






1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……





汉语拼音:tiān shí dì lì










  1. I've been shooting at least two or three times a week ever since, mainly landscapes, star trails when the conditions are just right. '


  2. After imported wines have got that kind of RIGHT TIMING, can the other factor of favorable geographical position be linked up with it?


  3. This paper discusses the sense of happiness in Chengdu from three aspects: climate, geographical position and people's unity.


  4. His son John, a lawyer aged 38, suggests that "Reagan had a time and a place, but those messages don't resonate. "


  5. Can get such record , is natural monopoly profession mainly, it is still to lean timeliness land productivity probably to get profit.


  6. Nobody and, also does not take any advantage in fine weather and favorable geographical position aspect Hamilton.


  7. You are "on a roll" and everything seems to be going your way. What do you do now?


  8. We believed the weather, benefits, the human and condition, very quick can in the colleague blooming!


  9. After hard work, the biggest determinant is being the right place at the right time with the right people.


  1. 只不过是天时地利而已。

    Just right place, right time.

  2. 天时地利,还得有心有情。

    The day, the place, the heart must be just so.

  3. 我总是处在天时地利之中。

    I am always in the right place at the right time.

  4. 天时地利是相当难掌握的

    And that sequence was especially difficult.

  5. 了。也得看天时地利人和。

    Also get see weather land utilization a person with.

  6. 爱是天时地利的迷信,真的吗?

    For that time, it was the wrong guy.

  7. 我们把成功归因于天时地利。

    We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time.

  8. 坐享黄金地段,尽揽天时地利。

    Enjoy the gold location, the favourable climate and geographical position.

  9. 哪一方得天时地利?哪一方能贯彻执行法令?

    Which side is capable of executing orders effectively and efficiently?

  10. 州府大楼的建筑本身就是天时地利的里程碑。

    The state capitol building is, appropriately, a geologic monument in itself.

  11. 他的成功一定程度上归因于天时地利。

    His success was in some measure due to his being in the right place at the right time.

  12. 因此客观上讲, 微软占有天时地利的优势。

    It is contrary antimonopoly law, so Microsoft has superior in right time and right place.

  13. 天时地利,已造就最好的一个地方,给人居住。

    Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man's habitation.

  14. 具备天时地利人和的优势是百色起义成功的原因。

    Thanks to the advantages of good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations, its success is a historical necessity.

  15. 没有人和,在天时地利方面汉密尔顿也占不到任何的便宜。

    Nobody and, does not take any advantage in fine weather and favorable geographical position aspect Hamilton.

  16. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。

    The time isn't as important as the terrain; but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people.

  17. 天时,地利,人和,与您共享!

    Favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions, share with you!

  18. 他的荣耀得益于天时, 地利, 人和。

    Everything redounded to his glory.

  19. 他的荣耀得益于天时、地利、人和。

    Everything redounded to his glory.

  20. 除了苦干之外, 最大得决定因素就是天时, 地利, 人和。

    After hard work, the biggest determinant is being the right place at the right time with the right people.

  21. 除了苦干之外,最大的决定因素就是天时,地利,人和。

    After hard work, the biggest determinant is being the right place at the right time with the right people.

  22. 他们占了地利与天时,并且鸿运当头。

    They were in the right place at the right time and Lady Luck smiled on them.

  23. 比赛中, 他们占尽天时地利人和。

    They held all the aces in the competition.

  24. 比赛中,他们占尽天时地利人和。

    They held all the aces in the competition.


  1. 问:天时地利人和拼音怎么拼?天时地利人和的读音是什么?天时地利人和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天时地利人和的读音是tiān shí dì lì rén hé,天时地利人和翻译成英文是 favorable climate and warm support from a home c...