







汉语拼音:fú líng






  1. 寄生在松树根上的菌类植物,形状像甘薯,外皮黑褐色,里面白色或粉红色。中医用以入药,有利尿、镇静等作用。

    《淮南子·说山训》:“千年之松,下有茯苓。” 高诱 注:“茯苓,千岁松脂也。” 唐 贾岛 《赠牛山人》诗:“二十年中饵茯苓,致书半是 老君 经。” 明 焦竑 《焦氏笔乘·医方》:“茯苓久服之,颜色悦泽,能灭瘢痕。” 清 陈维崧 《洞仙歌·题<采芝图>为顾卓侯赋》词:“戏劚茯苓归,封寄 轩辕 。”



  1. The edible on the table is all similar each time she likes, white fu ling sees in the eye, disgust just a little dissipation some.


  2. "Hum, UGG Australia! What manner do I talk at ordinary periods? " White fu ling heaves a small face, a fashion of "I is still offended" .


  3. Poria cocos was a valuable traditional chinese medicine, Pachyman was the most effective ingredient.


  4. Among them, there was the herb Tuckahoe grown in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.


  5. The liquid fermented Poria cocos is one kind of new type of fermented traditional Chinese medicine.


  6. Jiuzihe poria is a genuine medicinal material and a national product of geographical indication.


  7. The liquid fermented Poria cocos is a new type of fermented traditional Chinese medicine produced by modern fermentation technology.


  8. Objective: To establish a method for HPLC fingerprint determination of the triterpene acids in Poria cocos.


  9. The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) group received oral Guizhifulingwan decoction and decoction enema, acupuncture treatment.


  1. 茯苓边角料

    Leftover bits and pieces of Poria Cocos processing.

  2. 茯苓山药片

    poria and rhizoma dioscoreae tablets.

  3. 桂枝茯苓丸

    Guizhi Fuling Wan.

  4. 桂枝茯苓方

    Guizhi ruling prescription.

  5. 桂枝茯苓汤

    Ramuli Cinnamimi and Poriae Decoction.

  6. 半夏茯苓胶囊

    Banxia Fuling Capsule.

  7. 桂枝茯苓胶囊

    Guizhi Fuling capsule.

  8. 桂枝茯苓微丸

    Guizhi fulingmicropill.

  9. 中药桂枝茯苓丸

    Chinese medicine Guizhifuling pill

  10. 暗色土茯苓

    Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.var.opaca A. DC.

  11. 精制桂枝茯苓胶囊

    Jingzhi Guizhi Fuling capsule

  12. 土茯苓七味汤散

    Tufuling Qiwei Decoction

  13. 茯苓种植用材代用品

    Study on Substitute Material of Poria Cocos Planting

  14. 茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。

    Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack.

  15. 茯苓桂枝甘草大枣汤证

    syndrome of decoction FU LINGGUI ZHIGAN CAODA ZAO

  16. 桂枝茯苓丸内科应用体会

    The bolus of cassis twig poria at internal medicine of application realize

  17. 茯苓桂枝白术甘草汤证

    syndrome of decoction FU LINGGUI ZHIBAI ZHUGAN CAO

  18. 甘草干姜茯苓白术汤

    Gancao Ganjiang Fuling Baizhu Tang

  19. 目的建立茯苓饮片的指纹图谱。

    OBJECTIVE To establish HPLC fingerprint of Poria cocos herbs.

  20. 现在是种土茯苓得时候。

    It is the time to plant Smilax glabra.

  21. 现在是种土茯苓的时候。

    It is the time to plant Smilax glabra.

  22. 茯苓边角料开发利用的实验研究

    Study on the exploitation and utilization of leftover bits and pieces from Poria cocos processing

  23. 桂枝茯苓丸是治疗什么病的?

    What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat?

  24. 桂枝茯苓丸是治疗什么病得?

    What disease does bolus of cassia twig tuckahoe treat ?

  25. 薄荷叶, 金银花, 土茯苓, 生地。

    Peppermint Leaf, Flos Lonicerae, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, Radix Rehmanniae.

  26. 目得建立茯苓中茯苓酸得含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for determining content of Pachymic acid in Poria.

  27. 目的建立茯苓中茯苓酸的含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for determining content of Pachymic acid in Poria.

  28. 加味桂枝茯苓丸妇科应用举隅

    Examples of Application of Modified Guizhi Fuling Pill to Genecology

  29. 茯苓菌菌丝的核相及染色技术研究

    Research on Nucleus Distribution of Poria cocos and its Staining Technique

  30. 原料猪脊骨500克, 土茯苓60克, 黄芪30克。

    Raw material The pig is spinal 500 grams, earthy tuckahoe 60 grams, the root of remembranous milk vetch 30 grams.


  1. 问:茯苓拼音怎么拼?茯苓的读音是什么?茯苓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓的读音是fúlíng,茯苓翻译成英文是 Wolfiporia cocos

  2. 问:茯苓属拼音怎么拼?茯苓属的读音是什么?茯苓属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓属的读音是fúlíng shǔ,茯苓属翻译成英文是 Wolfiporia

  3. 问:茯苓糖拼音怎么拼?茯苓糖的读音是什么?茯苓糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓糖的读音是fú líng táng,茯苓糖翻译成英文是 pachman; pachymose

  4. 问:茯苓酸拼音怎么拼?茯苓酸的读音是什么?茯苓酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓酸的读音是fú líng suān,茯苓酸翻译成英文是 pachymic acid

  5. 问:茯苓多糖拼音怎么拼?茯苓多糖的读音是什么?茯苓多糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓多糖的读音是fú líng duō táng,茯苓多糖翻译成英文是 pachyman

  6. 问:茯苓聚糖拼音怎么拼?茯苓聚糖的读音是什么?茯苓聚糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茯苓聚糖的读音是fú líng jù táng,茯苓聚糖翻译成英文是 pachyman



茯苓(学名:Poria cocos(Schw.) Wolf.)别称:茯菟,茯灵,茯蕶,伏苓、伏菟,松腴,绛晨伏胎,云苓,茯兔,松薯、松木薯,松苓。药用部位是多孔菌科真菌茯苓的菌核。具有利水渗湿,健脾,安神的功效。还可以制作成粉状用来女士爱好的美白面膜。分布区域:吉林、安徽、浙江、福建、河南、湖北、广西、四川、贵州、云南。古人称茯苓为“四时神药”,因为它功效非常广泛,不分四季,将它与各种药物配伍,不管寒、温、风、湿诸疾,都能发挥其独特功效。茯苓味甘、淡、性平,入药具有利水渗湿、益脾和胃、宁心安神之功用。现代医学研究:茯苓能增强机体免疫功能,茯苓多糖有明显的抗肿瘤及保肝脏作用。但虚寒精滑或气虚下陷者忌服。