




人或其他哺乳动物母体内的幼体:~儿。~生。~教(jiào )(指通过母体对胎儿施加影响,为胎儿发育提供良好的条件)。胚~。怀~。事的开始,根源:祸~。器物的粗坯:泥~。铜~。衬在衣服、被褥面子和里子之间的东西:棉花~。……



汉语拼音:shòu tāi






  1. 妇女或雌性动物体内受精。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷三:“南斗注生,北斗注死。凡人受胎,皆从南斗过北斗。”《法苑珠林》卷十四:“又菩萨初从 兜率 下时,入母右胁受胎讫已。”参见“ 受精 ”。



  1. The rate of cow's oestrum fecundation is one key factor of cattle's breeding rate.


  2. Accurate recognition of sow oestrus is the key technique for identifying the optimal mating time and improving insemination.


  3. With fertility drugs, Angela Magdaleno in Los Angeles, US had triplets three years ago.


  4. An egg which is free from a foetus is the wave tide which wants quilt time to flush a discard.


  5. Application of Cloprostenol for Increasing Conception Rate of Introduced Holstein Dairy Cow


  6. Effects of feeding methods and nutritional condition on cycle estrus and pregnancy rate of recipient Goat


  7. Technical Measure of Improving the Conception Rate of Yellow Cattle in Guizhou Province


  8. Study of Calving Number and Breeding month on the Pregnancy rate in Holstein Cow


  9. Breeding, Pregnancy and Conception Rate of Donor Cow in Embryo Transfer Technology


  1. 授精。受胎。

    successful fertilization by the male.

  2. 使受精,受胎

    To cause the fertilization of.

  3. 影响貉冻配受胎的因素

    Factors of the Influence in Marten Conception

  4. 受胎药中医药治疗不孕症138例疗效观察

    Fertility drug Clinical Observation of Chinese Medicine in Treating138 Cases of Female Sterility

  5. 我相信这是在你受胎之后的某刻。

    I beIieve we're sometime after your conception.

  6. 提高金华奶牛受胎率的方法研究

    The Measure Adapted to Raise the Cattle Conception Rate

  7. 应用两厢情提高奶牛受胎率的试验

    Experiment of Raising Conception Rate Using Liangxiangqing in Dairy cow

  8. 影响曲靖肉牛冻精冷配受胎率的因素

    Effect of frozen semen insemination on conception rate of qujing beef cattle

  9. 类似物提高大通奶牛情期受胎率试验

    Test of improving conception rate of dairy cow in estrous period with gnrh analogue in datong county

  10. 影响牦牛种间杂交受胎率的免疫学因素

    Immunological Factors Effecting Conception Pate of Interspecies Crossing of Yak with Cattle

  11. 影响奶牛性控冻精人工授精受胎率因素的研究

    Study on the Pregnancy Rates of Artificial Insemination Using Sexed Semen

  12. 奶牛情期受胎率是影响奶牛繁育率的重要因素之一。

    The rate of cow's oestrum fecundation is one key factor of cattle's breeding rate.

  13. 用线性方法和贝叶斯方法对奶牛受胎能力的分析研究

    Analysis of nonreturn results of heifers using linear methods and Bayesian methods

  14. 对人类自其生命受胎之时始, 就给予至高无上的尊重。

    I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of conception.

  15. 提高奶牛受胎率的卵泡和黄体活动调控研究

    Study on Regulating Ovarian and Luteal Activities in Improving Conception Rate in Holstein Cows

  16. 不同配种日期及交配时间对母狐受胎率的影响

    Effect of Differet Date and Time of Mating on the Conception Rate of Blue Foxs

  17. 家兔发情状态与受胎率和产仔数关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Oestrous Status, Conception Rate and the Average Litter Size of Rabbits

  18. 配种后子宫注入不同药液对母牛受胎率的影响

    Effect of Different Drugs Infusion into Uterus on Conception Rate in Dairy Cows after Mating

  19. 绵羊冷冻精液人工授精及影响受胎率相关因素的研究

    Study on the Artificial Insemination of Frozen Semen and Related Factors Affecting Conception Rate in Sheep

  20. 提早配种对育成奶牛受胎率及产乳性能的影响

    Influence of earlier Breeding on Fertility Rate and Milkability of Breeding Herd

  21. 天花粉蛋白对黄牛产后胎衣脱落及受胎率的影响

    The Effect of Trichosanthin Protein on the Expulsion of Fetal Membrane and the Conception Rate in Postpartum Yellow Cow.

  22. 奶牛胚胎体外保存时间和温度对移植受胎率的影响

    Influence of time and temperature keeping embryo of milk cow in vitro on fecundation rate of transplantation

  23. 胎次和配种月份对荷斯坦奶牛受胎率影响的研究

    Study of Calving Number and Breeding month on the Pregnancy rate in Holstein Cow

  24. 配后净宫技术提高子宫内膜炎奶牛受胎率的试验

    The Test of Heightening Conception Rate in Endometritis in Dairy Cow by Cleaning Uterus after Insemination

  25. 高温高湿的气候,最易使母猪第一情期受胎率下降。

    The estrus conception rate was reduced in the climate of high temperature and humidity.


  1. 问:受胎拼音怎么拼?受胎的读音是什么?受胎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受胎的读音是shòutāi,受胎翻译成英文是 become pregnant; conceive

  2. 问:受胎期拼音怎么拼?受胎期的读音是什么?受胎期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受胎期的读音是shòu tāi qī,受胎期翻译成英文是 period of conception

  3. 问:受胎素拼音怎么拼?受胎素的读音是什么?受胎素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受胎素的读音是shòu tāi sù,受胎素翻译成英文是 Receptal

  4. 问:受胎谷拼音怎么拼?受胎谷的读音是什么?受胎谷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受胎谷的读音是shòutāi gǔ,受胎谷翻译成英文是 Sutaegol Valley

  5. 问:受胎查讯陪审团拼音怎么拼?受胎查讯陪审团的读音是什么?受胎查讯陪审团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受胎查讯陪审团的读音是shòu tāi chá xùn péi shěn tuán,受胎查讯陪审团翻译成英文是 jury of matrons



词目受胎 拼音shòu taī 基本解释 [be impregnated;become pregnant] 受孕妇女或雌性动物体内受精 详细解释 妇女或雌性动物体内受精 晋 干宝 搜神记卷三南斗注生北斗注死凡人受胎皆从南斗过北斗法苑珠林卷十四又菩萨初从 兜率 下时入母右胁受胎讫已参见 受精