




1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:fèi jìn xīn jī








  • 【解释】:心机:计谋。挖空心思,想尽办法。
  • 【出自】:宋·朱熹《朱文公文集·与杨子直书》:“而近年一种议论,乃欲周旋于二者之间,问互委曲,费尽心机。”
  • 【示例】:若不投其所好,怎得重用?因此~,访得今日是他生日,预差人浇成一对寿烛。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;用于人思虑谋划


  1. And the lengths to which two of these defendants went to cover their tracks sounds like something out of a bad movie.

  2. " Well, I've persuaded your father to see a doctor. " " Oh, good for you! You must have been very tactful. "

  3. It had never reoccurred to him to devise a plan for getting half-crowns.

  4. He never fights in the drama. He plots, tries, but fails, to get the politics right and is full of self-doubt.

  5. FOREIGNERS have always struggled to exercise any sort of control over Afghanistan.

  6. I wondered why it was that he had managed to surround himself with idiots.

  7. After that, he is scheming, clever layout, not only left a huge legacy to her and gave her a hope that he is still human.

  8. Hey I can't unload these goods by myself! Stop trying to scrimp on labor costs and hire some people.

  9. This time, they managed to somehow get them to go to trial - where Michael was found NOT GUILTY of every charge - and there were many.


  1. 这使我们费尽心机。

    That made us shape our ends.

  2. 他费尽心机讨好他爱人。

    He took great pains to please his lover.

  3. 我费尽心机以免于负债。

    I have much trouble to keep out of debt.

  4. 费尽心机地钻入某处

    to worm one's way into something

  5. 费尽心机的陷害, 不是吗?

    That would be quite an elaborate setup, don't you think?

  6. 我费尽心机, 一点效果都没有。

    I devote so much energy, Little effect at all.

  7. 她费尽心机不让她父母知道这件事。

    She took great pains to conceal this from her parents.

  8. 父母亲为了试图找到儿子而费尽心机。

    The parents left no stone unturned in their attempts to trace their son.

  9. 就是有人费尽心机的使其成为那样。

    Someone's doing a damn good job of making them look like it.

  10. 我费尽心机在做的就是改造, 拯救语言。

    What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language.

  11. 尽管敌人费尽心机,还是遭到了沉重的打击。

    The enemy got a heavy blow for their pains.

  12. 我费尽心机挑选能够找到的最好的工作人员。

    I went to great pains to select the best staff available.

  13. 可是费尽心机也不能使纳蒂摆脱本色。

    It is impossible, however, to trick natty out in other colours than his familiar ones.

  14. 她费尽心机地给他弄合他口味的东西吃。

    She was at pains to get him the things to eat that he liked.

  15. 他不必很帅但能吸引我, 他不必费尽心机但能驾驭我

    He need not have a very handsome but I can attract, he doesnt have to tactful but could control I

  16. 尽管人们费尽心机,寻找他的下落,都毫无结果。

    Everything was done to discover some trace of him, but in vain.

  17. 冷漠的买方也使对方为取悦他费尽心机。

    The impassive buyer also causes the opposition to go to extreme lengths to please.

  18. 奸诈的人和政治家,虽然费尽心机,总是害了自己。

    Crafty men and statesmen will be shown misled by all their elaborate calculations.

  19. 有人费尽心机地接近老师, 为了套出些考题。

    Others are trying their best approach teachers in order to find out some examination questions.

  20. 别费尽心机去洞察女孩的心思,因为她们总在变。

    Dont bother to penetrate girls minds as they are always changing.

  21. 还没有。我正费尽心机,想设计一座风格独特的建筑。

    Not yet. I am brainstorming for an unique one.

  22. 当然,费尽心机的包装依旧不能保证脆弱的瓷器万无一失。

    Of course, of rack ones brains in scheming pack as before unwarrantable flimsy china no risk at all.

  23. 还没有。我正费尽心机, 想设计一座风格独特得建筑。

    Not yet. I am brainstorming for an unique one.

  24. 那囚犯费尽心机找一个越狱的办法, 他终于成功了。

    The prisoner racked his brain for a way of escape, and family he succeeded.

  25. 营业部主任费尽心机使他的计划有一个良好的开端。

    The marketing director took pains to get the campaign off on the right foot.

  26. 千百年来哲学家们费尽心机从各自的角度阐释何为幸福。

    For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to explain the meaning of happiness from their own points of view.


  1. 问:费尽心机拼音怎么拼?费尽心机的读音是什么?费尽心机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:费尽心机的读音是fèijìnxīnjī,费尽心机翻译成英文是 rack one’s brains