







汉语拼音:yǒu bāng








  1. 与本国友好的国家。

    《书·泰誓上》:“嗟我友邦冢君,越我御事庶士,明听誓。” 宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记诗》:“友邦争问年今几,天子恨无官可酬。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十一:“ 俄国 认 中国 为全世界最亲密的友邦,愿意和 中国 为同盟国。”



  1. The company told investors that it had moved quickly to stabilise AIA by putting retention packages in place for senior individuals.

  2. But after dipping in and out of talks for the company, or a piece of it, China Life chose not to bid.

  3. "Renaming AIG Tower sends a subtle but important signal that AIA is charting its own course, " said one person familiar with the matter.

  4. Robert Benmosche, AIG's chief executive, told the Financial Times this week that the listing of AIA was one of his top priorities.

  5. "We are going to make no changes in the U. S. force posture that would be to the detriment of any of our friends and allies, " Waskow said.

  6. He said he expected AIA to be listed by the end of 2010.

  7. AIA's IPO has 11 bookrunners-firms that help banks in charge of the sale sell the shares to investors-people familiar with the matter said.

  8. "AIA and its advisers are working round the clock to submit the filing before Christmas, " said one person familiar with the matter.

  9. Take a look at our allies sales of insurance companies elite, which is not hard in this industry in pursuit of at least 5 years or more!


  1. 美国友邦保险

    American International Assurance.

  2. 菲律宾是我们的友邦。

    The Philippines isour friendly nation.

  3. 友邦兴业电脑租赁部

    Youbang Xingye Computer Rental Dept.

  4. 友邦, 在微笑中显露锋芒

    AIA, to Show His Threat through His Smiling Face

  5. 美国友邦保险理财服务中心

    AIA Premier Financial Services Center

  6. 佛山友邦厨房设备有限公司。

    Foshan Youbang Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd.

  7. 美国友邦有限公司深圳分公司

    American International Assurance Company Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

  8. 我们最亲密的友邦从未动摇。

    Our closest allies have been unwavering.

  9. 美国友邦保险有限公司北京分公司

    American International Assurance Company Ltd. Beijing Branch

  10. 意大利在战争中将无一友邦。

    Italy would have no friend left in the war.

  11. 他们必须在教会和政府寻求友邦。

    They must seek allies in the churches and in government.

  12. 收购友邦是一项巨大的管理挑战。

    The AIA takeover is an enormous management challenge.

  13. 此保险计划是由美国友邦保险有限公司承保。

    This insurance plan is underwritten by American Assurance Company, Limited.

  14. 我们当然会关注友邦保险的情况,他表示。

    We will of course watch what happens to AIA, he said.

  15. 美国是土耳其非常亲密的友邦和盟国。

    The United States is a very close friend and ally of Turkey.

  16. 美国友邦保险有限公司深圳分公司发展战略研究

    Study on Development of Shenzhen Branch of American International Assurance Co., Ltd

  17. 该友邦大使拒绝会见任何新闻记者或电视台记者。

    The ambassador of the friendly nation refused to give any interviews to journalists or TV men.

  18. 这些事实迫使我们与我们的友邦和盟国共同行动。

    These facts compel us to act along with our friends and allies.

  19. 但友邦保险及其承销投行不会继续打折了。

    But AIA and its bankers will go only so low.

  20. 下列资料由美国友邦保险提供,学生事务处代传。

    The following information is provided by AIA and posted by Student Affairs Section.

  21. 直到2000年, 友邦保险过去得安排还具有地缘政治意义。

    As recently as2000, the old AIA arrangement made geopolitical sense.

  22. 直到2000年,友邦保险过去的安排还具有地缘政治意义。

    As recently as2000, the old AIA arrangement made geopolitical sense.

  23. 我们将继续同邻国和友邦密切合作防范恐怖主义。

    We will continue to work closely with our friends and neighbours in the fight against terrorism.

  24. 友邦保险无疑希望它选择的时机比保诚的选择更为吉利。

    AIA will no doubt hope its timing proves more auspicious than Prudentials.

  25. 申请人限于友邦大学或独立学院之毕业生或同等学力生。

    Applicants must be graduates or undergraduates of accredited universities from friendly countries.

  26. 我也买了这支基金,友邦公司旗下的基金都还不错。

    I also bought this to raise fund, the foundation below division of friendly nation company is good still.

  27. 这场战争已成为过去得历史, 我们两国现在是友邦了。

    The war is all back history now, and our two countries are good friends.

  28. 这场战争已成为过去的历史,我们两国现在是友邦了。

    The war is all back history now, and our two countries are good friends.


  1. 问:友邦拼音怎么拼?友邦的读音是什么?友邦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:友邦的读音是yǒubāng,友邦翻译成英文是 friendly nation; friendly country; ally

  2. 问:友邦保险拼音怎么拼?友邦保险的读音是什么?友邦保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:友邦保险的读音是,友邦保险翻译成英文是 AIA Group Limited

  3. 问:友邦广场拼音怎么拼?友邦广场的读音是什么?友邦广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:友邦广场的读音是,友邦广场翻译成英文是 AIA Tower

  4. 问:友邦金融中心拼音怎么拼?友邦金融中心的读音是什么?友邦金融中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:友邦金融中心的读音是,友邦金融中心翻译成英文是 AIA Central


