







汉语拼音:wàng wǒ








  1. 谓自己被他人忘记。


  2. 忘记自己。形容人公而忘私。

    《晋书·王坦之传》:“成名在乎无私,故在当而忘我。此天地所以成功,圣人所以济化。” 杨沫 《不是日记的日记·从四十年代到八十年代》:“我们的国家正向四个现代化进军,多么需要人才--需要那些忘我地献身四化的人才。” 曹靖华 《飞花集·风雨六十年》:“英勇战斗,忘我劳动。”

  3. 以形容超然尘俗,与自然融为一体的境界。

    侯金镜 《漫游小五台》:“心情逐着林海的波涛起伏,舒畅辽阔得将要进入忘我的境界。”



  1. The scholar lost himself in deep thought for a long time and finally raised his head, eyes filled with determination.


  2. Where you love another person so selflessly you see nothing but him in your eyes, in your world. . .


  3. When I said aloud, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done. . . " tears of love filled my eyes at my selflessness.


  4. It was as if her whole soul and body and sex HAD to rouse up and pass into theme stories of his. This thrilled her and absorbed her.


  5. For her mother's eyes were blue Like forget-me-nots. She knew All her mother said was true, Jesus always answered.


  6. Altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals.


  7. An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning.


  8. His style of doing everything in person has won him the title as a "workaholic" and he enjoys such a status.


  9. ROCK what is a spirit of a life attitude, a real act of a state of ecstasy, a detached themselves want freedom.


  1. 忘我,无私

    Forget oneself.

  2. 她忘我地工作。

    She worked without a thought of self.

  3. 忘我地去体验。

    surrender themselves to the experience.

  4. 任思想忘我神游。

    Wandering out of myself random.

  5. 北美勿忘我草

    early scorpion grass.

  6. 他忘我地研究诗歌。

    He lost himself in his study of poetry.

  7. 歌曲的名字叫勿忘我。

    The song is called Don't forget me.

  8. 歌曲得名字叫勿忘我。

    The song is called Don't forget me.

  9. 忠忱的真谛,就是忘我。

    The real name of devotion is disinterestedness.

  10. 电影勿忘我你想看吗

    Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not ?

  11. 花瓶里的勿忘我和牡丹

    Vase with Myosotis and Peonies

  12. 她的歌声令我们浑然忘我。

    We were carried away by her songs.

  13. 大写意画的有我与忘我

    With or Without Me in the Freehand Painting

  14. 胸怀祖国, 忘我工作, 为国争光

    With motherland in heart, hardworking to win honour for her

  15. 他忘我地朝他的目标奋斗着。

    He worked selflessly towards his goal.

  16. 他忘我地朝他的目标奋斗着。

    He worked selflessly towards his goal.

  17. 我沉思太深了,以致几乎忘我。

    I was so lost in thought that I almost forgot myself.

  18. 勿忘我,别叫我,盼到白首。

    Forget me not, never let me wait till whitened all.

  19. 找到你的激情, 并忘我地追求它。

    Find your passion, and pursue it crazily.

  20. 忘我地工作,就像不需要钱一样。

    Work as if you have no need of the money.

  21. 我听任自己忘我神游,有时我就是如此。

    I allowed myself, as I sometimes do, to wander out of myself.

  22. 一切革命工作都需要热情和忘我精神。

    All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness.

  23. 她以其无私忘我赢得了我们的尊敬。

    She win our respect for her selflessness.

  24. 每个公民都应忘我地为国家服务。

    Every true citizen should serve his country and forget himself.

  25. 想到这些,苏秦更加忘我地学习起来。

    Think of these, more ecstasy Su Qin to learn together.

  26. 在派对上的每个人似乎都浑然忘我。

    Everyone at the party seemed to have a bun on.

  27. 教这三个孩子是忘我今天下午的工作。

    To teach the three children is my job this afternoon.

  28. 他那番忘我无私的工作终于开始奏效了。

    His unselfish work is at last beginning to tell.

  29. 停在长满绿苔树上的蚱蜢, 浑然忘我。

    A grasshopper on a mosscovered tree, oblivious of itself.

  30. 上面刻着说,领导力是,智慧,勇气和忘我。

    And it inscribed on it that says leadership is wisdom and courage and carelessness of self.


  1. 问:忘我拼音怎么拼?忘我的读音是什么?忘我翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忘我的读音是wàngwǒ,忘我翻译成英文是 selfless

  2. 问:忘我的拼音怎么拼?忘我的的读音是什么?忘我的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忘我的的读音是,忘我的翻译成英文是 carried



wàng wǒ