


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……


玉器,泛指珍贵的东西:~贝。~剑。~物。~藏(zàng )。国~。财~。珍~。传(chuán)家~。如获至~。~贵。帝王的印信,借指帝位:~座。登大~(皇帝登基)。敬辞,用于称别人的,~地。~刹(称呼庙字)。~号(称呼别人的店铺)。指金属货……



汉语拼音:bù tān wéi bǎo








  • 【解释】:表示以不贪为可贵、崇高,也表示廉洁奉公。
  • 【出自】:《左传.襄公十五年》,我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。


  1. Regarding a Treasure as Nothing


  1. 会分别什么是宝什么是草, 也不会走宝。

    They can tell a good production from a bad one and will not miss out on a gem.

  2. 不过杰出的律师毕竟不是旷世之宝。

    But eminent lawyers are common.

  3. 生命不是钱,而是无价宝,不能用来买卖。

    Life is not money. It is a priceless treasure that cannot be bought with money.

  4. 但对我而言, 这只小小的船形肉卤盘绝不只是一件传家之宝。

    But those less gravy boat is abundance abundance than an heirloom to me.

  5. 老通宝不相信。

    Old Tong Bao didn't believe it.

  6. 我以前不知道贵公司淘宝取消订单在广州有个陈列室。

    I did't know you had a showroom in Guangzhou.

  7. 洋鬼子怎样就骗了钱去, 老通宝不很明白。

    How the foreign devils had accomplished this, Old Tong Bao wasn't too clear.

  8. 又不是寻宝游戏

    It's not exactly a scavenger hunt.

  9. 因为它不只是寻宝

    Because it's more than that.

  10. 是什么?是不是藏宝图?

    What is it? Is it a treasure map?

  11. 干嘛不开你的宝马

    What's wrong with the BMW?

  12. 宝洁公司很清楚,不是吗?

    Proctor and Gamble knows this, right?

  13. 我没有理由不和淘宝合作。

    I clean out treasure to cooperate disaccord without manage.

  14. 但老通宝是不肯相信的。

    But he couldn't believe it.

  15. 我们已经决定不租力宝中心。

    We have decided not to rent the Nippon Center.

  16. 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。

    I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.

  17. 感情上,不要失去你自己,宝呗。

    Emotionally, dont wanna lose you now, honey.

  18. 然而老通宝到底有点不放心。

    Old Tong Bao became uneasy after all.

  19. 谁也不知道藏宝地点在哪里。

    No one knows the location of the hidden treasure.

  20. 我必须承认法律不是安宝的强项。

    I wiII admit that the Iaw is not Ambers strong point.

  21. 不能登录外网你怎么登录支付宝啊?

    Cannot log onto outer net how do you login pay treasure ?

  22. 他们相信六宝的话不会毫无根据。

    They knew Sixth Treasure's words couldn't be entirely without foundation.

  23. 那您演宝钗,理智型的美女,好不好?

    How about you as the intellectual beauty Bao Chai ?

  24. 不,我必须买帮宝适,衣服和食物。

    No. I have to buy Pampers, clothes and food.

  25. 温家宝何尝不是人民的好总理呢!

    Wen Jiabao also is peoples good premier!

  26. 老通宝忍不住笑了, 他不肯相信。

    Old Tong Bao couldn't help smiling. He wouldn't believe it.

  27. 但是宝腾称不会放弃其宏伟目标。

    Yet it has refused to scale down its ambitions.

  28. 那辆宝马的费用可真不便宜啊

    That Beemer is not a cheap car.

  29. 锻炼并不是康宝莱减肥计划所必需的。

    Exercise isn't a must to lose weight with the Herbalife weight loss program.

  30. 锻炼并不是康宝莱减肥计划所必需得。

    Exercise isn't a must to lose weight with the Herbalife weight loss program.


不贪为宝 发 音:bù tān wéi bǎo 释 义表示以不贪为可贵、崇高,也表示廉洁奉公。