


子、弟及其他晚辈的妻子:儿~。弟~。侄~。孙~。~妇儿(fur )。……


已婚的女子:~人。少(shào )~。妻,与“夫”相对:夫~。儿媳:~姑(婆媳)。媳~。泛指女性:~女。~孺(妇女儿童)。~幼。……









  1. For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law" .


  2. I should ask for more so that you know it's not easy to marry a Chinese girl.


  3. A woman cared for by her daughter-in-law was twice as likely to have died as one who lived with her daughter.


  4. A three-day bride of Chen's family still waited for her husband in her fifties at the archway below.


  5. A mother -in-law used to measure rice with a dish for her daughters-in-law . But it was not enough for them.


  6. As the sun began to sit lower in the sky, my youngest brother's wife called everyone in to dinner.


  7. He complained to his mother that her daughter-in-law had no propriety and said he wanted to divorce her.


  8. She refused to say. It finally came out that the old maidservant wanted her as daughter-in-law and had promised her her son in marriage.


  9. The young bride was silent. Her in-laws did not know that she was already using birth-control pills.


  1. 山里的媳妇

    The Newlyweds in the Mountain Area.

  2. 参加背媳妇比赛

    Take part in a game in which the male competitors run with a female partner on the back

  3. 过去我媳妇表里不一。

    Armour In the past my daughterinlaw duplicity.

  4. 新娶媳妇三日勤。

    A bride is diligent for three days.

  5. 丑汉和他的俊媳妇

    Infamy man and their handsome

  6. 你儿子和他媳妇怎么样了?

    How are your son and his bride doing?

  7. 男人取媳妇, 手仗变刑柱

    Married man turns his staff in a stake

  8. 看看媳妇,样子比说话还硬劲。

    His wife looked adamant.

  9. 好吧,丑媳妇总要见公婆的

    Yeah, let's do it.

  10. 那就老媳妇臭韭菜一大篓?

    The old wife smelly leek is a big basket?

  11. 娶个富家女不如讨个巧媳妇。

    Better a fortune in a wife than with a wife.

  12. 难以在一年之中又聚媳妇又发家

    It is hard to wive and thrive both in a year

  13. 但我希望一郎能找个好媳妇。

    But I'd like a nice wife for yogoro.

  14. 老通宝便也和儿子媳妇商量道

    Old Tong Bao wanted to do the same.

  15. 年轻时,你向你媳妇求婚下跪了吗?

    Did you kneel down to your wife when you proposed to her in the early age?

  16. 你也不管管你媳妇,就不怕戴绿帽子?

    You should keep your wife under control, aren't you afraid of being cuckolded?

  17. 你也不管管你媳妇,就不怕戴绿帽子?

    You should keep your wife under control, aren't you afraid of being cuckolded?

  18. 他们的家的媳妇真是秀慧,人见人夸。

    Their daughter-in-law is really beautiful and intelligent. She wins praise from everyone she meets.

  19. 我帮好几百个男人娶到过媳妇。

    I've found wives for hundreds of men.

  20. 过门不久的新媳妇也得到这么大的荣誉!

    Such honour for a bride so new!

  21. 刚过门的媳妇都脸嫩,禁不起旁人的嘲笑。

    Brides who have recently gotten married all are thin-skinned, and can't bear others' mocking statements.

  22. 七巧是个心灵手巧的媳妇,最擅长做线绨。

    Qi Qiao is a smart woman who is good at making cotton cloth.

  23. 七巧是个心灵手巧的媳妇,最擅长做线绨。

    Qi Qiao is a smart woman who is good at making cotton cloth.

  24. 家里人坚决不同意他娶一个后婚做媳妇。

    His family firmly disapproved of his marrying a digamous wife.

  25. 家里人坚决不同意他娶一个后婚做媳妇。

    His family firmly disapproved of his marrying a digamous wife.

  26. 你给儿子娶媳妇了, 还在这儿和我们打哑谜。

    You decided to marry your son off, and you keep mum.

  27. 张家今年真是喜事盈门,又是嫁女儿又是娶媳妇。

    There are many happy events in Zhang's family. Both the son and the daughter are getting married.

  28. 该剧讲述了母亲, 儿子与媳妇之间的矛盾冲突。

    Written by Kim Youngsun, directed by Shin Jaehoon, it is a musical comedy based on the traditional Yard play.

  29. 相传是为了纪念一个聪明,勤劳的赫哲族媳妇。

    Is a clever and hardworking to commemorate the heathen nationality daughterinlaw.

  30. 他开始时还不错,无非是新来的媳妇三天勤。

    He was all right at first. It was a case of a new broom sweeping clean.


  1. 问:媳妇拼音怎么拼?媳妇的读音是什么?媳妇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:媳妇的读音是xífù,媳妇翻译成英文是 daughter-in-law; wife

  2. 问:媳妇儿拼音怎么拼?媳妇儿的读音是什么?媳妇儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:媳妇儿的读音是xífùr,媳妇儿翻译成英文是 wife; married woman

  3. 问:媳妇岩采石场拼音怎么拼?媳妇岩采石场的读音是什么?媳妇岩采石场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:媳妇岩采石场的读音是xífù yán cǎi shí chǎng,媳妇岩采石场翻译成英文是 Gaksibawi Quarry



“媳妇”是个多义词,它可以指媳妇(词语释义), 媳妇(2007年斗琪导演中国大陆电视剧)。