




1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……



汉语拼音:zhì qīn








  1. 最亲近的亲戚。

    《礼记·三年问》:“至亲以期断。”此指父母。《汉书·孔光传》:“上即位二十五年,无继嗣,至亲有同产弟 中山孝王 及同产弟子 定陶王 在。” 宋 李上交 《近事会元》卷八:“ 唐明皇 开元 十年九月,禁诸王、公主、駙马外戚家,除非至亲以外,不得出入门庭,妄説言语。”

  2. 指其他关系非常亲密的人。


  3. 最亲密。




  1. This was it. This was the most beautiful spot in the world to me, somewhere to call home for me and my son.


  2. I want you to think on this for a moment and get yourself into the frame of mind of attending a funeral of a dear one.


  3. When my mother was dying, she did want me to see, she died when I was teaching.


  4. but not everyone cares about the ups and downs of the inner world of himself and that of his nearest and dearest.


  5. Families of those who have died say that the burden should be shouldered by the nation as a whole.


  6. The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends.


  7. Each villager paid special attention to his own close relatives, working through the rows from father to grandfather to great-grandfather.


  8. At this disenchanted moment a little lame duck of her own breed was welcome to June, so homeopathic by instinct.


  9. In cooler climes, many young people simply see Christmas as a time to escape their immediate families and celebrate with friends.


  1. 好友即至亲。

    A good friend is my nearest relation.

  2. 他们是我的至亲好友。

    Example They are my kith and kin.

  3. 他们是他的至亲好友。

    They are those persons so near and dear to him.

  4. 我姑母是我唯一的至亲。

    My aunt is my only immediate relative.

  5. 我姑母是我惟一的至亲。

    My aunt is my only immediate relative.

  6. 然而那些没有至亲可以依靠的人们?

    But what of those who have no family to rely on?

  7. 我觉得你们3个人是我至亲的好友。

    I think the three of you are such good people.

  8. 被迫收容的室友却成了至亲的家人

    The roommates you were forced to take in become your family.

  9. 他告诉我说姑母是他唯一的至亲。

    He told me that his aunt was his only immediate relative.

  10. 他在管理人员中安置了许多至亲好友。

    He HAS stuffed the managerial staff with personal associates.

  11. 要是哀悼者反复回忆他至亲是怎么死的。

    If the mourner repeatedly talks about how his loved one died.

  12. 只有在牵涉到至亲好友的时候才感到震惊。

    As a shock only when the nearest and dearest are involved.

  13. 至亲如妻子, 也不应勉强太过, 只得由她。

    We should not impose our own preference even on someone as close as our own wife. And so I let it be.

  14. 我们为灾难中失去至亲和家园的人感到难过。

    We feel pain for the people who have lost their families and homes in the disaster.

  15. 白血病是不是要找到至亲的人才有可能活下去?

    Is the talented person that leukaemia wants to find close kin possible subsist?

  16. 海星知道自己一直针对攻击的人, 竟是至亲, 后悔不已。

    Starfish know oneself always aimed at the attacker, unexpectedly is relative, filled with remorse.

  17. 但是还有一种 对于失去至亲的恐惧 在我看来更为可怕

    But there's also the fear of losing loved ones, and I think that's even worse.

  18. 如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了,他的至亲将成为其继承人。

    If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.

  19. 他那些至亲骨肉们又不是太无能,自然更容得到提拔。

    And his bone of bones and flesh of flesh are not so incompetent, they are much easier than others to get promoted.

  20. 佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁, 如同他的至亲密友。

    Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawns side as his trusted confidant.

  21. 这体己人不是她的至亲好友, 而是父母雇来照应她的伴娘。

    This ally was not a relative or a best friend, but a bridesmaid her parents had hired to give her protection.


  1. 问:至亲拼音怎么拼?至亲的读音是什么?至亲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:至亲的读音是zhìqīn,至亲翻译成英文是 close relative




【拼音】:zhì qīn ①指血统关系最亲近的戚属,也指其他关系很亲密的人:骨肉至亲|至亲笃好|天下至亲,不过兄弟。


【词意探源】: (1)指最亲近的亲属。

卢纶《送李方东归》诗:“举目是陈事,满城无至亲。” (2)古时亦指父母。

《礼记·三年问》:“至亲以期断。” 期断,指丧服一周年而除。

【基本解释】 [very close relative] 最亲近的亲戚 满城无至亲。————卢纶《送李方东归》