




1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……



汉语拼音:é zhú






  1. Objective: To evaluate the curative effect of zedoary turmeric oil on the children with pneumonia.


  2. The very popular home remedy, called turmeric oil, can be a good fighter against these bumps.


  3. Aim To determine the contents of curcuma and zedoary turmeric oil(ZTO) in liposomes containing ZTO for evaluating the quality of them.


  4. The detection result indicated that the category and content of their chemical composition are notable difference.


  5. CONCLUSION: More attention should be paid to the adverse drug reaction in using zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection.


  6. Objective To investigate the rule and characteristics of the adverse drug reactions(ADR)of zedoary turmeric oil injection.


  7. AIM: To observe the adverse drug reaction of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection in treating respiratory infection.


  8. Objective: To investigate the clinical therapeutic effectiveness of Zedoary Turmetric Oil in the treatment of infantile virus enteritis .


  9. Conclusion Rhizoma Sparganii and Rhizoma Curcumae can delay the fibrosis of lung tissue through reducing excessive apoptosis of lung tissue.


  1. 莪术油葡萄糖

    Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose.

  2. 广西莪术油

    the oil from Curcuma kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang.

  3. 复方莪术油栓

    Compound Zedoary Turmeric Oil Suppositories.

  4. 莪术油冻干粉针

    Zedoary turmeric oil powder

  5. 这个药方里有莪术。

    The prescription contains aromatic turmeric.

  6. 这个药方里有莪术。

    The prescription contains aromatic turmeric.

  7. 莪术油治疗小儿流行性腮腺炎疗效观察

    The efficiency of zedoary turmeric in treating of child mumps epidemic parotitis

  8. 莪术油配合饮食疗法治疗小儿秋季腹泻61例

    61 Cases of Treating Child Diarrhea by Zedoary Oil Combined with Dietetic Treatment

  9. 讨论了莪术抑制癌前病变得可能机理。

    The possible mechanism of curcuma constraining precancerous lesions has been discussed.

  10. 多元分辨方法比较分析不同莪术油指纹图谱

    Comparison analysis of chromatographic fingerprints of rhizome curcuma ileum from different species using multivariate resolution methods.

  11. 外用药复方莪术油乳膏的安全性实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Safety of Compound Zedoary Turmeric Oil Cremor

  12. 目得研究莪术挥发油提取及包合得最佳工艺条件。

    Objective To study the optimum extraction and inclusion process of volatile oil in Rhizoma curcuma.

  13. 合理使用莪术油注射液,能够减少其不良反应的发生。

    Rational use of zedoary turmeric oil injection can reduce ADRS.

  14. 温郁金化学成分及莪术醇大鼠体内代谢研究

    Studies on Chemical Substances of Curcuma Wenyujin and Metabolites of Curcumol in Rats

  15. 结论合理使用莪术油注射液,能够减少其不良反应的发生。

    Conclusion Rational use of zedoary turmeric oil injection can reduce ADRS.

  16. 目得研究青霉素钠与莪术油葡萄糖注射液配伍得稳定性。

    AIM To study the compatible stability of benzylpenicillin sodium with zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection.

  17. 目得研究莪术油中三成分对大鼠在体肠得吸收情况。

    Aim To study the absorption of zedoary oil in intestine of rat.

  18. 目的研究莪术油中三成分对大鼠在体肠的吸收情况。

    Aim To study the absorption of zedoary oil in intestine of rat.

  19. 紫外可见分光光度法测定复方益康唑凝胶中莪术油的含量

    Content Determination of Curcuma Oil in Compound Econazole Gel by UV VIS Spectrophotometry


  1. 问:莪术拼音怎么拼?莪术的读音是什么?莪术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莪术的读音是ézhú,莪术翻译成英文是 A perennial herb which has thick root-like stems...

  2. 问:莪术烯拼音怎么拼?莪术烯的读音是什么?莪术烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莪术烯的读音是é shù xī,莪术烯翻译成英文是 curzerene

  3. 问:莪术酮拼音怎么拼?莪术酮的读音是什么?莪术酮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莪术酮的读音是é shù tóng,莪术酮翻译成英文是 curzerenone



莪术,别称蒁药、莪荗、青姜、黑心姜、姜黄,拉丁文学名:Curcuma zedoaria (Christm.) Rosc.,莪术为姜科、姜黄属多年生宿根草本,本品为姜科植物蓬莪术 Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.、广西莪术 Curcuma Kwangsiensis S. G.Lee et C. F. Liang或温郁金Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Chen et C. Ling的干燥根茎。后者习称“温莪术”。冬季茎叶枯萎后采挖,洗净,蒸或煮至透心,晒干或低温干燥后除去须根及杂质。株高约1米;根茎圆柱形,肉质,具樟脑般香味,淡黄色或白色;根细长或末端膨大成块根。栽培或野生于林荫下,分布于印度、马来西亚和中国各地。能治行气止痛、积散结、破血祛瘀作用。