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用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……
汉语拼音:pí dài
The injury looked very serious as Terry was heavily strapped and secured into a stretcher before the ambulance took him to a local hospital.
特里的伤势看似很严重,他被皮带紧紧包住头部,用担架抬出,之后被救护车送往医院!Yes. From here, coal is brought to the conveyor ahead. Then it is lifted up to the ground and transported to all parts of the motherland.
对。从这儿运到前面的皮带机。然后再运到井上,运往祖国各地。But if I opened his door and sent Tosca in there, he would take her leash and would be fine as long as she was there.
但是如果我开门把Toska放进去,只要她在,他就会抓着她脖子上的皮带,感到好过一些。The worth of a man can be measured by the length of his beard and the girth of his. . . beltbuckle.
一个男人的价值,可以从他胡子的长度,以及……皮带的长度上看出来The enemy strapped him, and yet he said nothing.
敌人用皮带抽打他,可他就是一句话也不说。The old Barnes was belt driven by an electric motor that appeared old enough to have been built by Tom Edison himself!
旧巴恩斯是皮带驱动一电机出现的旧不够,已建成由Tom爱迪生自己!I realized I needed another hand! I held my bouquet in one hand, Cognac on his leASh in the other, but I needed to hold the bASket AS well.
我意识到我的两只手不够用!我一手抱着一束花,另一只手牵着拴科格纳克的皮带,可我还得拿着篮子。Frantically paddling to the surface, he yanked at the surfboard, attached to his ankle by a leash, climbed on, and pointed it toward shore.
他拼命的滑到水面,猛的拉住冲浪板,用脚踝套住皮带,爬上去,向海岸划去。You know he practiced us with a belt in his hands and if you missed a step he would tear you up.