







汉语拼音:xiāo zhǒng






消肿 [xiāo zhǒng]
  1. 使肿胀消退。通常是指机构中精简人事。



  1. Yue-ming of the night, was that it had stung the hearts of a thousand miles away, dull, and never swelling.


  2. To say that there is a castration complex, is precisely to say that detumescence in no way suffices to constitute it.


  3. Hawthorn promoting digestion, lotus leaf can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, as well as swelling, weight loss, beauty role.


  4. Swimming is especially good since the impact is minimal and it has the added benefit of mitigating edema ( remember those swollen feet? ).


  5. It is because the phallus does not realise, except in its evanescence, the meeting of desires, that it becomes the common locus of anxiety.


  6. Eliminate blackheads, acne can be immediate swelling of your face!


  7. Can dip in with cigarette silk water, inunction affected part, can subsidence of a swelling stops urticant.


  8. Lappaconitine hydrobromide can remove inflammation and swelling, lower temperature and relieve heat.


  9. The cold comes pouch is intumescent , how more surely subsidence of a swelling? ?


  1. 消肿解毒丸

    Xiaozhong Jiedu Pill.

  2. 还是没有消肿

    the swelling won't go down.

  3. 止痛消肿软膏

    an ointment to reduce soreness and swelling

  4. 用冰敷消肿。

    Use ice to reduce the swelling.

  5. 什么可以使脸消肿?

    What can make facial detumescence ?

  6. 什么可以止痒消肿。

    What can stop urticant detumescence

  7. 多久后能彻底消肿?

    How long hind can complete detumescence ?

  8. 这种珍珠粉会消肿。

    This pearl powder will keep the swelling down.

  9. 漂黑消肿眼晚霜

    Swelling Eye Treatment Night Cream

  10. 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块

    Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence

  11. 热敷这种膏药, 消肿止痛。

    A hot compress with this ointment can reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

  12. 以消肿和预防再次出血

    to reduce the swelling and prevent further bleeding.

  13. 眼袋肿有什么办法消肿?

    Is pouch swollen what method detumescence is there?

  14. 消肿,减轻肌肉疼痛,诸如此类。

    Reduces swelling, helps relieve sore muscles and whatnot.

  15. 眼睛肿了怎么样才能消肿?

    Did the eye become swollen how ability detumescence ?

  16. 我给你一点药片来消肿。

    I'll give you some tablets to reduce the swelling.

  17. 眼皮消肿啦, 眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!

    Eyelid detumescence, the eye is heavy alight!

  18. 消肿片中士的宁含量的研究

    Comparative Study of the Methods for Strychnine Content Determination in Antioncoti Pills

  19. 具有散瘀消肿。解毒。止血的功效。

    Have scattered stasis detumescence, Detoxification, Hemostatic effect.

  20. 牛奶可以消炎、消肿与舒缓皮肤。

    The milk may sterilize, the detumescence and the affable skin.

  21. 基本特点清热去湿,利水消肿。

    The basic characteristics of heat dewetting benefits of water swelling.

  22. 菠萝汁消肿, 帮助消化, 舒缓喉痛。

    Pineapple juice relieving swelling, helping digestion, easing sore throat.

  23. 你认为泻盐能更快地消肿吗?

    Do you think Epsom Salt reduces swelling faster?

  24. 散瘀消肿膏的制备及临床应用

    Preparation and clinical application of Sanyu Xiaozhong ointment

  25. 再生丸消肿止痛作用的临床研究

    A Clinical Study on Zaisheng Wan in Its Effect of Subduing Swelling and Alleviating Pain

  26. 利尿消肿治脚气,赤豆粥里胜补剂。

    Diuretic treatment athlete's foot swelling, red bean porridge win supplements.

  27. 头24小时内可以冷敷,有利于止血消肿。

    You can cover operated area with ice bag in first 24 hours.

  28. 促进血液和淋巴循环, 排毒, 排水, 消肿。

    Accelerate circulation of blood, clear away toxin and swell.

  29. 第二,用冷毛巾敷被咬处以消肿。

    Secondly, apply a cold pack over the bites to reduce swelling.

  30. 目得探讨消肿活络散得质量控制方法。

    Objective To discuss the quality control method of Xiaozhonghuoluo powder.


  1. 问:消肿拼音怎么拼?消肿的读音是什么?消肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消肿的读音是xiāozhǒng,消肿翻译成英文是 eliminating swelling; simplifying administr...

  2. 问:消肿的拼音怎么拼?消肿的的读音是什么?消肿的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消肿的的读音是,消肿的翻译成英文是 repercussive

  3. 问:消肿药拼音怎么拼?消肿药的读音是什么?消肿药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消肿药的读音是xiāozhǒngyào,消肿药翻译成英文是 antioncotic


