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金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……
汉语拼音:cái tuán
枕书 《博物记趣·锡与锡瘟》:“国际市场上,锡本来是供过于求,锡价一直在下降……这次暴涨,显然是财团间的殊死战。” 李叶 《中国当代土皇帝》第三章:“ 香港 某财团还授权 杜国桢 可按七亿美元开盘经商。”
Wealthy families and industrial groups from the oil-rich Gulf countries make up the majority of the bank's founding shareholders.
来自盛产石油的波斯湾国家的财团和企业组织组成了创办银行的大多数的股东。But he gave no details of the terms on which the private consortia will operate, or how closely they will have to work with Infraero.
但是,他没有提供交由民间财团经营的条件细项,或者他们必须与Infraero维持密切合作。Specifically, Gates said he would suggest Japan buy F-35s, developed by an international consortium led by Lockheed Martin Corp. (LMT).
盖茨特别说到,他将建议让日本购买洛克西德马丁公司(LockheedMartinCorp)牵头的国际财团开发的F-35战机。Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added.
报导称,皇冠财团一直不被看好,但通用鼓励其坚持竞购,若其能获得必要融资的话。It was the last of 11 bidders to drop out and its withdrawal followed two extensions of a deadline of submissions for binding offers.
在11家竞标者中,该财团是最后一家放弃竞购计划的,而在它决定撤出之前,有关方面曾两度延长提交有约束力报价的最后期限。There have been no disasters among the consortia so far, but sooner or later something is likely to go wrong.
到目前为止,财团中并未出现什么大的灾难,但是早晚会有一些东西出错。Mr Merckle is thought to have lost some euro400m ($550m), an amount he had been trying to raise in recent weeks from a consortium of banks.
据信默克尔先生损失了40亿欧元(折合55亿美元),最近几周他在银行财团间奔走筹集这笔巨款。The government is to meet the British Retail Consortium and the Office of Fair Trading to help thousands of ' needy' families affected .
英国政府是为满足零售财团和公平交易办事处协助成千上万的贫困家庭的影响。The takeover has led to speculation that Aquilani could be in line for a surprise move back to his former club.