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1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……
汉语拼音:xìn fǎng
《花城》1981年第5期:“ 唐可林 拿过省委信访办的函,一目十行地扫了一眼。”《人民日报》1983.8.13:“ 武冈 县委通过信访工作纠正不正之风。”
The system of petitions was kept on by the communists as an important safety valve for a country with a weak legal system.
鉴于中国薄弱的司法体系,中国共产党将信访制度视为一道重要的安全阀。However, our system did not petition with the environmental change.
然而我们的信访制度却没有随着环境的变化而变化。"There is no doubt China's legal and petitioning systems are entering a period of considerable crisis. "
“毫无疑问,中国的法律和信访体系将进入一段相当程度的危机时期。”Complaint reporting of social organizations , enterprises or institutions concerning shall be handled by reference to these Regulations .
第四十二条社会团体、企业事业单位的信访工作参照本条例执行。Complaint reporting made by foreigners , stateless persons or foreign organizations shall be handled by reference to these Regulations .
第四十三条对外国人、无国籍人、外国组织信访事项的处理,参照本条例执行。As a specific social phenomenon, petition activity is a process of social and political behavior with a long history.
信访活动是一种社会政治行为过程,也是一种特定的社会现象,有其历史渊源。For the problems mentioned above, Chapter Three focuses on the perfection of the hearing procedures of petition on procuratorial issues.
针对第二章节中所分析的问题,本文第三章重点论述了涉检信访听证程序的完善。In an effort to keep Petition Spot professional and your number one petition site, we must require that you validate your recent signature.
在努力使信访现货专业和你的头号请愿网站,我们必须要求您验证您最近签署。Inquiry system is the characteristic political design for Chinese citizens' interest expression, democratic supervision and right relief.