




1. 读 [dú]2. 读 [dòu]读 [dú]依照文字念:~数。~经。~书。宣~。朗~。范~。看书,阅览:阅~。速~。默~。~者。求学:走~。字的念法:~音。~破。读 [dòu]旧指文章里一句中间念起来要稍稍停顿的地方:句~。……



汉语拼音:zǒu dú






  1. 学生只在私塾或学校上课,而不住宿。

    清 秋瑾 《精卫石》第六回:“其时诸女皆进学校,因人多,校中不便畅叙,故另租一室,日常走读。” 周作人 《知堂回想录·三味书屋》:“第二种为私塾,设在先生家里,招集学生前往走读。”



  1. There was no Sabbath-school during day-school vacation, but everybody was early at church. The stirring event was well canvassed.


  2. Being in the minority as a day girl may be the crucial factor in why Kate felt ostracised.


  3. More students are choosing lower-cost public colleges or commuting to schools from home to save on housing expenses.


  4. College Preparatory School. The Honor System. Nolan Fellowship for independent research. All boarding-no day students.


  5. CA blends the best of the day and boarding schools.


  6. The Hock day School is an independent, college preparatory day and boarding school for girls.


  7. The competition also establishes a prize for the highest number of submissions by residential or non-residential halls.


  8. Other universities are non-residential, which means students have to spend a lot of time on daily travel to their lectures.


  9. Second, the elders'self-care ability is better than the younger s'.


  1. 达芙妮。你可以走读

    Daphne. You could live at home.

  2. 学生如果愿意可以走读。

    Students can live out if they wish.

  3. 学生要是愿意,可以走读。

    Students can live out of college if they wish.

  4. 那你是想搬回家走读了?

    So you're going to move back to your home and commute to school?

  5. 法庭午餐时间休庭。提供午餐得走读学生

    The court will adjourn for lunch. day student who has lunch at school.

  6. 高校学生租房走读的原因、隐患及对策分析

    The Analysis of the Reasons, Hidden danger and Countermeasures of University Students Renting Rooms

  7. 自我测试一下, 看看自己边走边读能走多快。

    Test yourself, to see how fast you can walk and still say each number.

  8. 唱工作读写听谈论走点击购物支付

    Sing work read write listen talk walk click shop pay

  9. 我边走边读。

    I read the book as I went along.

  10. 她边往阁楼走边读。

    Lets call this whole loft a noble experiment.

  11. 不,应该读成,我告诉你我不会走的。

    No, it needs to read I told you I am not leaving.

  12. 我从左走到右,直到我读到一行的未端。

    I walked from left to right till I got to the end of line.

  13. 我还没来得及读他就把书拿走了。

    He whisked the book away before I could read it.

  14. 他们边走边谈,还读着墙上写的东西。

    They had walked farther, talking and reading the writing the walls.

  15. 而母亲一走过去, 他便打开灯, 重又读起来。

    But as soon as his mother passed, he would on the light and begin reading again.

  16. 再往前走他将读出出现的任何文字标牌的。

    He will read aloud any inscription that occurs.

  17. 如果你还能坚持读到这里,也许我还能带你再多走一步。

    If you're with me so far, maybe I can nudge you one step further.

  18. 然后走到神龛面前取出短剑,读着刀身上的题词。

    Then she goes to the shrine, takes the dagger, and reads the inscription on the blade.

  19. 读着读着, 我仿佛随着格列佛一起走进了那个奇幻的世界。

    Read read, as if I am Gulliver together into a fantasy world of that.

  20. 喜读君留言,知我堕情网。燕子去何方?带走我梦想。

    Reading your messages with delight, I am in love, I know. Lovely swallows, where will you go? Take my rose, as well a rainbow.

  21. 如果还是打不开, 用户就会一脸厌恶地走开, 转而去读报纸了。

    If that fails, he gives up in disgust and reads a newspaper instead.

  22. 然后将仪器从潜在的取样点移走, 并使其测读周围空气。

    The instrument should be then moved away from the potential sample point and allowed to read the ambient air.

  23. 看见他好奇地盯住这封信, 于是我把信带走私下里读起来。

    I saw him look curiously at the letter bore it away to read in solitude.

  24. 有一次, 我在奥德翁戏院的走廊下面读报纸, 忽然看见您走过。

    I thought I saw you pass once, while I was reading the newspapers under the arcade of the Odeon.

  25. 提供午餐的走读学生

    Day student who has lunch at school

  26. 互换班级的走读学生

    Nonresident students who commute to classes.

  27. 法庭午餐时间休庭。提供午餐的走读学生

    The court will adjourn for lunch. day student who has lunch at school


  1. 问:走读拼音怎么拼?走读的读音是什么?走读翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走读的读音是zǒudú,走读翻译成英文是 to attend a day school

  2. 问:走读生拼音怎么拼?走读生的读音是什么?走读生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走读生的读音是zǒudúshēng,走读生翻译成英文是 day pupils, commuters

  3. 问:走读学生拼音怎么拼?走读学生的读音是什么?走读学生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走读学生的读音是,走读学生翻译成英文是 day-boarder

  4. 问:走读医学研究生拼音怎么拼?走读医学研究生的读音是什么?走读医学研究生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走读医学研究生的读音是,走读医学研究生翻译成英文是 extern