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汉语拼音:gòu tú
根据特定主题的要求,在一定的空间,把个别或局部的形象适当地组织起来,构成一个协调的完整的画面。在 中国 传统绘画中称为“章法”或“布局”。
鲁迅 《书信集·致吴渤》:“ 野夫 的两幅都好,但我以为不如用《黎明》,因为构图活泼,光暗分明。” 洪深 《戏剧导演的初步知识》下篇三:“导演者处理舞台上的线条形体,其实可算是在继续不断地构图。”
The composition is all the formation of arts expression, is the proof to vision effect, and the summation of all the arts expressions.
构图是绘画作品中全部艺术语言的组织方式,是检验构思视觉效果的依据,是揭示形象的全部艺术语言的总和。How much of your subject should you include, and should it be framed horizontally as we have done here?
你的图中应该包含主体多少?而且就象上面这样横向构图吗?I saw it last night, not easy to shoot at night, so continued this morning. If I could buy this, that's more or less nice.
昨夜就来这里看过,只是桌子比较矮,构图不好,今早继续拍摄。这辈子有能力的话,买一辆也是不错的。Action photography demands lightning-quick reflexes, a solid foundation in composition and other photo elements, and a little bit of luck.
动态摄影要求轻快的反应、构图及其他照片元素上的坚实基础和一点点的运气。Picture perfect: To plate, each winter melon ball is laid with the flat side down in the shape of a cluster of grapes.
完美构图:装盘时,每个冬瓜球都要平面朝下放置,摆成一串葡萄的形状。This transformation creates a space for observation via a repetitious composition that plays on light and a strong sense of contrast.
通过对比分明的构图和对光线的掌握,艺术家把这种转化开拓为一个可供玩味的空间。To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.
拍摄前遵循构图法则有些像在走路前要遵循地球引力一般。On the stage and all around the gentle slope of stone, carved on the front slope "Erlonghuzhu" excellent composition and Spirit.
月台前和左右都有石砌缓坡,正前方缓坡上雕有“二龙戏珠”,构图及气韵极佳。The painting style is similar to that of the Chunyang Hall with 49 consecutive scenes separated by mountains, stones, clouds and trees.