


1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……


1. 属 [shǔ]2. 属 [zhǔ]属 [shǔ]同一家族的:亲~。眷~。烈~。类别:金~。吾~。有管辖关系的,归类:~于。~下。~地。归~。直~。附~。隶~。生物群分类系统上,“科”下有“属”,“属”下有“种”。系,是:~实。纯~谣言……



汉语拼音:guī shǔ








  1. 归附,从属。


  2. 划定从属关系。如:岛屿的归属问题早已解决。



  1. Fewer Indians and Coloureds have been showing up to vote, indicating that many have not found a political home.


  2. From the Palestinian perspective, the scurrying for archaeological evidence to justify a people's sense of belonging misses the point.


  3. One of the supreme benefits of salvation is a sense of belonging: you belong to God, and you belong to his church.


  4. Gossip girl: Some say love is a river. Some say love's a silly song. Some say love is all around us. It lifts us up where we belong.


  5. It's frequently attributed to Nelson Mandela, the former South African president, and said to be an excerpt from his 1994 inaugural address.


  6. In the course of the film, one of her staff comments that working for the magazine is "like belonging to a church" .


  7. It gives me a sense of belonging to something local and an outlet from singing from the heart.


  8. Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.


  9. The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides.


  1. 归属继承权

    vested remainder.

  2. 所有权归属

    ownership attribution.

  3. 著作权归属

    ownership of copyright.

  4. 知识产权归属

    ownership of intellectual property

  5. 归属关口站

    home gateway.

  6. 与归属认同

    And a sense of belonging.

  7. 约定归属说

    theory of promise ascription.

  8. 逮捕权归属

    adscription of arrestment right

  9. 遗失物归属

    the ownership of the lost property

  10. 归属相爱需求

    belongings love demands.

  11. 房地产的归属

    adscription of an estate.

  12. 化学位移归属

    chemical shift assignment

  13. 归属安全环境

    Hold Security Environment.

  14. 受益归属分析

    Benefit Incidence Analysis.

  15. 表现股权归属

    Facies ascription of share right

  16. 民族归属意识

    ethical attributive consciousness.

  17. 心理归属取向

    the orientation of mental belonging.

  18. 归属性用法

    attributive uses.

  19. 车位车库的归属

    ascription of garage

  20. 陆块构造归属

    tectonic affiliation of continental blocks

  21. 谈副词的归属

    Talking about the Belongings of the Adverb.

  22. 归属与相爱需要

    belongingness and love need

  23. 这归属她们,助手们。

    It belongs to them The sidekicks.

  24. 爱和归属的需要

    The love and belonging needs

  25. 甲我没有归属感。

    Tit I dont feel that I belong!

  26. 这就是归属的规律。

    That's the law of belonging.

  27. 他们需要有归属感。

    They need to feel they belong.

  28. 法团权益归属规定

    corporate interests attribution rule

  29. 从前继承权归属长子。

    Formerly the right of inheritance vested in the eldest son.

  30. 房产归属于长子。

    The house accrued to the oldest son.


  1. 问:归属拼音怎么拼?归属的读音是什么?归属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属的读音是guīshǔ,归属翻译成英文是 come under

  2. 问:归属句拼音怎么拼?归属句的读音是什么?归属句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属句的读音是guīshǔjù,归属句翻译成英文是 ascriptive sentence

  3. 问:归属性拼音怎么拼?归属性的读音是什么?归属性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属性的读音是guī shǔ xìng,归属性翻译成英文是 belongingness

  4. 问:归属感拼音怎么拼?归属感的读音是什么?归属感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属感的读音是guī shǔ gǎn,归属感翻译成英文是 belongingness

  5. 问:归属期拼音怎么拼?归属期的读音是什么?归属期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属期的读音是guī shǔ qī,归属期翻译成英文是 vesting period

  6. 问:归属权拼音怎么拼?归属权的读音是什么?归属权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属权的读音是guīshǔquán,归属权翻译成英文是 right of attribution

  7. 问:归属的拼音怎么拼?归属的的读音是什么?归属的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属的的读音是guī shǔ de,归属的翻译成英文是 ascriptive

  8. 问:归属任务拼音怎么拼?归属任务的读音是什么?归属任务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属任务的读音是guī shǔ rèn wù,归属任务翻译成英文是 attaching task

  9. 问:归属动机拼音怎么拼?归属动机的读音是什么?归属动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属动机的读音是guī shǔ dòng jī,归属动机翻译成英文是 belonging motivation

  10. 问:归属动词拼音怎么拼?归属动词的读音是什么?归属动词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属动词的读音是,归属动词翻译成英文是 Attributive verb

  11. 问:归属学习拼音怎么拼?归属学习的读音是什么?归属学习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属学习的读音是guī shǔ xué xí,归属学习翻译成英文是 attribution learning

  12. 问:归属需要拼音怎么拼?归属需要的读音是什么?归属需要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属需要的读音是guī shǔ xū yào,归属需要翻译成英文是 affiliation need

  13. 问:归属性动机拼音怎么拼?归属性动机的读音是什么?归属性动机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归属性动机的读音是guīshǔxìng dòngjī,归属性动机翻译成英文是 social group identification



归属(guī shǔ),动词。属于,归于,划定从属关系的意思。