




说出自己的理由来,否定旁人的意见:批~。~斥。~倒(dǎo )。反~。~论。~议。颜色不纯夹杂着别的颜色:斑~。~杂。大批货物用船分载转运:~运。~船(转运用的小船。亦作“拨船”)。……



汉语拼音:biàn bó







  1. 辩难驳诘;争辩反驳。

    明 徐榜 《济南纪政·杨化记》:“藩臬二司闻之,亦拘之亲审,司道五六人各有辩驳, 李氏 应答不滞。” 陶行知 《海德公园》诗:“台上台下可辩驳,只有拳头动不得。” 巴金 《春》七:“他不满意 枚少爷 的答话,但也不加辩驳。”



  1. Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, AS it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul.


  2. Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his client is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity. "


  3. She could contest the point with him no further.


  4. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, but beauty exerts its power over us. Surely there is simply no escape.


  5. Some critics saw his project as a sort of suicide, and he did not altogether dispute that.


  6. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.


  7. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts5 its power over us. There is simply no escape.


  8. Life with him would not be at all worthy of Tatyana. The girl, making no protest, suffered in silence.


  9. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts its power over us.


  1. 这无可辩驳。

    It is beyond all dispute.

  2. 无可辩驳的事实

    irrefutable fact

  3. 无可辩驳的论证

    irrefutable proof

  4. 无可辩驳的论据

    irrefutable argument

  5. 无可辩驳的逻辑

    an irrefutable logic

  6. 这个论点无可辩驳。

    The argument can not be refuted.

  7. 东方意识流疑窦辩驳

    Refutation of some propositions in the stream of Oriental consciousness

  8. 你的结论无可辩驳。

    Nobody could quarrel with your conclusions.

  9. 明白的无可辩驳的事实

    the plain, unarguable facts.

  10. 这个证明是不可辩驳的。

    The proof is irrefutable.

  11. 逐字逐句地辩驳他的论点

    Point by point rebuttal to his argument

  12. 她不能再跟他辩驳。

    She could contest the point with him no further.

  13. 那么基于以上辩驳,怎样什么?

    ThenOn the basis of the above refutation, howwhat...

  14. 对土地政策相关悖论的辩驳

    Argument against Some of the Viewpoints on Land Policy

  15. 她的案件辩驳得很有说服力。

    Her case was cogently argued.

  16. 至少一个事实是不可辩驳的。

    At least one fact is irrefutable.

  17. 这是不容置疑、不可辩驳的公理。

    That is an irrefutable axiom on which there can be no debate.

  18. 与神辩驳的可以回答这些吧!

    He that reproves God, let him answer it.

  19. 军官发出了不容许辩驳的命令。

    The officer issued peremptory commands.

  20. 最好的幽默考虑到意见和辩驳。

    The best humor allows for opinion and rebuttal.

  21. 证实被告无罪的无可辩驳的证据

    Incontrovertible proof of the defendants innocence.

  22. 这已得到无可辩驳地证明。

    It has been proved beyond contradiction.

  23. 好书难以辩驳, 而坏书驳倒自已。

    Good books are irrefutable, and bad books refute themselves.

  24. 爱玛知道这是无可辩驳的事实。

    Emma knew this was too true for contradiction.

  25. 一个看来无可辩驳的极妙的论点。

    A brilliant argument which seems to be unanswerable.

  26. 等你嫁了人,你也可以吃, 嬷嬷辩驳说。

    W'en you is mahied, you kin eat, too, retorted Mammy.

  27. 第五, 最好为你得辩驳提供来龙去脉。

    Fifth, it is best to give context and explain what you are issuing a refutation to.

  28. 第五,最好为你的辩驳提供来龙去脉。

    Fifth, it is best to give context and explain what you are issuing a refutation to.

  29. 科学家们提出了辩驳他的想法的有力论据。

    Scientists have produced powerful arguments against his ideas.

  30. 他为我对称我为窃贼的指挥进行了辩驳。

    He defended me against the accusation of being a thief


  1. 问:辩驳拼音怎么拼?辩驳的读音是什么?辩驳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辩驳的读音是biànbó,辩驳翻译成英文是 refute

  2. 问:辩驳的拼音怎么拼?辩驳的的读音是什么?辩驳的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辩驳的的读音是,辩驳的翻译成英文是 elenctic



[refute] 提出理由或根据来反驳对方的意见对任何不合他胃口的建议予以辩驳