你用度,有文字到时,火速前来。但有徒弟,都依省会。”
元 岳伯川 《铁拐李》第一折:“敢把你拖到官司便下牢,我先教你省会了。” 元 李文蔚 《蒋神灵应》第二折:“亲书退字参详去,待教我自省会,莫踌躇。”
清 冯桂芬 《重儒官议》:“移书院於 明伦堂 侧,建精庐,可容一二百人,郡县主之,省会则督抚学政主之。” 茅盾 《尚未成功》二:“六个月前,他告别了‘教鞭’,来到这内地的省会一个清闲衙门里当一名科员。”
Some parents came to Taiyuan, the provincial capital city, to seek the truth behind the children's deaths and illnesses.
为寻找受害儿童死亡、病残背后的真相,一些家长专门赶到山西省会太原。The capital of the northern province of Shanxi is at the heart of the country's coal industry and has long suffered from unrelenting smog.
这个山西省的省会城市在中国煤炭行业中处于核心地位,因此长期以来一直深受烟雾之害。He said there were no concrete plans at this time but the ministry would consider such a project if Mongolia were interested.
他表示说,目前尚没有具体方案,但如果蒙古感兴趣,日本??产业省会考虑这一计划。Zhang said the travel time between the capital cities of Hebei and Shanxi provinces will be cut from five hours to only one.
张说,连接河北和山西两省省会的铁路运行时间将从5小时缩短到1小时。The meeting will take place in Chengdu, a leading Chinese economic center and the capital city of China's southwestern Sichuan province.
本届会议将在成都市举行。成都是中国主要的经济中心和中国西南地区四川省的省会。Reports from the Katanga Province capital say at least three of those attackers have been arrested.
从加丹加省省会发来的报道指出,至少三名袭击者被捕。Areas in and around the capital of Taipei experience wind gust of up to 140 miles per hour.
省会台北及周边地区遭遇风速达每小时140英里的狂风。The city of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province and one of the seven ancient Chinese cities, is a state-level scenic spot.
杭州,浙江省的省会城市,七大古都之一,是国家级风景名胜区。first time I can appreciate the Chrysanthemum Show, it was in the late autumn of 1981 to see in the provincial capital Changsha.
We measure the concentration of population around capital cities.