




1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……







汉语拼音:jìng ruò zhǐ shuǐ



  1. 网络
  2. candy;hjanyue

  1. 往事以逝, 静如止水。

    The past is gone and static.

  2. 往事以逝,静如止水。

    The past is gone and static.

  3. 他感到口渴, 而唯一可以得到的水是一池静水。

    He was thirsty, but the only water available was in a pool of still water.

  4. 安静地阅读一本书,嘴角带着静如止水的笑。

    Quietly reading a book, be with static smile.

  5. 沉积介质为弱还原还原, 半咸水咸水的浅湖静水环境。

    Standing water featured by week deoxidizedeoxidize and brackish water saltwater is suggested for their deposition.

  6. 在世界上真有如此静的一条水吗

    Does a river like you really exist in the world

  7. 死水,静水

    stagnant water.

  8. 静水流深。

    Still waters run deep.

  9. 流静水深。

    Silent waters run deep.

  10. 静水应力场

    hydrostatic pressure field

  11. 静水式生物测试

    static bioassay

  12. 水产生静水压力。

    Hydrostatic pressure of water produced.

  13. 静水封横排地漏

    Floor Drainer with Static Horizontal Water Seal

  14. 静水流深,大智若愚。

    Stephen Bayne Still waters run deep.

  15. 蚊子在静水中繁殖。

    Mosquitoes breed in standing water.

  16. 蚊子在静水中繁殖。

    Mosquitoes breed in standing water.

  17. 静水映出云影。

    The clouds were imaged in the still water.

  18. 曲径通幽, 静水流深。

    The path to glory is always rugged.Still water runs deep.

  19. 曲径通幽,静水流深。

    The path to glory is always rugged.Still water runs deep.

  20. 哑犬, 静水须提防。

    Beware of a silent dog and still water.

  21. 哑犬,静水须提防。

    Beware of a silent dog and still water.

  22. 静水流深,岁月悠长。

    Still waters run deep, long, years.

  23. 溪浅声喧,静水流深。

    Shallow streams still waters run deep.

  24. 游览静水镇, 明尼唐卡湖。

    Visit Stillwater Township and Lake Minnetonka.

  25. 滑行艇静水阻力估算方法

    Method of Assessing the Hull Resistance in Still Water for High Speed Craft

  26. 沉默的人像静水一样深不可测。

    Silent man, like still waters are deep and dangerous.

  27. 沉默得人像静水一样深不可测。

    Silent man, like still waters are deep and dangerous.

  28. 静水压力下宏观分子的合成。

    Macromolecular Synthesis under Hydrostatic Pressure.

  29. 一块石头扔进一池静水中。

    A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water.

  30. 静水沉降激波模型及其解答

    Shockwave model and Lagrangian series solution of quiescent sedimentation

