


1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……





汉语拼音:guī kǒu







  1. 划归应属的系统。




  1. Article 3 The general office of the Ministry shall be responsible for the centralized administration of the Ministry's exhibition affairs.


  2. The Quality Department is responsible for the total management of corrective and preventative actions.


  3. Be responsible for the company process documents filing management and relevant rectifications.


  4. to administer water and soil conservation along railway lines, and comprehensive utilization of the resources.


  5. To administer the various business of the archives and chronicles center; to administer the confidential and communication office.


  6. The Manufacturing Department is responsible for new equipment installation, equipment maintenance & repair, and equipment management.


  7. Ministry of Public Security shall conduct centralized administration for the intermediary activities of the whole country.


  8. To administer centrally the operations of related institutions and guide the operations of the related social groups and organizations.


  9. The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the administrative management of product labels and traceability.


  1. 第一, 归口。

    First, the budget should be made by central departments.

  2. 行业归口管理

    centralized management by specialized departments of industry

  3. 关税壁垒归口管理

    Put under centralized management by specialized departments

  4. 出口统一管理, 归口经营

    unified control and departmental management of export

  5. 部委归口管理的国家局

    country situation which the ministries and commissions belong to a mouthful of management

  6. 结核病归口管理模式的探讨

    Study on the centralized management model of tuberculosis

  7. 归口管理海关系统的普法教育。

    To administer centrally the law popularization and education in the customs institutions.

  8. 加强归口管理防止国有资产流失

    Strenghtening Department Management to Prevent the State Properties from Loss

  9. 第二十七条涉外事务归口管理。

    XXVII. The foreign affairs should be under central management.

  10. 加强归口管理,提高企业的竞争力

    Strengthen the centralized management by specialized departments to reinforce the competitive power of enterprises

  11. 航空材料标准化技术归口工作的进展

    The Progress of Technical Management on Aeronautical Material standardization.

  12. 肺结核病人归口管理的实施性研究

    Operational research on implementation of the referral system of pulmonary tuberculosis in Hunan province.

  13. 归口以后, 就易于控制, 预算就容易确定。

    If the budget is prepared by central departments, it will be easy to control and decide on it.

  14. 所以预算要归口,不能有不归口的预算项目。

    Therefore,all projects must be covered by budgets that are worked out by central departments.

  15. 在市场混乱的时候,我们最好归口整顿。

    When the market is in disorder, we should perform centralized reorganization into specialized departments.

  16. 质量部负责纠正和预防措施的归口管理。

    The Quality Department is responsible for the total management of corrective and preventative actions.

  17. 第三条公安部归口管理全国的中介活动。

    Ministry of Public Security shall conduct centralized administration for the intermediary activities of the whole country.

  18. 归口部门提出初审意见集中报送项目受理处核查。

    Initial suggestion submitted by relevant department Examine by the Project Accepting Section.

  19. 不同归口管理模式下肺结核病人疾病经济负担研究

    Analysis of the financial burden of pulmonary tuberculosis patients under different management model in Zhejiang province

  20. 肺结核归口管理对病例登记率和治愈率影响的分析

    Analysis of effect to registration rate and cure rate on TB control project after centralized management of tuberculosis

  21. 本标准由全国塑料制品标准化技术委员会提出并归口。

    This standard by the national standardization of plastic products and focal points.

  22. 领导部档案史志中心业务,归口管理部机要通信室。

    To administer the various business of the archives and chronicles center to administer the confidential and communication office.

  23. 目的评价行政干预对结核病归口管理的作用及效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of administrative intervention on tuberculosis convergence case management.

  24. 本标准由石油钻井工程专业标准化委员会提出并归口。

    This standard was proposed by, and is under the jurisdiction of Petroleum Drilling Engineering Speciality Standardization Committee.

  25. 归口管理证券期货行业的对外交往和国际合作事务。

    To manage unifiedly the foreign relationships and international cooperation affairs in respect of the administration of securities and futures markets.

  26. 质量部为手册归口管理部门,办公室负责统一登记,发放。

    Quality Dept. is assigned for the controlling of Manual. The Administrative Office is responsible for registration and circulation of Manual.

  27. 药品进口口岸与归口管理的药监局及药品检验所分配表

    The Distribution Form of Drug Import Ports, the Drug Inspection Administrations and Drug Inspection Offices under Centralized Management

  28. 文革中下乡的艺术家到现在还有很多都没有归口,真是可惜。

    It is pity that many of the old artists that went to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution haven't been able to return to their original professions yet.


  1. 问:归口拼音怎么拼?归口的读音是什么?归口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:归口的读音是guīkǒu,归口翻译成英文是 To put a business or organization under a classi...



【读音】guī kǒu

