







汉语拼音:xī shuài






  1. 亦作“螅蟀”。昆虫名。黑褐色,触角很长,后腿粗大,善于跳跃。雄的善鸣,好斗。也叫促织。

    《诗·豳风·七月》:“十月蟋蟀入我牀下。”《逸周书·时训》:“螅蟀居辟。” 朱右曾 校释:“螅蟀生土中,有翼而未能飞,但居壁上。辟、壁同。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·母》:“风也不起,蟋蟀也不叫,花间小虫跳跃的微声也没有。”

  2. 《诗·唐风》篇名。小序谓刺 晋僖公 “俭不中礼”。

    《左传·襄公二十七年》:“ 印段 赋《蟋蟀》。 赵孟 曰:‘善哉,保家之主也!吾有望矣。’”《文选·张衡<西京赋>》:“独俭嗇以齷齪,忘《蟋蟀》之谓何。” 薛综 注:“《蟋蟀》,《唐》诗刺俭也,言独为节爱,不念《唐》诗所刺邪!” 唐 韩愈 《奉使常山早次太原呈副使吴郎中》诗:“地失嘉禾处,《风》存《蟋蟀》辞。”

  3. 象声词。

    清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“同伴中但闻楼板蟋蟀声,如相拥而行者。”



  1. The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, like the rustle of dreams from my past youth.


  2. At these last words, Pinocchio jumped up in a fury, took a hammer from the bench, and threw it with all his strength at the Talking Cricket.


  3. Pinocchio ignored the advice of the cricket and went on his way.


  4. If you've got a cellphone and a good pair of ears, you can help with the first-ever comprehensive cricket census of New York City.


  5. "You are only a cricket, " he said. "What do you know about life? "


  6. After several rounds, each lasting a minute or two, Mr. Zhang's bug was defeated, as ruled by the referee's decision.


  7. By the time all the crickets have gone to bed, we'll have a report of what happened.


  8. Field crickets (Gryllus campestris) snuggle down in burrows either on their own or with a mate.


  9. In the cricket family in which the cricket and not through the "free love" and "one hundred years of good achievement" .


  1. 澳洲黑蟋蟀

    Teleogryllus commodus.

  2. 台湾五距蟋蟀

    Pentacentrus formosanus

  3. 像蟋蟀一样快活

    As merry as a cricket

  4. 蟋蟀和其他诗歌

    The Cricket and Other Poems

  5. 蟋蟀麻痹鼻病毒

    Cricket paralysis enterovirus

  6. 谜语抑或蟋蟀啼。

    A riddle, or the cricket's cry.

  7. 时代广场的蟋蟀。

    Selden, George. The Cricket in Times Square.

  8. 蟋蟀的唧唧叫声。

    the chirping of crickets

  9. 蟋蟀得唧唧叫声。

    the chirping of crickets.

  10. 象蟋蟀一样的敏捷

    as spry as a cricket

  11. 蟋蟀沾胡椒很好吃。

    Crickets taste really good with some chili peppers.

  12. 蟋蟀演奏他们的音乐。

    The crickets are making their music.

  13. 蟋蟀在墙脚下哀鸣。

    The crickets chirred plaintively at the foot of the wall.

  14. 蟋蟀叫得更欢了。

    The crickets chirped faster and louder.

  15. 这是一个自杀蟋蟀。

    This is a suicidal cricket.

  16. 蟋蟀麻痹小核糖核酸病毒

    Cricket paralysis picornavirus

  17. 告诉我, 蟋蟀, 你是谁。

    Tell me, Cricket, who are you?

  18. 屋外蟋蟀在唧唧叫。

    The crickets chirped outside the house.

  19. 田蟋蟀无包含体病毒

    Teleogryllus non included virus

  20. 蟋蟀如此鸣叫一整日

    Thats how the crickets crick All day.

  21. 阎魔蟋蟀麻痹病毒

    Gryllus paralysis virus

  22. 美国东部的蟋蟀雨蛙。

    cricket frog of eastern United States.

  23. 咖啡二点蟋蟀麻痹病毒

    Gryllus bimaculatas paralysis virus

  24. 五种蟋蟀染色体的研究

    A Study on Chromosomes in Five Crickets

  25. 生蟋蟀得价格最近下跌。

    The price of raw crickets has dropped recently.

  26. 生蟋蟀的价格最近下跌。

    The price of raw crickets has dropped recently.

  27. 蟋蟀们唱着夜晚的赞美诗。

    The crickets were well into the evening's chorale.

  28. 蟋蟀们唱着夜晚得赞美诗。

    The crickets were well into the evening's chorale.

  29. 也会有蟋蟀粪便啊亲。

    It will also bring cricket poop.

  30. 可惜我没能看到蟋蟀。

    Jaurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles.


  1. 问:蟋蟀拼音怎么拼?蟋蟀的读音是什么?蟋蟀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟋蟀的读音是xīshuài,蟋蟀翻译成英文是 cricket; grig

  2. 问:蟋蟀薹草拼音怎么拼?蟋蟀薹草的读音是什么?蟋蟀薹草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟋蟀薹草的读音是xīshuàitáicǎo,蟋蟀薹草翻译成英文是 Carex eleusinoides

  3. 问:蟋蟀虫草拼音怎么拼?蟋蟀虫草的读音是什么?蟋蟀虫草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟋蟀虫草的读音是xīshuàichóngcǎo,蟋蟀虫草翻译成英文是 Cordyceps grylli

  4. 问:蟋蟀雨蛙拼音怎么拼?蟋蟀雨蛙的读音是什么?蟋蟀雨蛙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟋蟀雨蛙的读音是,蟋蟀雨蛙翻译成英文是 Acris gryllus

  5. 问:蟋蟀鹪莺拼音怎么拼?蟋蟀鹪莺的读音是什么?蟋蟀鹪莺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟋蟀鹪莺的读音是xīshuàijiāoyīng,蟋蟀鹪莺翻译成英文是 Cricket Warbler; Prinia clamans



“蟋蟀”是个多义词,它可以指蟋蟀(图书), 蟋蟀(少儿图书), 蟋蟀(动物)。