


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……





汉语拼音:kōng fàn








  1. 空洞浮泛,不着边际。

    况周颐 《蕙风词话》卷三:“世之以空泛写景语为‘江上峯青’者,直未喻箇中甘苦也。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》四:“帝国主义压迫的切骨的痛苦,触醒了空泛的民主主义的噩梦。” 巴金 《家》三:“但这愿望是空泛的。他们并没有什么具体的办法,他们只觉得这是他们的义务。”



  1. Nowadays, the mind of local young people is so empty and lifeless as if they were over-exploited.


  2. You begin to see that mastery is no pipe dream4, but a possibility.


  3. Once cutting off the lifeblood of the culture, knowledge tends to become boring, empty and abstract, and even dogma.


  4. But it is harsh, to put it mildly, for Prof Easterly to condemn the report when he offers what appears to be even emptier advice.


  5. He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rites or rituals, any empty formalities.


  6. The Utopia that the paper analyzes and studies is not the vague and the general illusion of so-called new world in general meanings.


  7. First, the bank, and others, should beware sweeping generalisations about the impact of food prices on the poor.


  8. A lot of men on dating sites send a sort of generic message and women recognize something that hasn't been customized for them.


  9. So academic, in fact, that there is a concern that "sorry" might turn out to be the easiest word after all.


  1. 你的词语空泛湿潮

    Your words are moist and empty

  2. 空泛的格言一无用处。

    Nothing is so useless as a general maxim.

  3. 这不过是空泛的议论。

    These are only vague and general opinions.

  4. 所有这些都不是抽象空泛的讨论。

    Now none of this is an abstract discussion.

  5. 这篇评论语言干瘪, 内容空泛。

    The review is dull and devoid of content.

  6. 没有这份爱心,服务便是空泛的。

    And without this love, service is hollow.

  7. 没有这份爱心,服务便是空泛得。

    And without this love, service is hollow.

  8. 这篇文章内容空泛, 必须加以充实。

    This article is vague and general in content and must be substantiated.

  9. 这种空泛的声明总是使我感到不安。

    This wishywashy statement always made me felt uneasy.

  10. 这种空泛得声明总是使我感到不安。

    This wishywashy statement always made me felt uneasy.

  11. 空泛帝国的皇帝试图诱惑那个藐视的人。

    The empty empirenos emperor articles an effort to tempt the contemptuous man.

  12. 这出戏还算有趣,不过内容有些空泛。

    The play was amusing, but it was little more than froth.

  13. 立法和司法对被害人的法律援助过于空泛。

    The legal aid to the injured party in legislation and judicature is inane.

  14. 小说既不发空泛的批评,也不作轻率的赞扬。

    The book expresses neither shallow criticism nor thoughtless phrase.

  15. 但他的质问和追索并未因此失于空泛。

    However, his query and pursue have never been a prate.

  16. 集会上的发言人空泛地呼吁大家要团结一致。

    Speakers at the rally mouthed sentiments of unity.

  17. 这不过是空泛的议论。天空泛着黎明的曙光。

    These are only vague and general opinions. The sky was suffused with the pale light of dawn.

  18. 这篇报道写得有点空泛,最好加点具体化的事例。

    This report is a little too vague, some specific examples shall be added.

  19. 两方面的论述都结合样本分析力避空泛、虚浮。

    All the issues are on the basis of sample analysis to avoid being vague and impractical.

  20. 希思给我们写了一封语调友善、内容空泛的信。

    Heath wrote us a letter friendly in tone, sparse in content.

  21. 不应该空泛地把这些目标计划扩展到保护文化传统。

    Eg. These objectives should not extend tenuously to preserving cultural traditions.

  22. 为了取得共识, 案文常常使用含糊和过于空泛的语言。

    In the effort to gain consensus, texts often employ ambiguous and overly general language.

  23. 腹中空泛, 思想一片苍白, 故而无言可发, 这是沉默。

    Void hisand pale his thoughts, one has nothing to utter. That is silence.

  24. 这些条件旨在要求请求国的忧虑不是空泛和毫无根据的。

    These conditions are intended to require that the requesting State have more than a vague and unsubstantiated apprehension.

  25. 我不想变得无聊空泛,除了如果是说这个词的弦外之音。

    I dont want to be anything wishywashy, except for the overtones of that.

  26. 我宽恕了一个人。说来似乎空泛,不过你能理解我的意思。

    I spare somebody. it sounds vain, but you understand what I mean.

  27. 而且奥巴马总统并不尖锐, 就像他一贯空泛的作风一样。

    And yet Mr Obama, as is his wishywashy wont, is not biting.

  28. 黎巴嫩致力于和平进程, 而其实质已经由于以色列而空泛。

    Lebanon is committed to the peace process, which has been rendered void of substance by Israel.

  29. 但在我们看来, 上述几条都流于空泛, 恐难起到实质性效果。

    But in our opinion, above several flow in unspecifically, fears difficult to have the substantive effect.


  1. 问:空泛拼音怎么拼?空泛的读音是什么?空泛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空泛的读音是kōngfàn,空泛翻译成英文是 vague and general; not specific; shallow




拼音:kōngfàn 英文:vague and general 基本解释 [vague and general;empty;not specific] 没有具体内容的泛泛之论 详细解释 空洞浮泛,不着边际。 况周颐 《蕙风词话》卷三:“世之以空泛写景语为‘江上峯青’者,直未喻箇中甘苦也。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》四:“帝国主义压迫的切骨的痛苦,触醒了空泛的民主主义的噩梦。” 巴金 《家》三:“但这愿望是空泛的。他们并没有什么具体的办法,他们只觉得这是他们的义务。”