







汉语拼音:mù jià






  1. 木介。

    元 陆友 《砚北杂志》卷下:“谚云:‘木生架,达官怕。’木架本云木介。介,甲,兵象。”



  1. The landscape is distinctive too, with grand castles and half-timbered houses topped by storks that look like the set of a Disney movie.


  2. typically made of a composite with a tooling gelcoat on the surface, supported by wood or metal framing, often portable.


  3. "No, " I said as he placed the blazing twig carefully against the teepee.


  4. "There's Baldy, " he said, pointing to a bald eagle circling low, keeping an eye on the rack, looking to snag any fish before Turner did.


  5. With those assurances, Denver left, but not before she had seen, sitting on a shelf by the back door, a black boy's mouth full of money.


  6. Simple solar dryers, constructed from a wooden frame covered with plastic, let the light in, keep insects out and use natural convection.


  7. The men digging up the street set up horses at night to stop cars from entering the construction area.


  8. Four : lounge bridges ancient wooden structure of its characteristics and advantages, as well as its relationship with modern architecture.


  9. 39And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree.


  1. 小木架支护法

    supporting method with small wooden stand.

  2. 木架结构因受潮而弯曲

    The wooden frame warped in the humidity.

  3. 晒全株玉米用的木架

    shocking house

  4. 罪犯被吊死在上面的木架

    a wooden frame from which condemned persons are executed by hanging

  5. 他们不过是挂干净衣服的木架。

    They are no better than wooden horses to hang the clean clothes on.

  6. 船的木架在暴风雨中发出声响。

    The ship's timbers groaned during the storm.

  7. 船得木架在暴风雨中发出声响。

    The ship's timbers groaned during the storm.

  8. 这两个锯木架还非常的有用呢!

    Those two sawhorse are real useful.

  9. 他从乡下带来了锯木架和木材。

    He brought the mill buck and timbers from the countryside.

  10. 增加一个新的层之间的背景层和木架层。

    Add a new layer between the background layer and wooden frame layer.

  11. 绞刑架是一个上面可绞死罪犯的木架。

    A gallows is a wooden frame on which criminals are hanged.

  12. 木架结构因受潮而弯曲藤条潮湿时易弯曲。

    The wooden frame warped in the humidity. Cane is pliable when wet.

  13. 景片安放在可移动的木架上的舞台场景。

    Stage scenery on a movable wooden frame.

  14. 木结构,如船或房屋的木架结构等用木料造的结构

    a structure made with timbers,as the framework of a boat or house

  15. 他们工作的第一步,就是搭建便于施工的木架。

    The first step of their work is to facilitate the construction of the wooden structures.

  16. 哈曼以这话为美, 就叫人作了木架。

    And the word seemed good to Haman, and he had the gallows made.

  17. 哈曼以这话为美, 就叫人做了木架。

    And the thing pleased Haman and he caused the gallows to be made.

  18. 放在两个木架上, 上面盖了一块盖棺布。

    It stands on two trestles, under the pall.

  19. 目前我直挺挺地躺在一种矮矮的木架上。

    I now lay upon my back, and at full length, on a species of low framework of wood

  20. 孩子们假装不知怎么上据木架,恶魔之妻上架示范。

    The children pretend not to know how to get on the sawhorse so the devil's wife demonstrates.

  21. 他们带我到山上一栋木架的屋子懂吧?

    They took me up to the hills in this house with stilts on it.

  22. 比赛的优胜者的奖品是一个配有木架的银杯。

    The prize for the winner of the competition was a silver cup on a wooden mount.

  23. 卷烟纸糊在木架上构成的一种半透明的屏障。

    a translucent screen made of a wooden frame covered with rice paper.

  24. 我们祖先的天主复活了你们下毒手悬在木架上的耶稣。

    The God of our fathers hath raised up Jesus, whom you put to death, hanging him upon a tree.

  25. 似乎他们在自己官邸旁边一个显眼的地方, 竖起这个木架。

    It seems it wad erected in a prominent position next to Haman's house.

  26. 中殿和侧廊之上为木架屋顶,半圆形圣所上为拱形圆顶。

    The nave and above the side porch is the wooden frame roof, in the semicircle saint institute is the arch dome.

  27. 于是人将哈曼挂在他为末底改所预备的木架上。

    So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.

  28. 演奏时,需把鼓放于木架上,用两枝木棒敲打而发声。

    The drum is then put onto a wooden frame and played by two wooden mallets in performances.


  1. 问:木架梁拼音怎么拼?木架梁的读音是什么?木架梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架梁的读音是mù jià liáng,木架梁翻译成英文是 nog

  2. 问:木架建筑拼音怎么拼?木架建筑的读音是什么?木架建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架建筑的读音是mùjiàjiànzhù,木架建筑翻译成英文是 timber-framed building

  3. 问:木架房屋拼音怎么拼?木架房屋的读音是什么?木架房屋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架房屋的读音是mù jià fáng wū,木架房屋翻译成英文是 stick-built

  4. 问:木架砖壁拼音怎么拼?木架砖壁的读音是什么?木架砖壁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架砖壁的读音是mù jià zhuān bì,木架砖壁翻译成英文是 nogging

  5. 问:木架砖梁拼音怎么拼?木架砖梁的读音是什么?木架砖梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架砖梁的读音是mù jià zhuān liáng,木架砖梁翻译成英文是 nogging

  6. 问:木架隔层板拼音怎么拼?木架隔层板的读音是什么?木架隔层板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架隔层板的读音是mù jià gé céng bǎn,木架隔层板翻译成英文是 ledger board

  7. 问:木架填砖隔墙拼音怎么拼?木架填砖隔墙的读音是什么?木架填砖隔墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架填砖隔墙的读音是mù jià tián zhuān gé qiáng,木架填砖隔墙翻译成英文是 brick and stud work

  8. 问:木架填砖切墙建筑拼音怎么拼?木架填砖切墙建筑的读音是什么?木架填砖切墙建筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木架填砖切墙建筑的读音是mù jià tián zhuān qiè qiáng jiàn zhù,木架填砖切墙建筑翻译成英文是 brick nogging building