








1. 藉 [jiè]2. 藉 [jí]藉 [jiè]垫在下面的东西。衬垫:枕~。同“借”。抚慰:慰~。含蓄:蕴~。假设,假使:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。~第令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七”。藉 [jí]践踏,凌辱:“人皆~吾弟”。狼~。进贡……



汉语拼音:liáo yǐ wèi jiè








  1. The consolation that you can get is to relax yourself by watching your favorite TV shows, being led by your favorite actors.


  2. All these countries have the comfort of huge foreign-exchange reserves.


  1. 大人们却能聊以慰藉。

    Adults find it comforting.

  2. 聊以自慰的宽解

    Dutch consolation

  3. 她和她婴儿说话聊以自娱。

    She diverted herself with talking to her baby.

  4. 有时他独自吟诵几节, 聊以自慰。

    At times he repeated lines to himself and this consoled him.

  5. 我现在也只能以此聊以自慰了

    I guess that's all the catharsis I can take right now.

  6. 我只靠这一点点收入聊以生活。

    I am just living on a slender income for the moment.

  7. 我只靠这一点点收入聊以生活。

    I am just living on a slender income for the moment.

  8. 他聊以自慰的是幸亏事情没有更糟。

    He consoled himself with the think that it may had been worse.

  9. 他有幽默感, 这使他在逆境中聊以自慰

    His sense of humour is a useful buffer when things are going badly for him

  10. 大多数怯懦者都有这种私下聊以自慰的办法。

    Most timidities have such secret compensations.

  11. 就要看你我在一起,只有微笑聊以蔚籍。

    I look at you and me and I smile.

  12. 能够聊以自慰的是,同一年,法国也被迫宣告破产。

    It was a poor consolation that France had been forced to admit its own bankruptcy in the same year.

  13. 能够聊以自慰得是,同一年,法国也被迫宣告破产。

    It was a poor consolation that France had been forced to admit its own bankruptcy in the same year.

  14. 啊,你准备留下来了。我想这算是能够聊以自慰吧。

    Well, you're staying. That's something I suppose.

  15. 政府唯一聊以自慰的是反对派与他们一样困惑不解。

    The governments only crumb of comfort is that their opponents are as confused as they are.

  16. 主题纯真朴实,看了使人舒心或给人以慰藉的电视节目。

    Television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace.

  17. 聊乘化以归尽。

    Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature.

  18. 因此, 我们将对扶轮基金会捐献, 以聊表谢忱。

    Therefore, we will make a contribution to The Rotary Foundation as our expression of thanks.

  19. 给以精神上的慰藉

    administer spiritual comfort

  20. 移交飞机前,应当以私聊方式与相关管制员进行协调。

    Handover of aircrafts should be done only by coordination with other ATC.

  21. 他想起来原来他和有彦聊过关于一子以什么谋生的事。

    He recalls an inconclusive conversation with Arihiko about what she does for a living.

  22. 他进入这一行,以求找到新的慰藉。

    He went into this career to find a new cure.

  23. 谨以此花聊表谢忱。

    These flowers are a small token of my gratitude.

  24. 性格软弱者总以含糊和拖延为慰藉。

    Vagueness and procrastination are ever a comfort to the frail in spirit.

  25. 而且,在尘世间还有他能得到慰藉和施以情感之处。

    And he had earthly consolation and affections also.

  26. 高校长深不以这种轻薄为然,紧闭着嘴不笑,聊示反对。

    President Kao, however, did not agree with this frivolousness he sat tightlipped and unsmiling to show his disapproval.


聊以慰藉形容很勉强,有些自己敷衍自己的意思。出处是《后汉书· 隗嚣公孙述列传》。