



1. 绿 [lǜ]2. 绿 [lù]绿 [lǜ]蓝和黄混合成的颜色,一般草和树叶呈现这种颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~化。~洲。~茶。~地。~茸茸。~水青山。绿 [lù]义同(一),专用于某些名词:~林。~营(中国清代由汉人编成的武装,用绿旗作……


1. 荫 [yīn]2. 荫 [yìn]荫 [yīn]林木遮住日光所成的阴影:树~。荫 [yìn]庇荫。封建时代子孙因先世有功劳而得到封赏或免罪。……



汉语拼音:lǜ yīn








  1. Wattle is the name generally used for the Australian. Golden Wattles stand for Australian people fond of green shade and gold-like colors.


  2. Sophorae shade of a grand opening, which looks like the turnover of the spray, near look like a powder snow Yingying, gratifying!


  3. The Center is a quiet and beautiful place in a lush country setting, with numerous two-story buildings and much greenery.


  4. America used to be covered with giant trees. Now we have to visit them in one small park.


  5. Snape hesitated. His black eyes, eager in the greenish gloom, moved over the pale face, the dark red hair.


  6. If I fall in love with you -- I will never imitate spoony birds, To repeat simple songs for green shade.


  7. But as often as he gained the soft unbroken earth and the green shade, the love for John Thornton drew him back to the fire again.


  8. The old lakes work and new lakes have been cleverly landscaped in the greenest of views from the front rooms.


  9. Fortunately, hesitating line in the fleeting time of the River, as well as not help the reunion of the trees planted this summer party.


  1. 顾客。喂,绿荫阁餐厅吗

    Hello. Is that Greenery Restaurant ?

  2. 那边绿荫中的樱草花丛,

    Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,

  3. 沿湖地带绿荫环68平方公里。

    Central shade lake area 68 square kilometers.

  4. 有保险得地方, 就有一片绿荫。

    Insurance, a shelter in life.

  5. 有保险的地方,就有一片绿荫。

    Insurance, a shelter in life.

  6. 我曾在那滴翠的绿荫下。

    I once in under that verdant green shade.

  7. 火红的舞衣旋转在绿荫小径。

    Flaming costume is dancing on the shady alley, reelingly.

  8. 清流环绕,白墙古木,绿荫掩映。

    Surrounded by a clean, white walls and trees, shade plants.

  9. 在一片绿荫下怀着天真的想法。

    To a green thought in a green shade.

  10. 那里有大树的绿荫如幔, 芳草如茵!

    Green, shady trees and lawns as smooth as velvet.

  11. 那里有大树得绿荫如幔,芳草如茵!

    Green, shady trees and lawns as smooth as velvet.

  12. 树木使草原成了绿荫处处的迷宫。

    Trees made the meadow a bowery maze.

  13. 树木使草原成了绿荫处处得迷宫。

    Trees made the meadow a bowery maze.

  14. 近观, 渔舟点点, 花木扶疏, 绿荫斜影。

    View of the past, small fishing boat, trees flowers and trees, shade oblique impact.

  15. 抬起头看树,不高大,却满是绿荫。

    Looked up to see trees, not tall, but full of shade.

  16. 你就呆在绿荫处吧,那儿比较凉爽。

    It is cooler if you stay in the shade of a tree.

  17. 独木舟顺水徐徐前进, 到了绿荫翠幕之下。

    As the canoe slowly advanced, sucked in by the current, it entered beneath an arch of trees.

  18. 我趁着那芬芳的菩提树的绿荫, 奔向铁匠铺子。

    I went towards the forge under the sweet green limes.

  19. 绝不学痴情的鸟儿,为绿荫重复单调的歌曲。

    I will never be a spoony bird Repeating the monotonous song for a green shade.

  20. 孤独是无所谓寻找的,孤独是无心插柳长成的绿荫。

    The standing alone is what doesnt matter look for, standing alone is not intentional to put the green shade that grow up.

  21. 你也曾经在绿荫下乘凉, 体验夏天的柔情吗?

    Did you ever enjoyed the cool air under the shade to experience the summer's tender feelings?

  22. 生长于欧亚得一种榆树,通常作为绿荫树种植。

    Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree.

  23. 生长于欧亚的一种榆树,通常作为绿荫树种植。

    Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree.

  24. 九月秋,长廊曲折,绿荫未退,怜人止步于此不绝。

    In autumn September, corridor twists and turns, green did not retreat, pity for the people to stop this incessant.

  25. 那天晚上,我在平静的睡梦中,看见了一片绿荫的夏日

    That night I dreamed, in peaceful sleep, of shady summertime.

  26. 乐园内绿荫叠翠, 草木茂盛, 建筑以原始风格为主, 造型独特。

    Pinnacle shade within the park, wellvegetated, the main building to the original style and unique shape.

  27. 在绿荫下均能保持草地面积当储藏,使用它偶尔水软管。

    Keep the grass sods in a shaded area when in storage, and use a hose to water it occasionally.

  28. 一年年过去,院子里的树苗长成了一株绿荫如盖的大树。

    As the years went on the young plant in our court grew into a tall shady tree.

  29. 我如果爱你绝不学痴情的鸟儿, 为绿荫重复单纯的歌曲。

    If I fall in love with you I will never imitate spoony birds, To repeat simple songs for green shade.

  30. 拉尔夫硬爬上平台,一下子就注意到了这儿凉快得绿荫。

    Ralph hauled himself on to this platform, noted the coolness and shade.


  1. 问:绿荫区拼音怎么拼?绿荫区的读音是什么?绿荫区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绿荫区的读音是lǜ yìn qū,绿荫区翻译成英文是 shade tree section



有叶树木底下的阴地 (“绿荫”为误用,

【荫】统读yìn,不读yīn。1.[动](树木)遮盖阳光。▽~覆。2.[动]封建时代子孙因先世有功而得到封赏或庇护。▽封妻~子。3.[形]阳光照不到;阴凉潮湿。▽地下室太~了,没法住。词语举例:荫庇(庇荫)|荫蔽|封妻荫子|荫凉(跟“阴凉”不同)|荫翳(跟“阴翳”不同) (注:“树~”、“绿~”、“林~道”等应作“树阴”、“绿阴”、“林阴道”等。) ——摘自《普通话异读词审音表》(1985)以及《现代汉语规范词典》)