







汉语拼音:liǎng qīng







两清 [liǎng qīng]
  1. 借贷或买卖双方账目已经结清谁也不欠谁,咱们~了。



  1. If I give you a shilling, we shall be all square.


  2. you say the island is not done with me, well , i'm done with the island!


  3. I take you to Hoff Knows Talent, and that's it, we're done.


  4. Chad Danforth: So I guess when they hand us that diploma, were actually done here.


  5. Need a square from lift, the cash stock on hand, payment two pure.


  6. We're even, OK? I don't own you no more favors.


  7. I lent you money, and you returned it; that's like good neighbors, and we are quits.


  8. A. Do I owe you any money? B. No, we are quits.


  9. You're very good at a game that I don't want to play, so I'm done here.


  1. 咱们两清了吧?

    Are we done?

  2. 气营两清, 清气凉营

    clearing both qifen and yingfen

  3. 银货两讫。货款两清

    Completion of business transaction

  4. 咱俩还是两清,对吧

    You and I are still square, right?

  5. 什么时候两清,我说了算。

    I'm the one that decides when we're done.

  6. 什么时候两清,我说了算。

    I'm the one that decides when we're done.

  7. 是你我两清的时候了。

    It's time you and I squared up.

  8. 是你我两清得时候了。

    It's time you and I squared up.

  9. 最后一件,我们就两清了。

    One job, I wipe your slate clean.

  10. 谁也不欠谁, 咱们两清了。

    We've squared up and do not owe each other a penny.

  11. 我给你一先令,咱们就两清了。

    If I give you a shilling, we shall be all square.

  12. 塔塔基利亚失去了一个儿子,我也是,两清了。

    Tattaglia lost a son, and I lost a son. We're quits.

  13. 我们得债务两清了, 从此以后不要再纠缠我了。

    Now that our debts are squared, don't badger me with them any more.

  14. 我们的债务两清了, 从此以后不要再纠缠我了。

    Now that our debts are squared, don't badger me with them any more.

  15. 我们的债务两清了,从此以后不要再纠缠我了。

    Now that our debts are squared, don't badger me with them any more.

  16. 偿还款项可分期於两年偿清。

    Repayments can be spread over two years.

  17. 偿还款项可分期于两年偿清。

    Repayments can be spread over two years.

  18. 你分得清这两个孪生姐妹吗?

    Can you tell the twin sisters apart?

  19. 我分不清这两个双胞胎的女孩子。

    I can't tell the twin girls apart.

  20. 一个人神智不清,两个国家的希望都被毁灭了。

    One man's mental blackout ruined the last hope of two nations.

  21. 黄光消褪了,他可以看清他们两个人低头看着他。

    The light cleared and he could see the other two looking down at him.

  22. 由于一个人神智不清, 两个大国的最后希望都被粉碎了。

    One man's mental blackout ruined the last hopes of two great nations.

  23. 由于一个人神智不清, 两个大国得最后希望都被粉碎了。

    One man's mental blackout ruined the last hopes of two great nations.

  24. 我想在两年内还清。

    Id like to repay it in two years.

  25. 这张支票将在两个交易日内结清。

    The check will clear within 2 business days.

  26. 两个轮廓不清的男人在一个实验室内工作。

    The silhouettes of two men are working in a laboratory.

  27. 为了让其他两个女人听清,他提高了嗓门。

    He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women.

  28. 故宫曾是明清两代得皇宫。

    The Palace Museum was once the imperial palace for the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  29. 明清两朝的皇帝们过去就住在这儿。

    The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.

  30. 这个大殿是明清两代皇后住得地方。

    This hall was the residence of the empress during the Ming and Qing dynasties.


  1. 问:两清拼音怎么拼?两清的读音是什么?两清翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两清的读音是liǎngqīng,两清翻译成英文是 Debit and credit have been cleaned up.



两清有多重含义, liǎngqīng [accounts cleared between two parties] 商业用语,指借贷或买卖双方款物已经结清,手续已经办完. 北方口语,解释为两相情愿或两情两愿,做事照顾到双方,成全两个方面,使两方都满意,即两全其美.