







汉语拼音:lěng zhàn








  1. Zhang's parents are still in a cold war with him. His mother won't even speak to him.


  2. The greatest failure of Western foreign policy since the cold war ended has been a sin of omission.


  3. The DPRK Nuclear Crisis has always been the key issue that afflicts the security of Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War.


  4. The United States did not single-handedly win the Cold War; the transatlantic alliance did, in concert with partners around the world.


  5. But Europe is no longer the front line and America's focus is shifting to the Pacific.


  6. But scratch the surface and the differences between the great spy scandals of the Cold War and the current case are actually glaring.


  7. I think we have never really sat down and developed a strategy for dealing with Russia following the end of the Cold War.


  8. The law, a relic of the Cold War, has no practical effect but is a serious irritant in relations between the two countries.


  9. Margaret Thatcher did exaggerate a bit, but she was essentially right when she said that "Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. "


  1. 我讨厌冷战

    I hated not talking.

  2. 继续冷战吧

    Do the silent thing.

  3. 国会和冷战

    Congress and the Cold War.

  4. 冷战分子, 冷战专家

    cold warrior

  5. 冷战的起源

    The Origins of the Cold War.

  6. 冷战的终结?

    The end of the Cold War?

  7. 冷战结束了。

    The cold war came to an end.

  8. 美国冷战战略

    American strategy in the cold war.

  9. 怎样下去,冷战

    Do what? have this silent fight.

  10. 之后冷战结束。

    Then came the end of the Cold War.

  11. 中美新冷战

    the new cold war between China and America.

  12. 冷战史研究

    Cold War history studies.

  13. 天, 我怀念冷战。

    Christ, I miss the Cold War.

  14. 或是冷战,事实上

    It's a cold war, really.

  15. 冷战后全球冲突

    Global Rage After the Cold War

  16. 他们还在冷战吗

    They still not speaking?

  17. 令人打冷战的故事

    a chilly story

  18. 中立国拒绝卷入冷战。

    neutral countries refused to be drawn into the cold war

  19. 亚洲存在过冷战吗?

    Was there a Cold War in East Asia?

  20. 电子网络的冷战时代

    A Cold War in Cyberspace

  21. 我在发抖,浑身冷战。

    Im so chill, I cant keep from shaking.

  22. 因为冷战已经结束了。

    Because the Cold War is finished.

  23. 核武器与美苏冷战

    Nuclear Weapons and Cold War Between U.S. And the Soviet Union

  24. 那时冷战无处不在

    And cold war kids were hard to kill

  25. 拜托,别用冷战这套

    Oh, come on. Don't do the silent thing.

  26. 冷战与越战的起源

    The Cold War and the Origin of the Vietnam War

  27. 美国输掉冷战的机率

    The probability of the United States.

  28. 这是冷战思维得残余。

    This is a rudiment of Cold War thinking.

  29. 这是冷战思维的残余。

    This is a rudiment of Cold War thinking.

  30. 太阳之子, 她一阵冷战。

    The suns son. A shiver went through her.


  1. 问:冷战拼音怎么拼?冷战的读音是什么?冷战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷战的读音是lěngzhàn,冷战翻译成英文是 cold war

  2. 问:冷战夫妻拼音怎么拼?冷战夫妻的读音是什么?冷战夫妻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷战夫妻的读音是Lěngzhàn Fūqī,冷战夫妻翻译成英文是 Barefoot in the Park

  3. 问:冷战后时期拼音怎么拼?冷战后时期的读音是什么?冷战后时期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷战后时期的读音是lěng zhàn hòu shí qī,冷战后时期翻译成英文是 post-cold war era

  4. 问:冷战活动团拼音怎么拼?冷战活动团的读音是什么?冷战活动团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷战活动团的读音是lěng zhàn huó dòng tuán,冷战活动团翻译成英文是 Cold War Activities Group

  5. 问:冷战心理战略委员会拼音怎么拼?冷战心理战略委员会的读音是什么?冷战心理战略委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷战心理战略委员会的读音是lěng zhàn xīn lǐ zhàn lüè wěi yuán huì,冷战心理战略委员会翻译成英文是 Cold War Psychological Strategy Board



“冷战”是个多义词,它可以指冷战(二战后华约和北约的相互抑制状态), 冷战(引申义), 冷战(美苏冷战), 冷战(杨丞琳音乐单曲), 冷战(苏美冷战), 冷战(2008年发行的即时战略游戏), 冷战(二战后美国与苏联的非战争对峙状态), 冷战(王菲音乐单曲), 冷战(黄义达演唱歌曲)。