


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:méi shēn








  1. 终身。

    《老子》:“没身不殆。”《汉书·息夫躬传》:“今单于以疾病不任奉朝贺,遣使自陈,不失臣子之礼。臣 禄 自保没身不见 匈奴 为边竟忧也。” 隋 王通 《中说·问易》:“ 刘炫 问《易》,子曰:圣人於《易》,没身而已,况吾儕乎?” 明 沉鲸 《双珠记·狱中冤恨》:“饮痛啣寃,没身难泯。”

  2. 犹言将自身没官。


  3. 犹投身。




  1. 网络
  2. OYO

  1. 身既没矣, 归葬山麓

    The bodies withered, buried in the mountain glade side

  2. 球队的第二个进球是比赛的转折点, 对手再也没能翻过身来。

    When my team scored their second goal, that was the turning point. The other team never recovered.

  3. 哎, 我这身衣服还没干呢。

    Oh, my clothes haven't completely dried yet.

  4. 听到人声,他转过身去却没见到一个人影。

    He heard a voice but when he turned around, he saw nobody.

  5. 没完没了得追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  6. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  7. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  8. 那个人什么也没说, 转过身走了。

    The man then turned and walked off without saying anything.

  9. 你们有没有记录我弟弟身有残疾,无法工作?

    Do you record body of my little brother to there is disability, misfire

  10. 当今天的我觉得跟昨天没身么两样时, 我已经停止成长。

    When I think there's nothing different between today ang yesterday, I have already stopped growing up.

  11. 当我没说。那么除了身为食死徒的怨恨, 他还有什么动机?

    Never mind. So is there a motive beyond the standard Death Eater bitterness there ?

  12. 身为一个水管工没工具一定很艰难吧。

    Must be tough being a plumber without tools.

  13. 太完美的爱情,伤心又伤身,身为江湖儿女,没那个闲工夫。

    Very consummate love, impairment of the heart are harmful to the health, have no that spare time as all corners of the country children

  14. 有没有法人身分指引?

    Are there any corporate identity guidelines?

  15. 你有没有任何身分证件

    Have you any means of identification

  16. 没多久, 小刘站起身, 出去解手了。

    Presently Xiao Liu rose and left the room to relieve himself.

  17. 要是你身处非洲,手机没电,不用惊慌。

    In Africa, if you run out of your cell phone battery, don't panic.

  18. 她从他身旁侧身而过, 装作没看见他。

    She sidled past him, pretending that she had not seen him.

  19. 身披白昼之圣光光没银星俱裂亡。

    Just like silver stars imploding we absorb the light of day.

  20. 你有没有给我带些紧身内衣试穿?

    Did you bring some of that sexy lingerie for me to try?

  21. 你能付下账吗?我身匕好像没带钱。

    Can you pay, I don't seem to have any money on me.

  22. 她转过身去, 一句话也没说就走了。

    She turned and flung away without a word.

  23. 当变身成狼的时候,狼人是没脑子的野兽。错。

    Werewolves are mindless beasts in wolf form. False.

  24. 他没了力气,瘫倒在亲爱的朋友身旁。

    Strength left him and he collapsed next to his beloved friend.

  25. 他们要不想现身你是没法找到他们的。

    And they will not be found if they don't want to be.

  26. 没人会知道你的身分我爱你, 为你而杀人。

    No one need know who you are. I love you, I killed for you.

  27. 还有身着泳装其实等于没穿的美女日历。

    And calendars of beautiful women in swimming suits, not wearing much at all.

  28. 他转过身看着楼梯,仿佛过去从来没见过似的。

    He tossed and seemed at the stairs as though he had not ago seeing them ago.

  29. 几秒钟后, 树木遮没了林佩珊的身形。

    In a few seconds she was out of sight among the trees.

  30. 它们听起来没那么迷人,但事实上它们可以华丽变身。

    They don't sound very glamorous, but actually can be are plenty of them are stylish.