


1. 答 [dá]2. 答 [dā]答 [dá]回话,回复:回~。对~。~辩。~复。~案。对~如流。受了别人的好处,还(huán )报别人:报~。~报。答 [dā]义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。……





汉语拼音:dá biàn







  1. 答覆别人的指责、控告、问难等;为个人的行为或论点辩护。

    唐 刘肃 《大唐新语·惩戒》:“ 周矩 为殿中侍御史,大夫 苏味道 待之甚薄,屡言其不了事, 矩 深以为恨。后 味道 下狱,勅 矩 推之, 矩 谓 味道 曰:‘尝责 矩 不了事,今日了公事也。好答辩。’ 味道 由是坐诛。”《旧唐书·杨慎矜传》:“先令 卢鉉 收太府少卿 张瑄 於 会昌驛 ,繫而推之, 瑄 不肯答辩。” 瞿秋白 《鬼脸的辩护》:“当你只会喊几声‘切西瓜’的时候,就要被敌人看做没有能力在理论上来答辩了。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之一)》:“若稍说到正题,他不是冷着脸不答辩,便是避开正面的话锋,做侧面的嘲讽了。”



  1. She also taught by example, and invited the physics class to hear the defense of her dissertation.


  2. There was one occasion when Norman was due to make a reply on Education in the House in the early afternoon.


  3. And when he does catch criminals, the result is often a plea-bargain and a reduced sentence, to save time.


  4. The Respondent shall continue to pay for the child's education unless and until the child has reached the age of 18.


  5. In fact, it's to his advantage to see that your reputation suffers as much as possible before a plea or a trial.


  6. The accused may tell the examining magistrates what his defence would be or not as he wishes.


  7. The master degree students have another two years of study and research work and are given their degree after the defense of their theses.


  8. The period may also be extended by the agreement between the parties, provided that the agreement is approved by the Provider.


  9. Counsel stated that there was no case to answers, but the judge demurred.


  1. 答辩委员会

    oral examination committee.

  2. 迁延的答辩

    dilatory plea.

  3. 对控告答辩

    Reply to a charge.

  4. 我们完胜答辩

    We killed the boards!

  5. 击中要害的答辩

    meritorious defence

  6. 而挂掉答辩

    are all code orange.

  7. 不认罪的答辩

    plea of not guilty.

  8. 你将完胜答辩

    the boards are your bitch.

  9. 我们通过答辩啦

    We passed our boards!

  10. 申请答辩制

    System for the respondent.

  11. 或者准备答辩吗

    or studying for my boards?

  12. 提出无罪的答辩

    entered a plea of not guilty.

  13. 对控告作出答辩

    answer a charge

  14. 在法庭上作答辩

    to plead in court

  15. 质询书的答辩人

    respondent to a petition

  16. 这是行使答辩权。

    This is in right of reply.

  17. 我一定能完胜答辩

    The boards are my bitch.

  18. 我明天论文答辩。

    Tomorrow I have the viva for my thesis.

  19. 我明天论文答辩。

    Tomorrow I have the viva for my thesis.

  20. 答辩被告对指控的答辩

    A defendants defense against charges.

  21. 举行博士生论文答辩会

    Give the doctoral student an oral examination on his dissertation.

  22. 我一定能秒杀答辩

    I am gonna kill the boards.

  23. 你已经准备好答辩了

    you're ready for the boards.

  24. 第23条申诉书和答辩书

    Article23. Statements of claim and defence

  25. 我在答辩绝对能完胜

    I am gonna make the boards my bitch.

  26. 然后我去了论文答辩。

    Then I went to my thesis defense.

  27. 答辩对被告的抗辩进行答辩

    To respond to a defendants plea.

  28. 否认订立合同契约的答辩

    non est factum

  29. 有罪答辩与量刑减让

    Guilty Pleas and Sentence Discount

  30. 第五条修正案作为答辩。

    To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment.


  1. 问:答辩拼音怎么拼?答辩的读音是什么?答辩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩的读音是dábiàn,答辩翻译成英文是 defend

  2. 问:答辩会拼音怎么拼?答辩会的读音是什么?答辩会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩会的读音是dábiànhuì,答辩会翻译成英文是 A meeting where parties involved engage in deba...

  3. 问:答辩书拼音怎么拼?答辩书的读音是什么?答辩书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩书的读音是dābiànshū,答辩书翻译成英文是 counter-memorial

  4. 问:答辩人拼音怎么拼?答辩人的读音是什么?答辩人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩人的读音是dá biàn rén,答辩人翻译成英文是 respondent

  5. 问:答辩期拼音怎么拼?答辩期的读音是什么?答辩期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩期的读音是dábiànqī,答辩期翻译成英文是 period of submission of defense

  6. 问:答辩权拼音怎么拼?答辩权的读音是什么?答辩权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩权的读音是dábiànquán,答辩权翻译成英文是 right of reply

  7. 问:答辩状拼音怎么拼?答辩状的读音是什么?答辩状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩状的读音是dábiànzhuàng,答辩状翻译成英文是 reply brief; pleading

  8. 问:答辩事项拼音怎么拼?答辩事项的读音是什么?答辩事项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩事项的读音是dábiànshìxiàng,答辩事项翻译成英文是 count for pleading

  9. 问:答辩成本拼音怎么拼?答辩成本的读音是什么?答辩成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩成本的读音是dá biàn chéng běn,答辩成本翻译成英文是 response costs

  10. 问:答辩能力拼音怎么拼?答辩能力的读音是什么?答辩能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩能力的读音是dábiànnénglì,答辩能力翻译成英文是 capacity to defend

  11. 问:答辩证据拼音怎么拼?答辩证据的读音是什么?答辩证据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩证据的读音是dábiànzhèngjù,答辩证据翻译成英文是 answering evidence

  12. 问:答辩通则拼音怎么拼?答辩通则的读音是什么?答辩通则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩通则的读音是dá biàn tōng zé,答辩通则翻译成英文是 rules to plead

  13. 问:答辩陈述拼音怎么拼?答辩陈述的读音是什么?答辩陈述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩陈述的读音是dábiànchénshù,答辩陈述翻译成英文是 plea of defense

  14. 问:答辩宣誓书拼音怎么拼?答辩宣誓书的读音是什么?答辩宣誓书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩宣誓书的读音是dá biàn xuān shì shū,答辩宣誓书翻译成英文是 affidavit of defense

  15. 问:答辩理由预测拼音怎么拼?答辩理由预测的读音是什么?答辩理由预测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答辩理由预测的读音是dá biàn lǐ yóu yù cè,答辩理由预测翻译成英文是 anticipation of defense


