










  1. The thesis begins with a brief introduction of the word'Aesthetic'and the european athletic movement during the late nineteenth century.


  2. It is a very beautiful photo, you can imagine it? His eye to see it? No matter how the alley, and that eye is always light . . .


  3. As if to meet aesthetic across time and space, is still extended, some warm intravenous drip, always inadvertently haunting.


  4. So virginity as a virtue and a concept is all about the hymen?


  5. The only beautiful picture still in the memories dancing in the wind, in the water side of the plot as if still like yesterday.


  6. This novel is like a cartoon of aesthetism and a mild wind beating my heart. Pure feeling, pure people, just as the angel in this book.


  7. She was an aesthete with an unfailing eye and attention to detail, but she was also a person of extreme elegance and good manners.


  8. An intellectual as well as an aesthete , his music, more than any other composer, reflects the deep personal nature of Romanticism.


  9. Wrap it up with a colorful piece of paper and present it to your beloved on the beautiful occasion.


  1. 金星唯美爱神击

    Venus Love and Beauty Shock

  2. 鲜血绘就唯美景色

    Sceneries painted beautiful in blood

  3. 有人说, 这叫唯美。

    They say, it is aesthetism.

  4. 清雅的橱窗,纤细唯美。

    The elegant window, fine and aesthetic.

  5. 唯美的开始,两败俱伤的结局。

    The beginning of aestheticism, internecine ending.

  6. 相当唯美得水下摄影!

    Be commensurate to the aesthetic underwater photography!

  7. 相当唯美的水下摄影!

    Be commensurate to the aesthetic underwater photography!

  8. 周迅造型多变纯净唯美

    Zhou Xun multivariate modeling pure aestheticism

  9. 论文学穿越功利与唯美

    Hitereture Transcend Utilitarianism and Aestheticism

  10. 吸血鬼与人的唯美爱情故事!

    Vampire and a girl romantic love story !

  11. 有没有比较唯美的流行歌曲?

    Do have the comparatively aesthetic pop song

  12. 可是,谁能拒茶花唯美而浪漫的爱情?

    But, who can resist camellia only America and the romantic love?

  13. 在日出前消褪,像一则童话般唯美。

    Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale.

  14. 首页风景名胜静态壮丽而又唯美的色欲!

    Magnificent and aesthetic as well letch of static state!

  15. 喜欢你内心最深的唯美, 喜欢你一举一措的浪漫。

    Like your heart the most aesthetic, like you in one fell swoop a romantic measures.

  16. 在你的工作和余暇中充满了浪漫唯美的曲折。

    You have an artistic bend in your work or leisure activities.

  17. 唯美英语月上眉头愁淡淡, 回忆满天星闪闪。

    The light, eyebrows sorrow on memories all over the sky star shone.

  18. 伸出双手,想要挽留,抓住的只是你唯美的借口。

    With both hands, want to detain, caught you just perfect excuse.

  19. 全部源自唯美神话的希腊和时尚之都意大利。

    All of the Greek mythology from aesthetic fashion and Italian.

  20. 风吹起如花的流年, 而你成为最唯美的点缀。

    The wind of flower when you become the most beautiful, and the ornament.

  21. 伸出双手,想要把你挽留,抓住的只是你唯美的借口。

    Reach out, want to hold you back, seize is your beautiful excuse.

  22. 唯美小说现在已经不是潮流, 人们更喜欢写写现实问题。

    Now glitzy novels are out of vogue, people are writing more about real issues.

  23. 而动物, 昆虫和人类的多样特性, 追求唯美而狂野的融合。

    With animal, insect and human a fanciful dream awakens new concoctions of aesthetic wild.

  24. 而动物, 昆虫和人类得多样特性, 追求唯美而狂野得融合。

    With animal, insect and human a fanciful dream awakens new concoctions of aesthetic wild.

  25. 唯美小说现在已经不是潮流,人们更喜欢写写现实问题。

    Now glitzy novels are out of vogue, people are writing more about real issues.

  26. 这种追求唯美的倾向对南朝文学产生了重要影响。

    This tendency of the pursuit of the aesthetic had a significant impact on literature of the Southern Dynasty.

  27. 总之, 我崇拜所有写出浪漫, 悲伤, 唯美爱情故事的作家!

    The perfect romance story in my mind, is Draco and Hermione!!!

  28. 用五彩的包装纸包好呈现给你的爱人的场景一定很唯美。

    Wrap it up with a colorful piece of paper and present it to your beloved on the beautiful occasion.

  29. 唯美图帖, 在这里大家可以来申请做图和发自己的作品!

    Only the beautiful chart placard, may apply in here everybody to make the chart and to send own work!

  30. 李则拒绝躲在唯美的笔调后面不去刺痛真正的社会脓包。

    Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics.


  1. 问:唯美主义拼音怎么拼?唯美主义的读音是什么?唯美主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唯美主义的读音是,唯美主义翻译成英文是 Aestheticism





