







汉语拼音:tán tiān







  1. 战国 齐 阴阳家 邹衍 (邹,一作驺)其语宏大迂怪,故称“谈天”。

    《史记·孟子荀卿列传》:“故 齐 人颂曰:‘谈天 衍 ,雕龙 奭 ,炙轂过髡。’” 裴駰 集解引 刘向 《别录》:“ 騶衍 之所言,五德终始,天地广大,尽言天事,故曰‘谈天’。”后专指以天人感应来解释自然与人事的关系。 南朝 宋 鲍照 《河清颂》序:“臣闻善谈天者,必徵象於人。”

  2. 能言善辩。

    宋 苏轼 《洞庭春色》诗:“须君灧海盃,浇我谈天口。” 元 白朴 《墙头马上》第四折:“他那里谈天口喷珠玉,一剗的者也之乎。” 明 王问 《驻云飞·吊古》曲:“地割鸿沟,千古英雄 项 与 刘 ,説士谈天口,战士屠龙手。”

  3. 聊天,闲聊。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八二回:“这件事,我们当日不过谈天谈起来,彼此并未订立合同。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致母亲》:“因为他只在星期六夜或星期日才有闲空,会来谈天的。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“我回来的时候看见 四凤 跟那个二少爷谈天。”

  4. 看相算命。

    宋 岳珂 《桯史·看命司》:“中都有谈天者,居於 观桥 之东,日设肆于门,标之曰‘看命司’。” 宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷三:“今谈天者既出入贵人门第,揣摩时事,以售其説。”



  1. After these words the freemason leaned his elbow again on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes, as though weary of prolonged talking.


  2. You will see a dealer in barrel business sitting at his door twiddling his thumbs as he gossips with a neighbour.


  3. It enables people to talk to their relatives or friends elsewhere as if they were meeting them.


  4. Some would like to discuss things with me, some would like to talk to me, and want me to listen.


  5. Conversation with him was always so stimulating.


  6. My grandfather is an immigrant and a jolly, happy type who stays vibrant by talking with his friends from church or with family members.


  7. For the next four years, do have a short video chat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a chance.


  8. The old grandmother -who had latterly become quite childish -used to sit and listen talk with a superior air .


  9. I remember being struck by the way young and old would gather in village squares of an evening to talk, drink and play boules.


  1. 是交流谈天的时刻

    It is a time for communion

  2. 跟朋友静静地谈天

    having a quiet conversation with a friend

  3. 我们饮酒谈天,直至深夜。

    We sat up drinking and talking.

  4. 我喜欢和鱼儿们谈天。

    Me encanta charlar con los peces.

  5. 我们一起谈天, 跳木屐舞。

    We talked and danced the clog dance together!

  6. 我们一起谈天、跳木屐舞。

    We talked and danced the clog dance together!

  7. 它与蠕虫谈天侃地。

    It chatted with worms.

  8. 和他谈天, 令人觉得振奋。

    Conversation with him was always so stimulating.

  9. 汤姆找了个机会跟莎莉谈天。

    Tom found an occasion to get into conversation with Sally.

  10. 你还要呆在这儿谈天吗?

    Are you staying to talk?

  11. 我们会在一起,一起谈天。我希望。

    We'll get together. we'll talk! I hope.

  12. 每天晚上他都和工人谈天。

    Every evening he would go and talk with the workers.

  13. 我还保持着喜欢谈天的习惯。

    My love of talk still abides with me.

  14. 每天晚上他们都和老师谈天。

    Every evening they would talk with the teacher.

  15. 序幕演完了, 三个人开始谈天。

    These preliminaries over, the three began to talk.

  16. 凯瑟丽娜她们都在火炉旁边谈天。

    KATHERINA. They sit conferring by the parlour fire.

  17. 我们有足够的时间吃饭、喝酒、谈天。

    We have time enough to eat, drink and talk.

  18. 病中与同病者谈天常是有益的。

    It's often helpful during an illness to talk to other sufferers.

  19. 病中与同病者谈天常是有益得。

    It's often helpful during an illness to talk to other sufferers.

  20. 车来以前, 咱们谈天玩游戏来丁宁时间。

    We killed time talking and playing games until the bus arrived.

  21. 我可不成以参加进来谈天?我很容易相处。

    May I join the chatting? I'm easy to please.

  22. 他的谈话令人鼓舞。和他谈天,令人觉得振奋。

    His talk is inspiring. Conversation with him was always so stimulating.

  23. 午饭休息时间,他与顾客谈天闲聊以消磨时间。

    During a lunch break, he and the buyer passed the time with some chitchat.

  24. 他佩服主人诱导大伙谈天的机敏劲儿。

    He admired the dexterity with which their host directed the conversation.

  25. 吉英正在安安静静地跟彬格莱先生谈天。

    Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley.

  26. 我喜欢在美丽的校园里和朋友们漫步,谈天。

    I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.

  27. 和他谈天,令人觉得振奋。96。我们位年强人振奋。

    Conversation with him was always so stimulating.96. I find young people exciting.

  28. 美国女性可能先和男谈天甚至请他们跳舞。

    American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.

  29. 许多个夜晚都在他们散步谈天中消磨过去了。

    Many nights they had spent walking, talking together.

  30. 然而女人则不会因为和帅哥谈天而受到波及。

    Women, however, were not affected by chatting to a handsome man.


  1. 问:谈天拼音怎么拼?谈天的读音是什么?谈天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谈天的读音是tántiān,谈天翻译成英文是 chat

  2. 问:谈天说地拼音怎么拼?谈天说地的读音是什么?谈天说地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谈天说地的读音是tántiānshuōdì,谈天说地翻译成英文是 to talk about everything; to talk randomly...

